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RST Write to Senior SNP figures over IRA pub visit


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The '45' as they like to be known as, should be down on their hands, and knees, thanking us, the 55%, that voted NO, for saving this country from going bust, and having to go, cap in hand, to the EU, to bail us out.

Mr Salmond should be apologising to the nation, for what he put us all through, during the referendum, which split families, and friendships, all over the country. But no, he goes to a pub that actively condones the murdering activities of the IRA, to such an extent that there's a collection tin on the bar for them.


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6 hours ago, ianferguson said:

The day the 55 won the referendum was a monumental day and it's starting to look more and more that we dodged a massive bullit .We  can only hope the people who jumped on the utopia bandwagon at the last minute have wised up. How's the oil prices going by the way ?

This exactly, the knowledgeable bean counters of the SNP were basing their calculations on $90 a barrel, the barrel's being scraped at around 30% of that figure = deep shit and getting worse would be my guess.

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The arrogance of this party is truly astonishing ,  to think it can promote a pub which has glorified , not only terrorists ,  but terrorists responsible of the murders of the very people it purports to represent amongst others. 

Well done the RST for highlighting this and looking forward to the response . . . . . . if there ever is one.

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5 hours ago, bluenose48 said:

You will note I wrote IF there were such a meeting. My point is the media and the other side of Glasgow seem to be offended by every thing RFC do or say. We are better than that and should not be seen to join the eternally offended.

No no no no no no no NO!

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1 hour ago, Thewhitesettler said:

The '45' as they like to be known as, should be down on their hands, and knees, thanking us, the 55%, that voted NO, for saving this country from going bust, and having to go, cap in hand, to the EU, to bail us out.

Mr Salmond should be apologising to the nation, for what he put us all through, during the referendum, which split families, and friendships, all over the country. But no, he goes to a pub that actively condones the murdering activities of the IRA, to such an extent that there's a collection tin on the bar for them.


The EU wouldn't bail Scotland out as it wouldn't have been a member post independence

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7 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So now the RST is a quasi political - religious organisation - not fit for purpose is what it is - the politicisation of football is wrong no matter who does it SNP or a supporters organisation 

"We would like to make it clear that this is not a party political issue. Had Labour or Conservative candidates appeared at this establishment our disgust at their behaviour would have been equally as strong. We would hope that SNP voters, Rangers fans or not, would be appalled at this type of behaviour from their elected representatives. We will be making our letter to you public and would urge you to deal with this issue as a matter of urgency."


Read it properly before commenting ya pleb.

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Glorifying Terrorism is not a West Of Scotland problem

Sickening Sectarianism, songs offending the Bastion of true morality that is the Catholic Church, this is the real problem in the West Of Scotland.

How dare we criticise hysterical,wrinkled, self proclaimed, virgin men who bugger the children in their care before being shipped off to some palatial retreat for a bit of a pray to cure their depraviltiy.

Don't you worry Keith, no Jail time for you, I'll tweak the law of the land a bit more, we can get back to "Vile Sectarianism Before You Know It"


Paul Gascoigne's speaking event at the Magnum was spoiled by members of the audience singing sectarian songs and chanting offensive things.about the Pope

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9 minutes ago, Bogtrotters said:


Glorifying Terrorism is not a West Of Scotland problem

Sickening Sectarianism, songs offending the Bastion of true morality that is the Catholic Church, this is the real problem in the West Of Scotland.

How dare we criticise hysterical,wrinkled, self proclaimed, virgin men who bugger the children in their care before being shipped off to some palatial retreat for a bit of a pray to cure their depraviltiy.

Don't you worry Keith, no Jail time for you, I'll tweak the law of the land a bit more, we can get back to "Vile Sectarianism Before You Know It"


Paul Gascoigne's speaking event at the Magnum was spoiled by members of the audience singing sectarian songs and chanting offensive things.about the Pope

Well said,spot on

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28 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So now the RST is a quasi political - religious organisation - not fit for purpose is what it is - the politicisation of football is wrong no matter who does it SNP or a supporters organisation 

In this instance the SNP did it first - surely your patience is running thin with this mob?

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9 hours ago, bluenose48 said:

While I would condemn any politician organizing a rally or any meeting at a venue which is seen as being affiliated with any terrorist organization. Especially when that organization has no bearing on Scottish politics.

However if a political organization held a meeting in a known protestant venue,where there had been meetings in support of the UDA with flute bands etc. Would there be the same questioning of their motives by the RST?

Who needs fucking enemies:power_of_anguish:

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6 hours ago, bluenose48 said:

You will note I wrote IF there were such a meeting. My point is the media and the other side of Glasgow seem to be offended by every thing RFC do or say. We are better than that and should not be seen to join the eternally offended.

Are you David Murrays cousin by any chance ? Way to fuck with this dignified silence pish. It's a political war out there .People standing up for anything , Rangers and our freedom against the haters and enemies ,  get my vote all day long.

