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Tuesday 25Th August 2015


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I have not posted for many a year but last nights events had me thinking.

Was last nights result in Malmo a defining day in our and Scottish football's history?

With a second CL pot with figures of 25 million pounds and upwards lost by Roaring Ronny, can we now compete financially with those from the east?

I am of the opinion that with two CL pots in the bank they would have been out of sight for years to come. With emerging financial muscle from countries such as Turkey, CL qualification will only get more difficult. We are now operating in an increasingly tightening transfer market alongside Polish teams and English third tier outfits. As such financial muscle and a modern youth and scouting system is vital for success.

The magic hat can only do so much and the Hivs game showed our weaknesses at the back and showed that we are still very much a work in progress....but last nights result and the inevitable clear out and rebuilding by the beast gives me confidence that we will compete as equals next season and that a resurgent Hearts and Aberdeen can spoil any treble dreams......Thoughts??

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Said it elsewhere, arguably this result and the Maribor result are our two biggest in the last couple of years. Probably lost them £30-35 Million, which helps us hugely in terms of getting back to challenge them. Could do with the same next year.

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Said it elsewhere, arguably this result and the Maribor result are our two biggest in the last couple of years. Probably lost them £30-35 Million, which helps us hugely in terms of getting back to challenge them. Could do with the same next year.

Hertz will relish the Champions League windfall next year.

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We need a lot of investment. I can't see this being an issue since being back in the 'top flight' has the possibility of CL Football. Where we were and are makes it tough to get this.

W&W have the supporters back at Ibrox which will only sway potential investors our way. The future is bright. (tu)

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Hertz will relish the Champions League windfall next year.

In all seriousness, having watched bits and bobs of them, they don't look all that much worse than Malmo. You never know...

It would be the final cherry on the top of their fuck up of making the most of our absence.

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Very important that they got booted out twice. I have even heard non-Rangers fan complain that an increasingly dominant Celtic is bad for the game. Rangers will have a warchest when they go up next season, but the les Celtic have the better.

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Cartoon face Collins will get some of the blame for them being in the state they are in,that they managed to help to get shot of there main rivals for 3 seasons (shame it ended up 4)(but this is being addressed with W&W) and have been ersed out of Europe so many times I lost count.They have squandered the chance to bring in a manager with the commitment to youth our new coaches have.Had to laugh at that bitter twisted Shettleston harrier walker on SSN saying the secret to getting to the group stages was "CHIPS" WTF. Agree 100% with the op.

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I have not posted for many a year but last nights events had me thinking.

Was last nights result in Malmo a defining day in our and Scottish football's history?

With a second CL pot with figures of 25 million pounds and upwards lost by Roaring Ronny, can we now compete financially with those from the east?

I am of the opinion that with two CL pots in the bank they would have been out of sight for years to come. With emerging financial muscle from countries such as Turkey, CL qualification will only get more difficult. We are now operating in an increasingly tightening transfer market alongside Polish teams and English third tier outfits. As such financial muscle and a modern youth and scouting system is vital for success.

The magic hat can only do so much and the Hivs game showed our weaknesses at the back and showed that we are still very much a work in progress....but last nights result and the inevitable clear out and rebuilding by the beast gives me confidence that we will compete as equals next season and that a resurgent Hearts and Aberdeen can spoil any treble dreams......Thoughts??

They need to sell as they only make a profit because of CL money. Downsizing of their squad begins.

With a shaky defence only going to get weaker, it can only be good for us domestically, although it just means internationally Scottish teams will probably never see CL again.

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Its a real shame the way the game has went in Scotland. Its funny all the wee teams thinking its great and getting more level, etc. The reason the gap is closing is not because they're getting better but the big 2 have got worse. Who wants to watch a league of extrordiary shite?

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A few years ago I listened to numerous Celtic fans call up places like ClydeSSB and open say they want rid of Rangers forever. Yet we're suppose to cheers these cunts on in Europe for the sake of Scottish football. Aye right.

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They'll have another swing at it next season remember but due to lack of investment I can't see them having the players to do it.

