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When it comes to groups and profiteering from Bears, you really are barking up the wrong tree here, Dude.

I suspect you know that anyway but absolutely love winding people up

Whether they aren't likely to do it or not is irrelevant really. Shouldn't we expect the same standards from any group?

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Whether they aren't likely to do it or not is irrelevant really. Shouldn't we expect the same standards from any group?

As has been said on numerous occasions, any member of VB can ask for and see accounts relating to where any money raised goes.

As for your assertion that the donate now button on the front page can be used by anyone, not just members - when they go through the donation process - they are asked to leave a note with instructions as to where they want the money to go. Anyone donating randomly can ask for and will be shown proof of where their money has went.

This has been explained to you but as your not a member or random donator - then it really doesn't concern you one way or the other.

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There are many differences between VB and other fans groups which make the request for the same levels of scrutiny absurd and unworkable.

1. VB is not a group with trustees and directors with a constitution bound by FCA regulations that other groups are bound to.

2. VB do not claim that profits from any merchandise go direct to the club. If they did then I would expect them to transparent with a breakdown of costs so we know what the profit is, and also how many items are sold.

3. VB do not chase blazers. Nobody within VB claims to speak for the Rangers support, nor do they have cosy relationships with directors.

4. VB carry out a lot of work which should not be made public knowledge. Work to strengthen the PUL community and hurt our enemies. New age fans groups do not share the same goals, beliefs or standards as VB.

5. VB do not release merchandise, books, fanzines or set up football academys off the back of their love for Rangers. VB love Rangers, and don't see the clubs support as a cash cow.

1. Fair point. I'm sure then that as long as other groups adhere to those regulations then everything should be assumed to be above board.

2. No, they've said it goes towards running costs. Money donated by the public towards "running costs" does go toward buying shares.

3. I've not seen anyone claim they speak for the Rangers support. At best I've seen people say they spoke for a collection of fans groups. What was Timps/Captain of Industry/@DCGriff2000 up to with Brian Stockbridge? Does that count as blazer chasing or a cosy relationship with directors? Didn't he get a seat in the directors box as a reward?

4. :lol:

5. Dont all of those endeavours require quite a fair bit of effort? Being involved with one of the magazines I've got an idea just how much work is put in by the people involved. Some of them are just ripping the cunt and looking to make a quick buck but there are others who are doing what they do for little to no reward but a whole lot of effort.

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Have you asked for trannsparency from any other groups? And if so what replies did you receive?

I have in the past of the RST. I was pointed towards their website. I'm a member of RF and haven't had any issue with the information they put out. I'm not a fan of stuff like the lionbrand shirts etc. Asked on twitter a few times and got very little response. SoS have many others already doing that. My voice isn't any louder than the many others already asking the question.

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This has been explained to you but as your not a member or random donator - then it really doesn't concern you one way or the other.

This line was used concerning rsl donations as well.

I didn't think it was an acceptable position from their members then. Not very transparent at all.

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This line was used concerning rsl donations as well.

I didn't think it was an acceptable position from their members then. Not very transparent at all.

A strange comparison to make Al considering your example (the RSL) required a membership fee on joinging which VB does not.

Its been made clear by a number of members that its possible to hold VB membership without making any type of financial contribution to the site or the various projects they are involved in.

Those who wish to make financial contributions on VB have a number of mechanisms available to them in order ascertain how any money was used - though these are rarely utilised as the admin are normally very pro-active in publishing details of funding & its uses.

VB admin only have a duty to their members/contributors to provide details of financial expenditure - and from the feedback from members in this thread its clear they are doing that at a more than satisfactory level. That is neither a unique or extraordinary stance to adopt.

What is extraordinary however is that those who neither contribute, nor are members , seem to be the only ones concerned about the levels of transparency.

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A strange comparison to make Al considering your example (the RSL) required a membership fee on joinging which VB does not.

Just pointed out that members of both groups used the same reasoning to excuse a lack of transparency to the Rangers support.

So, at the risk of getting on VB members bad side, is any Rangers fan welcome to join VB?

What is extraordinary however is that those who neither contribute, nor are members , seem to be the only ones concerned about the levels of transparency.

That is the case with all Rangers fans groups D'Art. VB are nothing special in that regard.
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So, at the risk of getting on VB members bad side, is any Rangers fan welcome to join VB?

There's a vouching system in place where if you know someone, then they can vouch for you to admin.

Failing that, you may be able to arrange a meet with admin at a game and let them take it from there.

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Can I ask what PUL hub is ? and for what it's worth is it not up to VB members to decide what to do with the money they collect? RM


It has been set up in Dennistoun and is exactly what it says.

It is a premises that has opened up to promote the PUL community. There is literature, computers, laptops and other equipment available for use.

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There appears to be nothing more divisive within the Rangers support ( Online ) than fans groups and individuals. However, In my opinion, many of these groups do more good than bad. Now, without anyone getting personal or aiming abuse at individuals, it would be interesting to read what most Bears think and want from these groups.

Which supporters group do you think represents how you feel and think?

Should the club be engaging more with fans, other than those they are friendly with?

Should fans groups be disbanded and we allow the club to do what they think is best?

Should we have one group who deals directly with media lies and smears regarding our support?

Has any Rangers board ever listened to what the fans think or say?

As I said above, please don't get bogged down in abuse and confrontation, just say constructively who you feel represents the Rangers supporters best and how we can improve any fans to club communication.

Not a member, but VB is the only one I always agree with. Stand for true and traditional values. A REAL Supporters group.
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It has been set up in Dennistoun and is exactly what it says.

It is a premises that has opened up to promote the PUL community. There is literature, computers, laptops and other equipment available for use.

You know I'm a Duke Street boy Born and bred but since I left The Louden there I am sort of out the loop,will speak to couple of the lads tomorrow and get brought up to speed RM

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You know I'm a Duke Street boy Born and bred but since I left The Louden there I am sort of out the loop,will speak to couple of the lads tomorrow and get brought up to speed RM

I believe it has been quite successful and its a step in the right direction in my opinion.

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The Dude ruins another thread, the same as he does with every thread he enters. It must be the illegal drugs or the mental health issues, or maybe both.

He has previously called Her Majesty the Queen the head of a Paedophile ring and gets upset when anyone mentions Celtic and their despicable history of child abuse and now tonight he has even stuck in a reference to an IRA slogan, just like the other Rangers hater did previously.

A sad little boy screaming out for attention.

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The Dude ruins another thread, the same as he does with every thread he enters. It must be the illegal drugs or the mental health issues, or maybe both.

He has previously called Her Majesty the Queen the head of a Paedophile ring and gets upset when anyone mentions Celtic and their despicable history of child abuse and now tonight he has even stuck in a reference to an IRA slogan, just like the other Rangers hater did previously.

A sad little boy screaming out for attention.

You repeatedly accused/implied his family of being child molesters.

I hope you were embarrassed by your behaviour, even though RM admin weren't.

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The Dude ruins another thread, the same as he does with every thread he enters. It must be the illegal drugs or the mental health issues, or maybe both.

He has previously called Her Majesty the Queen the head of a Paedophile ring and gets upset when anyone mentions Celtic and their despicable history of child abuse and now tonight he has even stuck in a reference to an IRA slogan, just like the other Rangers hater did previously.

A sad little boy screaming out for attention.

Tell us how you really feel.

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