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Did they? Is there any evidence to back that up whatsoever?

Who said anything about Rangers as a club having done it?

That's it. I'm really a pape. I'm stunned it took so long to blow my cover.

Yes they did and well evidenced at the time. Actually the DR gave it full coverage. As for BJ knowing, every cunt knew and let it continue. Sweep, sweep.

As a fucking breed they are riddled with it. Incestuous bastards. I know of one taig who raped all six of his daughters. He disappeared, hopefully well fucking butchered and slowly.

Yes, all are heinous bastards who commit this crime and deserve death, but with them it is institutional within their satanic excuse for a church, their fucking leaders covering it up at every turn and therein lies the difference between them and the rest of the planet. One fucking cardinal in Rome, even blamed the victims FFS!

Their paedophile church set the example and those taig bastards should never be allowed to forget, together with every other crime they commit, no mater how small. Do unto others as they say and as I said give every last fuckin one them the mark of the bheast on their forehead as they truly fucking deserve.

They are a cancer in Scottish society today and that cancer needs expunged!

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So Celtic covered up child abuse, putting the Club first before the rape of children, and as such are just as guilty for any subsequent children being abused by those who they covered up for.

There's not a week goes by that I don't get into a disagreement with one VB or another, to do with the Boardroom stuff.

But I'm totally behind them in highlighting this disgusting action by a disgusting club, and even moreso when I read stuff by taigs saying EBT's are the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football.

Is it fuck, it's the first line in my post, by a country mile (tu)

Who have they highlighted to other than making wee remarks about it that'll be read by the same people who read the last one. And the one before that. What have they done to see the Kelly's prosecuted?

Wheres the outrage at the Tory peadophile cover up? Or are we letting that one slide since they're unionists? What about the Boys Brigade? I'm sure plenty posters in here were in the BB. If it was any other organisation other than Celtic people wouldn't give a fuck about it.

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Seems there is a consensus that the cover up was much higher than Stein, whether he knew or not. Is that not all the more reason for an SFA inquiry or independent commision to finally investigate the matter?

If there was any cover up then the club, like Penn State, should be punished. Then again the SFA is not the NCAA.

Until the authorities investigate, this will forever cast a shadow over Scottish football.

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If a Celtic fan say's EBT's are the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football then you are 100% spot on to point out their club is complicit in a far worse crime. Its not even close.

However a lot of the comments thrown about in here (often directed towards other Rangers fans) is wrong. The are cheap classless remarks.

But the Lostprophets one wasn't?

You're at it :lol:

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Who have they highlighted to other than making wee remarks about it that'll be read by the same people who read the last one. And the one before that. What have they done to see the Kelly's prosecuted?

Wheres the outrage at the Tory peadophile cover up? Or are we letting that one slide since they're unionists? What about the Boys Brigade? I'm sure plenty posters in here were in the BB. If it was any other organisation other than Celtic people wouldn't give a fuck about it.

I'm not in the VB's, maybe you should ask them, nor am I here to defend them. In my experience they are big enough and ugly enough to do that for themselves :D

I stand by my quote - 'But I'm totally behind them in highlighting this disgusting action by a disgusting club, and even moreso when I read stuff by taigs saying EBT's are the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football'

Where's the outrage at the Tory paedophile cover up?????

Are you for real? Fuck sake, have you not being watching the news recently, there is plenty outrage, enough infact that a full investigation is now being undertaken ffs!!

Why is there not one into the proven cover up by Celtic???

The BB's, other organisations apart from the taigs??

What???? I can only speak for myself, but if you are seriously saying that I only give a fuck about children being raped if it's done by those involved in Celtic football club, then I find that to be pretty insulting to be honest, and a bit pathetic if truth be told.

I find child rape abhorrent, not matter who does it, as I'm sure any right minded person would do!

I usually think you're a bit of a voice of sanity on here, Dude. But fuck me give your head a shake, man!

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Seems there is a consensus that the cover up was much higher than Stein, whether he knew or not. Is that not all the more reason for an SFA inquiry or independent commision to finally investigate the matter?

If there was any cover up then the club, like Penn State, should be punished. Then again the SFA is not the NCAA.

Until the authorities investigate, this will forever cast a shadow over Scottish football.

By an Irish club ....... who like their church originators from Rome, have a long history of unpunished crimes against the vulnerable in our society. :anguish:


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Away from first-team and club matters, which were bad enough, another issue was beginning to raise its ugly head at the club. Within a month of my arrival one of the young players asked to see me in my office. 'Here we go,' I thought. 'That didn't take long. Here's a youngster in to complain about not being in the team. Straight away he's going to be into me to give him his chance.' He sat down and told me that he had had problems on a trip to North America with the youth team. One of the fellas in charge had made advances towards him.

