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An Idea Regarding Potential Boycotts If They Strip Titles


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1- I didn't know we had to buy the rights of the broadcast. I assumed it would work on the same principle as venue showing a live game (i.e pay for it at a premium and not a special application status)

2- I know we couldn't show live games at 3pm on a Saturday. I actually meant to put that exception in.

3- Yes, I agree actually. That would be the sticking point - the other clubs would soon get together and change the rules again to hinder us doing this. I was talking ideally anyway !!

We wouldn't simply get away with plugging a sky box into the big screens.

We even need the express permission of the SPFL board to broadcast games at Ibrox on the screens.

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We wouldn't simply get away with plugging a sky box into the big screens.

We even need the express permission of the SPFL board to broadcast games at Ibrox on the screens.

You know fine well I wasn't meaning that (plugging a Sky box into big screens) give me some credit ffs.

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We wouldn't simply get away with plugging a sky box into the big screens.

We even need the express permission of the SPFL board to broadcast games at Ibrox on the screens.

Can we not just stream cricket through the screens and tell everyonevto keep it a secret.they'll never find out. ;/
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Really? I hate what Scotland as a country and Scottish football has done to Rangers and our fans.

I hate it as well but it is partly due to our apathy and complacency. Until we address that nothing will change.

We have Scottish Parliamentary elections next year yet despite everything that has happened and all the 'internet outrage' and bumping of gums there will be few candidates, if any, and no parties that represent us and are worthy of our votes.

Away from politics we also need representation in the press, media and organisations such as the SFA.

It is incredible that it has come to this but despite incidents such as the despicable acts of scum fans at Dingwall we are still seen as big bad Rangers.

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I don't believe titles will be affected. But if they do act against us in this way, I would love us to organise a guard of honour for our team as they arrive at an away ground - for our fans to not buy tickets and fill the coffers of our opponents - but to stay outside their ground and applaud our team as they leave again after the match.

It'll never happen, the police wouldn't allow it - but it might satisfy people who feel we should boycott away game and those who will still feel that the priority is to show our support for the team.

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TBH I actually think if (and it's a very big if) they stripped our titles then a lot of our fans would boycott.

I think title stripping would be the catalyst for a move to England and the fans would be demanding for it to happen.

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Why are Rangers fans legitimising others potentially moving to strip us of titles.

Stop getting swept up in the hysteria.

That's not legitimising anything. It's all hypothetical and pre-emptive. Are we not allowed to discuss ideas and scenarios on here or something now ffs.

I bet on here at the time some people were saying we wouldn't get demoted or newco so no chance of discussing it. The very fact that there's an appetite for title-stripping is enough to merit a debate.

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That's not legitimising anything. It's all hypothetical and pre-emptive. Are we not allowed to discuss ideas and scenarios on here or something now ffs.

I bet on here at the time some people were saying we wouldn't get demoted or newco so no chance of discussing it. The very fact that there's an appetite for title-stripping is enough to merit a debate.

Yes and I'm entitled to my opinion that this is a complete nonsense.

The spfl have not made any statement yet. So now is the time to make it clear to them we won't even entertain this nonsense. All that's happening on here, by going through all the what if's, is feeding that appetite and almost accepting that they're going to try this. It should be dismissed out of hand. The media read these fourms and it feeds them.

There are far more real issues like getting promotion and the Ashley situation they affect the clubs well being. Right now we're just dancing to someone else's tune and theyre loving it.

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Yes and I'm entitled to my opinion that this is a complete nonsense.

The spfl have not made any statement yet. So now is the time to make it clear to them we won't even entertain this nonsense. All that's happening on here, by going through all the what if's, is feeding that appetite and almost accepting that they're going to try this. It should be dismissed out of hand. The media read these fourms and it feeds them.

There are far more real issues like getting promotion and the Ashley situation they affect the clubs well being. Right now we're just dancing to someone else's tune and theyre loving it.

Of course your entitled to your opinion and my opinion is we should be able to discuss ways to fuck the Scottish game if they attempt it. Simple as that.

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Heard a few media pundits this week decry the talk of boycotts as if it was how dare you rangers fans stay away

It's a personal choice whether or not you actually leave the house at all on your day off work,never mind attend the ground and pay money to a club that actively tried to harm your club

Rangers are not only the most successful club in world football they probably have the biggest away support too

Manchester saw quarter of a million travel to the area and I'm sure this is still a record the biggest away support at a champions league game,20k at barca

There's been a boycott at ibrox from away fans for years now,I remember most sides filling half the broomloan or a quarter,over the years this has declined only the filth have retained the numbers in attendance

This has deprived us of revenue so it's a 2 way street

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