If we do get investment next season, a lot of it, then I have no doubts we have the right man at the helm to win the league within the next two years. The man has a vision and he doesn't strike me as the type to let anyone stand in his way, certainly not a wee pussy from Norway anyway "My players were scared & frightened" :lol: :lol:

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Mhanky Hankies at the ready. Found this on the Guardian Quote " It's not a massive failure " read On :) Conclusion: In spite of what the article suggests, it's not a massive failure. It's extremely disappointing as a Celtic fan. We had a bad night and we were punished. All teams, the great, the good and the mediocre, will experience such nights. Luck can play its part, as can an opponent who are on top of their game. It doesn't necessarily mean that the manager has failed, that the players are inadequate or that the board should throw money around more freely. For a team of our budget to be playing in the Champions League group stages would be a fine achievement, just as it is for Malmö. If we'd failed to make the Europa League group stages I'd regard that as a failure. But compare our income and budget to that of teams at the bottom of the English Premier League, even the Championship, and any notion of having a right to succeed in European football is fanciful. Every time Celtic win or draw a game against a team from a higher-ranked European league we are punching above our weight. Sweden's league is ranked higher than Scotland's. I'd argue that Celtic are a bigger club than Malmö (I've said several times I respect them a great deal) but that doesn't mean we should be guaranteed anything against them. We must learn from last night, learn from our recent misadventures in the transfer market, rebuild and do our best to boost our own income, reputation and experience in the Europa League as well as trying to win what we can domestically while showing respect to our opponents. We've been in worse situations. We'll be in better ones soon I hope.

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Before & After, mmm slight change of Ahtitude.


Celtic Diary Saturday August 22: Deila’s Dilemma

August 22, 2015 · by Ralph Malph · in Diary, Latest

Good news on Mikael Lustig. It seems the old hamstring isn’t completely knackered, and Ronny Deila thinks he might even make tuesdays return match with Malmo;

“It doesn’t seem to be so serious,”

“He has a chance on Tuesday. We will see.”

Which sparked a little bit of debate between the support. What level of fitness does he have to be at to be risked in what is the most important game of the season, both financially and from the point of morale.

A bad result and Virgil van Dijk will probably leave. One or two others may follow. The list of players coming in will shorten, and the quality on it will lessen.

A good result and we walk on air for a few weeks more. Players who up until now have never featured at the top level will be more inclined to listen to offers from Celtic, which to be fair is a lttle harsh on those who would have battled to get us there.

That, however, is the nature of the beast. The all consuming demand for results, and its hard to argue that the current squad will make an impact on the UCL. We do need quality cover, but he who is quality won’t come to provide cover.

With Celtic facing dundee united at lunchtime today, there is a possibility that certain first picks, such as Brown, Biton, Gordon, Forrest, even Griffiths may be rested. The dilemma is that any continuity built up will be lost, and so Ronny has to decide whether or not to field fringe players or to stick with his best eleven.

A side of Bailly, Fisher, Ambrose , Mulgrew, Tierney , Rogic, Allan, Mackay Steven, Commons, Stokes and Scepovic should be strong enough to see off the Taysiders, but do we really want to risk falling further behind pace setters Hearts or Aberdeen , both of whom have one hundred per cent records ?

But putting out a full side could result in injuries… or tiredness at a crucial stage of Tuesdays game.

It’s a tricky one, and next season when it comes to choosing a game to postpone, maybe the one scheduled for in between the play offs should be considered.

Ronny has given his response to Malmo’s post match gamesmanship, by , er, not responding;

“We can’t go to that level, that is not Celtic. It is up to them to say what they want.

“I watched the game again and I didn’t see any trouble. It was a fair game and as far as I remember we won 3-2. We’re happy with the result and have a good opportunity to go through.”

We might be a bit nervy ahead of the return, but the Norwegian doesn’t seem bothered. In fact, he seems to have the measure of the Malmo coach and his mind games;

“It is not anything new for him.

“He is a funny guy, this is funny. I have seen it before and I also have to say that I don’t think we lost the game.

“It seems like they have won three or four zero when he talks. I don’t see the tiredness. I don’t think we seemed tired against Qarabag [in the previous round].

“Every game has different things in it. We were disappointed that we conceded in the last second but we won and we have a good opportunity on Tuesday.”

And as for the Pigs comment, Ronny pointed out;

Lions. We are lions!

The boss also spoke of his delight with the born again James Forrest, who might just about to do something relatively unique in a Celtic jersey, and realise his potential;

“I was so happy and pleased with James. We see his potential and I told him in November the Champions League qualification this year was 
when he was hopefully going to be 
the difference for us because he has something special.

“I knew he had a long way to go to come back after all his injuries. I told him he needed to be patient.

“But now you can see more and more with his consistency and the workrate he had on Wednesday night – I am in love with the guy when I see him like that.

“If he can get up to that level and 
do even better then we have a top 
international player in our squad.”