As a manager you expect to have to sort out all sorts of problems. But this wasn't one I ever saw coming. I was staggered. To be frank, I didn't know how to respond for the best. Clearly the kid was distressed about what had happened, but I felt I couldn't just approach the accused and ask him to explain himself without proof. My hands were tied, in a way. I felt completely stuck and out of my depth. I spoke to my staff. They were shocked. My gut feeling was that the kid was speaking the truth, but there was no mechanism within the club or within my experience to deal with it. It was a police matter if anything. Any investigation had to start with them.

And that's exactly what happened.

A couple of years later it all came out. Celtic Boys' Club founder Jim Torbett was convicted of sexual abuse of three players, including Alan Brazil.

Frank Cairney, the manager of the Boys' Club, was charged but not convicted. It emerged that years earlier Jock Stein knew all about Torbett and kicked him out of the club. The wish to maintain the good name of Celtic, if that were ever a good enough reason, was the only thing that kept the issue from coming to light at that point. There was a string of allegations by young lads whose dreams of playing for Celtic were exploited, but it was the testimony of Alan Brazil, David Gordon and James McGrory that brought the matter to court, and Torbett to justice. [from Football, My Life. by LOU MACARI]

Cheers for finding that mate
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I'm not in the VB's, maybe you should ask them, nor am I here to defend them. In my experience they are big enough and ugly enough to do that for themselves :D

I stand by my quote - 'But I'm totally behind them in highlighting this disgusting action by a disgusting club, and even moreso when I read stuff by taigs saying EBT's are the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football'

Where's the outrage at the Tory paedophile cover up?????

Are you for real? Fuck sake, have you not being watching the news recently, there is plenty outrage, enough infact that a full investigation is now being undertaken ffs!!

Why is there not one into the proven cover up by Celtic???

The BB's, other organisations apart from the taigs??

What???? I can only speak for myself, but if you are seriously saying that I only give a fuck about children being raped if it's done by those involved in Celtic football club, then I find that to be pretty insulting, and a bit pathetic if truth be told.

I find child rape abhorrent, not matter who does it, as I'm sure any right minded person would do!

I usually think you're a bit of a voice of sanity on here, Dude. But fuck me give your head a shake, man!

I should've been clearer, I meant amongst the same people who continually reference Celtic's past whether it's on here, Twitter or Facebook etc.

That's exactly what I mean there's a full scale investigation into the alleged systematic rape and possible murder of children by the British Government. I don't see anywhere near the same level of outrage amongst Rangers fans but the slightest mention of Celtic invariably brings a 'nappy ripper', 'bheast' or 'peado scum' comment. I find that incredibly odd. There's many a Rangers fan who will feel voting for that party is the only chance we have to keep our Union.

You're absolutely right. I'm sure any right minded person does find child rape utterly abhorrent but I can't help feel there's a lot who feel because it was committed by our rivals that it becomes acceptable to use simply to antagonise other football fans.

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Doesn't quite say the "worst kept secret" at Celtic Park.

Alan Brazil refutes that claim and insists it was only the Kelly's who knew about it. Stein knew nothing.

Since then a section of Rangers fans have been blasted for singing Big Jock Knew at games.

The chant alleges former Scotland and Celtic boss Jock Stein, right, tried to cover up Torbetts sordid crimes. Me: So did Big Jock know?

Alan says emphatically: No chance. Big Jock wouldnt stand for any nonsense would he?

But I tell you who did know The Kelly family who ran Celtic at the time.

They stood by him. One of the Kellys was even with Torbett in court. That p****d me off big style.


I can't believe that your defending them

Your a fucking joke of a man

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It's gone way past point scoring. These people have demonstrated such a hatred over the last four years that even the most seasoned of Bears have been taken aback. Their desire to see our club go to the wall and stripped of honours is insatiable and goes way beyond the realms of sport. Well here's a news flash for you, if You keep prodding a dog eventually it's going to bite back.

Their club and their support has been mounting a relentless media campaign to not only undermine but ultimately destroy Rangers football club. People on here are simply fighting back, get that? Enough is enough and supporters of this club are finally realising that the abhorrent crime of child abuse or more importantly the organised cover up of child abuse is perhaps more deserving of that same media scrutiny.

superb post mate. I am one of those well seasoned bears who was genuinely shocked by the level of hatred. How they have got away with their crimes is unbelievable and why nobody from the media has had the courage to take it on speaks volumes for the society we live in. Their club should have been punished. How they can try to take the moral high ground is astounding.
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So anyway, I think we are all agreed, including Dude, even just using the evidence presented in this thread, that Celtic covered up child abuse, putting the 'good name' of the Club first before the rape of children, and as such are just as guilty for any subsequent children being abused, as those who they covered up for is the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football, by a serious Country mile. Nothing else even comes remotely close..................and for all the ghuests, you know it, as well as we do (tu)

In the OP apart from that, yes it was a good week, Ronny Dildo and gay John must stay. I wasn't even that disappointed to see them win today, i feared another lost game would've pressured big Peter to do something.

And cheer up speccy Thomson, oh what does it mean :lol:

Us going up and them going down in a straight swap, YEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW :party:

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