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To The Failed Departees, Where's Our Apology?

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@ Bluepeter9

Hate all our former players? The two in question were hated that much we welcomed them back for a second stint to fill there bank accounts again. We pay to be Rangers fans, these guys will be able to retire before they are 40 and never need to work again and we played our part in that both paying them handsomely and raising their profile to get better wages elsewhere.

Ricky n Kris need to go to work like the rest of us to see what its like. He they should be thanking us, Ricky got about £500,000 for being a failure for two years and Peter asks us not to hate and enjoy.

Peter, forgive n forget, its all good?That's the reason we were financially pumped by spivs, ex players on the management, ex players and players on the playing squad for three n a half years

So you only like players who don't get paid?

Hate unless we win everything?

I can see a case for saying a player was not worth the cash paid- but to hate them for that - no thanks!

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These two are part of the £25 Million minimum Ally McCoist squandered to win two part time leagues and fail to win the first full time one they encountered on their "journey". Grenta spent 10% of that and won all three. To listen to them complain about how they were "treated" is no different than listening to Green, Amed and Stockbidge do the same, in fact Ally and his under achievers cost us more than the spivs did. The sad bit is the ex players claimed to love the Club ect, I admired McCoist but when his massive wage was leaked and he claimed not to know how much he was earning and that he didn't look at his contract on live TV that was it for me. He must have read up because he knows now and is making sure he milks every last penny out of u. He and the rest taking massive wages for very little in return were as bad as the spivs, at least the spivs did not claim to love the Club, it was sadly a free for all.

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Message over tannoy:

"Can jimbeam please come and collect his offspring immediately? He's trying to hump BP9's leg again..."

Well he certainly has the hump - it seems to be his fallback, natural demeanour - humpy!

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A bunch of wage thieves, led by a wage thieving management team.

They signed contracts that paid handsomely in return for the players footballing services. The players did not live up to their end of the bargain.

I dunno why they are so aggrieved about King saying what almost every fan is thinking. (BP excepted I guess)

If the fans had been given 1-10 scorecards to hold up (skating judge style) at the end of each game, the stands would be a sea of 3s 4s and a few 5s.

Instead of greeting, they should be glad somebody has taken them off after they were so obviously found out at Rangers. Maybe Killie and wherever Foster has gone needed some new karaoke singers.

I can't top that reply!

Accurate as the day is long.

(Applauds) :clap::clap::clap:

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Did I ever say I hated anyone? I did hate what they done to my Club, and to hear them complaining about being called failures is like rubbing my nose in their shite mate, that's all. They have some brass kneck.

Your attitude is exactly why we were cleaned out by Ally and his band who include ex players like Ally and Durant. Ally for one has had over £3 Million from the Club he loves in the last 3 years, Id prefer hungry guys with no connection to the Club over greedy so called legends any day mate, you keep loving tho.

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And what about the lack of dignity shown by the fans? The chances are that these guys have been asked a question about dave kings comments. We all know that the media have previous in Stirring up the shite. These guy have left and let's just leave it at that.

We know that collectively they didn't perform and so do they. Can we now stop with the petty bitterness and focus on the way the team is shaping up and look forward to seeing a vastly improved side when we destroy hibs in the challenge cup?

dont have a dig at our fans and then ask to stop being bitter and move on.
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Dont think i can ever recall a worst debacle than that against Motherwell and in my opinion it was unforgivable.

No player who was involved in this should raise his head above the parapet and dare criticise anyone. Boyd is a disappointment but feck knows what planet Foster is on.

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I see Black is at it now...how difficult is it for these guys to say something like this;

It was a wonderful opportunity to play for Rangers and I'm disappointed we weren't able to return the club to their rightful place at the top of Scottish football. Over the piece we didn't perform to the level we know that we can and although circumstances off the pitch were challenging, ultimately we have to be responsible for that. Although i'm disappointed not to be given an opportunity to continue at Rangers, under the circumstances i'm delighted that Ross County etc etc are willing to give me the opportunity to play and i'm looking forward to pre-season. I wish Rangers all the best in future.

Instead he's just another overrated wage thief who has spat the dummy when someone has been honest.

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I'm glad the majority of last year's squad are gone, however those in charge of the club should be doing things the proper way. A letter informing them that there would be no contact renewal wouldn't have taken much. Boyd may have been poor since his return, but he is still our highest goal scorer and a Rangers fan, maybe he deserves a bit of respect from the club.

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I'm glad the majority of last year's squad are gone, however those in charge of the club should be doing things the proper way. A letter informing them that there would be no contact renewal wouldn't have taken much. Boyd may have been poor since his return, but he is still our highest goal scorer and a Rangers fan, maybe he deserves a bit of respect from the club.

Does the buck not stop at the top?

Eh....whose our top man at the moment?

Does he have a floppy hair style?

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Tbf, they probably should have been spoken with by the club.

However, it's a bit rich for them to moan about it in the circumstances. They should just be batting these questions away and moving on quietly. Anything else doesn't seem all that dignified.

Agree with this.

Just because the players have been unprofessional, lazy, and couldn't give a fuck. does not mean the club should hold the same standards.

We should have spoken to them, it's the correct thing to do.

however, I find it hard to give any backing to the workshy bastards pretending to be football players.

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Im new here, is Bluepeter9:

1. Ally McCoist himself.

2. A hippy stuck in the free love 60's.

3. Obsessed with hate himself.

4. Blind.

5. Homosexual with a crush on Ally.

For someone "new here" you sure have a lot to say about one of our long standing posters.

Rarely ever seen someone "new here" fly into other members before their 20th post on the site.

What was your last name, save me the bother of trying to figure it out :)

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For someone "new here" you sure have a lot to say about one of our long standing posters.

Rarely ever seen someone "new here" fly into other members before their 20th post on the site.

What was your last name, save me the bother of trying to figure it out :)

Be fair gogzy, he might just be very astute ;)

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For someone "new here" you sure have a lot to say about one of our long standing posters.

Rarely ever seen someone "new here" fly into other members before their 20th post on the site.

What was your last name, save me the bother of trying to figure it out :)

He's no lying though is he.

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Does the buck not stop at the top?

Eh....whose our top man at the moment?

Does he have a floppy hair style?

Buck stops with the board.

Top man, Dave King.

Don't think he had a floppy hair style, but Paul Murray does.

Not sure if your questions were in relation to something I wrote and you didnt agree or something else?

Mr King stated that Graig Whyte should have his picture hung at ibrox as our history is what it is, good and bad. He is willing to have that bell ends image hanging at ibrox but can't ask a minion to write a letter to released players?

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Im new here, is Bluepeter9:

1. Ally McCoist himself.

2. A hippy stuck in the free love 60's.

3. Obsessed with hate himself.

4. Blind.

5. Homosexual with a crush on Ally.

Your new here - welcome!

Seems you'll fit in with the Negative dis-loyal supporters club on here

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