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The Irvine crowd reportedly also sang the banned the sectarian Billy Boys song at the Q&A session of Friday night, 

PAUL GASCOIGNE appears to join in with a sectarian song at a sold-out Rangers event held in his honour. 

The video shows the former Rangers and England star on stage in front of a 1,000-strong crowd at Irvine’s Magnum Leisure Centre. 

At the beginning of the clip, supporters shout ‘f**k the Pope and the IRA’ during a gap in the song and Gazza appears to join in and then smile. 


As Reported  By JOE HALLIGAN

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8 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

And just for you Rangers fans out there with Snp  allegiance  .Go and support the team at the other side of the City or at least wake to fuck up .

That's the problem, they'll be some fans that aren't sided with the SNP yet still love Scotland. But because they love Scotland they get thrown in the SNP group. There is a massive difference between being a patriot and a nationalist. 

Personally, I salute the Red, White and Blue. Bow to Queen Elizabeth and belt out God save the queen. Yet I still love the country I reside in, but I feel restricted in that because people will say "aw your love scotland, you musta voted yes to the Independence" or "FREEDOM". Load of fucking horse shit. So thanks salmond ya cunt, honestly the amount of folk I lost contact with because they weren't happy with me being a pro-Union. He's done a good job at splitting a country alright.  

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53 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So now the RST is a quasi political - religious organisation - not fit for purpose is what it is - the politicisation of football is wrong no matter who does it SNP or a supporters organisation 

It looks to me as if the the RST are only highlighting the hypocrisy of a party who have made a big issue of stamping out sectarianism in Scottish football whilst at the same time cosying up to an establishment known for promoting sectarianism in order to gain votes. 

For that the RST are fully justified in releasing their statement.

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Scotland does have a small sectarian problem, mainly down to our divisive schooling policy, the snp are only making the problem worse by highlighting the problem, then openly playing the republican card, in return for votes.

The snp has no intention of stamping out sectarianism in this country, it's the sectarianism/racism card that wins them votes.

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If that referendum shite rears it's ugly head again in Scotland then the gloves will be off and our sad little country will become like Northern Ireland of old . We sat back the first time while the yesers ruled the roost and disrupted every Jim Murphy soapbox in a carefully planned effort to prevent free speach .We let them take over George Square for weeks and deface every union flag they seen while they abused the saltire. Sadly we won't be as passive the next time and inevitably Scotlands split will be irrecoverable  and probably bloody.

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9 hours ago, bluenose48 said:

While I would condemn any politician organizing a rally or any meeting at a venue which is seen as being affiliated with any terrorist organization. Especially when that organization has no bearing on Scottish politics.

However if a political organization held a meeting in a known protestant venue,where there had been meetings in support of the UDA with flute bands etc. Would there be the same questioning of their motives by the RST?

Violence aside, the UDA weren't seeking to break up the Union.

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1 hour ago, Bogtrotters said:



The Irvine crowd reportedly also sang the banned the sectarian Billy Boys song at the Q&A session of Friday night, 

PAUL GASCOIGNE appears to join in with a sectarian song at a sold-out Rangers event held in his honour. 

The video shows the former Rangers and England star on stage in front of a 1,000-strong crowd at Irvine’s Magnum Leisure Centre. 

At the beginning of the clip, supporters shout ‘f**k the Pope and the IRA’ during a gap in the song and Gazza appears to join in and then smile. 


As Reported  By JOE HALLIGAN

Yes BT we won't be seeing this certain Joe Halligan covering any anti story on the Snp in a notorious Ira haunt .Double standards .But some on here think it's ok to sit back and take this .Good on anyone that takes our enemies on and there are many in this shitehole of a Country 

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Sturgeon cannot ignore this problem of her party hurtling in open view towards repugnant republicanism. Surely she has to act and tell this lot to ship out,and i'm serious about the hypocrites losing their jobs. Not that long ago some of them were winning the seats on the back of saying they would close all religious schools,and now we have nothing more than a republican party with fascist style politics of do as I say ,not as I do. If she isn't prepared to listen then our only way to fight back is to get organised and put up a fight on all fronts where they seem to thrive like Unions,media,press,local politics. They were told 30/40 years ago to get involved by the chapel. Maybe its time we got out and got involved before it is too late. :uk:

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20 minutes ago, ianferguson said:

If that referendum shite rears it's ugly head again in Scotland then the gloves will be off and our sad little country will become like Northern Ireland of old . We sat back the first time while the yesers ruled the roost and disrupted every Jim Murphy soapbox in a carefully planned effort to prevent free speach .We let them take over George Square for weeks and deface every union flag they seen while they abused the saltire. Sadly we won't be as passive the next time and inevitably Scotlands split will be irrecoverable  and probably bloody.

They will have learned from their mistakes .Made the required changes at the top and seem to it that the voting is different next time .Every penny I own would be on the bastards getting their Yes next time .

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