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To The Failed Departees, Where's Our Apology?

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Foster has now followed Boyd in saying that King shouldn't have criticised them as he hardly saw them play.

Well, you only need to look at the league table and the wage bill to conclude that the departing chancers failed and failed miserably.

Foster moaned about "not getting a phone call, letter or a meeting since he departed" He seems to think that normal service applies and he, and his fellow failures, should have got some nice wee farewell.

Well, Ricky, Krissy, et al, we the fans bought the tickets that paid for your wages in McCoist's wee holiday camp and you should have strolled that league or at least made it up through the play-offs.

You were a bunch of embarrassing failures who dragged our great Club into more unnecessary and unwanted woes.

If you're all feeling sorry for yourselves and think you should have been treated better, then you need a sudden and drastic wake up call.

You lot shamed us.

Where's your big public apology for such abject failure and embarrassment?

None has been forthcoming, so if you were really expecting a lap of honour and a gold watch for failing and embarrassing us against plumbers and fishmongers, then you really need your heads examined. If you had any sense, you'd be keeping a low profile and trying not to provoke exactly this kind of response.

Goodbye and good riddance.

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Id rather they just kept their mouths shut about us. I hate how every ex player thats fucked off always mentions our name to get in the papers once theyve went to no mark clubs

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Dear Richard and Kris,

Thank you for your outstanding performances during your time at our club, it is with great regret that we have to let you go, your amazing consistency did not go unnoticed by our appreciative fan base, once again thank you.


Better now?

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Tbf, they probably should have been spoken with by the club.

However, it's a bit rich for them to moan about it in the circumstances. They should just be batting these questions away and moving on quietly. Anything else doesn't seem all that dignified.

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Foster has now followed Boyd in saying that King shouldn't have criticised them as he hardly saw them.

Well you only need to look at the league table and the wage bill to conclude that the departing chancers failed and failed miserably.

Foster moaned about "not getting a phone call, letter or a meeting since he departed" He seems to think that normal service applies and he, and his fellow failures, should have got some nice wee farewell.

Well, Ricky, Krissy, et al, we the fans bought the tickets that paid for your wage's in McCoist's wee holiday camp and you should have strolled that league or at least made it up through the play-offs.

You were a bunch of embarrassing failures who dragged our great Club into more unneeded and unwanted woes.

If you're all feeling sorry for yourselves and think you should have been treated better, then you need a sudden and drastic wake up call.

You lot shamed us.

Where's your big public apology for such abject failure and embarrassment?

None has been forthcoming, so if you were really expecting a lap of honour and a gold watch for failing and embarrassing us against plumbers and fishmongers, then you really need your heads examined. If you had any sense, you'd be keeping a low profile and trying not to provoke exactly this kind of response.

Goodbye and good riddance.

Keep the hate going - Stoke it up - that's what we do best - hate anyone who played for us - bastards better not breathe wrong or we will have a go! Fucking traitors all of them - jig who stayed betrayed us by getting older - bastard - those that left when we got demoted - bastards - those that stayed but never won the petrifaction cup - bastards - anyone who played last season - bastards - hate its what we do best! Can't wait till Messi is signed and we can stop hating and enjoy!
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A bunch of wage thieves, led by a wage thieving management team.

They signed contracts that paid handsomely in return for the players footballing services. The players did not live up to their end of the bargain.

I dunno why they are so aggrieved about King saying what almost every fan is thinking. (BP excepted I guess)

If the fans had been given 1-10 scorecards to hold up (skating judge style) at the end of each game, the stands would be a sea of 3s 4s and a few 5s.

Instead of greeting, they should be glad somebody has taken them off after they were so obviously found out at Rangers. Maybe Killie and wherever Foster has gone needed some new karaoke singers.

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Keep the hate going - Stoke it up - that's what we do best - hate anyone who played for us - bastards better not breathe wrong or we will have a go! Fucking traitors all of them - jig who stayed betrayed us by getting older - bastard - those that left when we got demoted - bastards - those that stayed but never won the petrifaction cup - bastards - anyone who played last season - bastards - hate its what we do best! Can't wait till Messi is signed and we can stop hating and enjoy!

:lol: Shut up ya wee lassie.

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Keep the hate going - Stoke it up - that's what we do best - hate anyone who played for us - bastards better not breathe wrong or we will have a go! Fucking traitors all of them - jig who stayed betrayed us by getting older - bastard - those that left when we got demoted - bastards - those that stayed but never won the petrifaction cup - bastards - anyone who played last season - bastards - hate its what we do best! Can't wait till Messi is signed and we can stop hating and enjoy!

I hate Messi too!
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Have these players got the same lack of brains as they have professionalism? The Taig papers are looking for a story and these thickos just answer "yes" to a loaded question.

Headline written.

They failed on the pitch and are failing to realise, that the club that gave them a very good living is under attack.

Thick just doesn't cover it!

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They were part of a team who were guilty of the most cowardly surrender of a division title in our Clubs history. Getting beat 6-1 in aggrogate by Motherwell showed is what they were made of.

They were rewarded well for their failure and are endebted to our support who stood by them when others would have walked away. The smarter ones will realise our support and board do not reward failure. The foolish ones will go crying to the press and taint there reputations further.

I wouldn't accept their appologies anyhow. They don't deserve our empathy IMO.

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Good post oleg but not sure about the last bit about plumbers and fishmongers....i would assume most of the sides would be full time in the championship,that said the players let us down badly last season and should be keeping their mouths shut.

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