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At least he's no going doon the tarrier route.

"Aye when I was growing up in *inserts location new tarrier signing comes from*, every cunt in the scheme had the hoops on & we used to 'huddle' around the radio to listen to the bhoys."

N'Guemo listened to Celtic games on the radio in Cameroon lol.
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You can earn a few hundred grand a month at West Brom, England ignores Scottish football and actively perpetuates its own league as the best in the world, Scottish football is in decline in terms of standards, Rangers are in the Scottish Championship, Rangers as a brand has been damaged significantly, our ownership and direction is a matter of debate, we are paying wages that is nothing above mediocre English clubs now, England is a generally nicer place to be (South) than up here, our leagues are comparatively easier and less competitive etc etc etc.

Explain why you believe English boys would grow up falling over themselves to sign for us (all things considered) when we ourselves collectively look down on clubs down-South when they have a lot of things going for them that we dream of being able to offer/experience?!

Agree in general, however, if I were a player, I'd prefer to be at a team like us (them if I were that way inclined) and be winning trophies, medals and create some history; rather than play for a bog average Championship team for the sake of a few more quid every month. On the flip side, the generation who think there is nothing beyond the Premier League as the self proclaimed 'best league in the world,' give me the boak.

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I don't give a fuck if they came for a bet, for the money, the manager, their family support Rangers or they seen Gascoigne score against the fenians in the 90's.

If they are a good enough player for Rangers that's all I'm bothered about.

In an ideal world I'm sure most of us would want a team full of Glaswegian No-voting Paranoid Protestants whose boots even Ronaldo couldn't lace, but it's not an ideal world is it.

Fixed that for you mate ........ what kind of team would we have if we didn't have our paranoia ....... :P

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Not really getting this.

It normally always is about the manager, would Arsenal have loaned Zelalem to us if Ally was still in charge?

They loaned one of their starlets to us because of the style of football we play, thanks to our boss, and then the crowds we normally play in front of was another factor.

If we approached them last season and asked for one of their young kids and just used the crowd as a puller they would have told us to fuckoff due to our style of football, if you could even call it a style! :lol:

Wes and the rest of the lads could be earning more down south, probably sitting on someone's bench but they are young and hungry and can tell when they see an equally hungry manager.

We are very lucky to have this guy in charge and I have no doubt all these lads he has brought up here will always have an affection for Rangers long after they've gone.

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got it my m,istake ,you sign for the manager not the club ,loyalty means f.all.

Loyal to what exactly?

Rangers had nothing to do with the majority of our players lives before they signed (Wilson, Clark, Halliday, McKay aside).

If we could only sign players who were die hard bluenoses then we wouldn't have a team. These boys have been brought in and are working their backsides off for the manager, fans and the club. That's enough for me.

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I dont care why they came, as long as they have the right attitude while theyre here.

Folk seem to think that every pontential player should be shouting from the rooftops about how theyve always loved us, always kept an eye on our results etc. If someone liked us thats great but its pretty irrelevant imo.

And another thing, if you think OF fans are big headed thats nothing compared to English fans. They keep getting told how great their leagues are and how everyone wants to play in the EPL. And while Rangers is known as a massive Club its known as a massive Club in a small shitey league, and we're known to be going through hard times. So it doesnt surprise me in the slightest to hear players saying that because its true. Just makes me more glad to have Mr Warburton at the Club, and im glad the players have the right attitude and understand how great this Club is even if they didnt before they came.

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