Any hopes Peter Lawwell may have had of cashing in on him looked to have been dashed by Deila;

“Never mind a lot of money, hopefully it will be just a lot of trophies. I would rather think of that.

“We want to extend his contract of course, he is a player we want to have with us in future.

“James has game-changing abilities. Against Kilmarnock it was not easy to be a full-back against him. It was also the case against Malmo.

“He needs to work hard the same as his other team-mates and that’s why I was very happy with his reaction the other night. It was much better than it was before.

“He really wants to do it and needs time to get everything into his head.”

So you can see where the dilemma comes in about breaking the continuity, as Forrest is on form now, and any break may see him starting over again.

But then theres the risk he will take a hammering and end up injured.

For what it’s worth, i would go with the flow and keep the momentum going. Play the strongest team available, and keep that team spirit together. Maybe after an hour or so you can start to change things, but this team at the moment is struggling with concentration after going ahead.

Today would be a good day to start dealing with that.

On the rumour front, Ryan Gauld has been allowed to go out on loan by Sporting Lisbon, fuelling specualtion that he ay end up at Celtic. This is unlikely as we already have our quota of ex Dundee United players, and will be breaking all sorts of employment laws should we hire him.

And Gary Hooper ? Norwich boss Alex Neil said;

“As far as I am concerned, there is no interest in Gary Hooper. There has been a lot of speculation in the media, but until anything is concrete then we won’t be commenting on it.

“In fact, we won’t be commenting on anything concerning any players, whether they are going or staying, because ultimately the ones we want to bring in are not our players.”

And anyway, he’s going to Sheffield Wednesday.

Today then, keep with the first eleven, and introduce the likes of Allan, Rogic or Mackay Steven later on, and lets have a nice tidy four or five goal win, and not take our foot off the pedal when the game is won.

Thats the best way to prepare for Tuesday.

As for the worry about injuries, players can hurt themselves closing a wardrobe door, so if it’s going to happen it will.

Back to Age Hareide, and we have exclusive news of who he gets his ideas from…..



Celtic Diary Wednesday August 26: Unacceptable
August 26, 2015 · by Ralph Malph · in Diary, Latest

It would be fairly easy to sit here and blame the manager. It would be easier still to blame the players. Or the somewhat bizarre decision to wear a luducrous strip for the first time when familiarity and trust was required. Or perhaps van dijk wan’t concentrating …or maybe the referee was bribed.

But no. It wasn’t any of those. It might have been that wee bits of each contributed, but when you sit down and think about it, in the cold light of day, it’s simple, really.

We were shite.

And played like a bunch of kids in a schoolboy consolation cup tournament.

You know the one, where the losers from the first round of the big cup go into a cup to keep them interested until the summer holidays. Keeps them from smashing windows and stealing the badges off cars.

Ronny decided to go with charlie mulgrew at left back. surprising that no-one pointed out he’s a bit of a cart horse in that role.

Ronny figured that Saidy Janko was ready for the top level.

Ronny reckoned that we’d win this game, and then seemed to do his level best to ensure we didn’t. We had to defend a lead, he defended his defenders in public, and then changed it all around.

And don’t get me started on the new strip. Not only did we look like a bunch of stewards who had wandred onto the pitch by mistake, we played like it as well.

Team game ? Really ? It was as though someone in the pub had said come on lads, eleven v eleven.

Was this really the same side that tore Malmo apart in a blistering opening twenty minutes just last week ?

Well, give or take a couple of players, yes.

But you wouldn’t have thought so.

Fair enough, bitons goal should have stood. But Malmo would have only scored as many as they needed to.

Well done to them. They deserved it. Even if the manager did to Deila what Brian Clough did to Davie Hay all those years ago when Notttingham Forest beat Celtic at Celtic Park.

I’m not calling for Deila to be fired. But i wouldn’t be too annoyed if he was.

I fell for his new system. I thought he had a vision, and yet when it comes down to it, he’s full of the same stuff I clear away when the puppy goes out in the morning.

Talks a good game. Thats about it.

So, Celtic drop into the Europa League.

Thursday night games at 6pm.

Sunday matches.

Alright, thats where we are.

But I’m concerned that the club are quite happy with that. They are in a comfort zone. And need to be shaken out of it.

Last night was unacceptable in so many ways, and has sent the season into a downward spiral.

And it was all so promising just a week ago……..


I could go on for hours, but why should I spoil the rest of my day ?

Or yours ?

Heres a picture of a bunny rabbit in a field.


To take your mind off things.

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