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State of Ibrox

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Seriously though.

Any time I've been at the ticket office, there have always been contract workers doing something or other on the exterior, and always with specialist equipment, so I do believe the situation is being considered.

What I'd like to see though is the TVs working in the concourses.  That can't be too hard surely?


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Fuck all been done to the stadium. 

Cause a couple a tradesmen walk around wae a paintbrush n a couple a screwdrivers is embarrassing. 

The white structure at the top of the main stand still ain't been touched. 

The bricks around the stadium are still bogging. 

Paper mache flags on the broomloan are already in tatters. 

The toilets are still a total disgrace. 

Hundreds offered and were all rejected in favour of the boards pals. 

Exactly why old Dougie got the bus contract. 

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2 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

Fuck all been done to the stadium. 

Cause a couple a tradesmen walk around wae a paintbrush n a couple a screwdrivers is embarrassing. 

The white structure at the top of the main stand still ain't been touched. 

The bricks around the stadium are still bogging. 

Paper mache flags on the broomloan are already in tatters. 

The toilets are still a total disgrace. 

Hundreds offered and were all rejected in favour of the boards pals. 

Exactly why old Dougie got the bus contract. 

The guy you refer to with the paintbrush is doing a very good job given he's on his own doing work that was neglected for years and speaking to him he won't be short of work for a substantial period, I'd rather we are employing someone full time rather than subcontract the work and be shafted by them.

The downside also of having a facade as lovely as ours is it's a listed building and harder to maintain if repairs are needed due to permissions required and things having to be carefully removed and replaced.

The beam on the top of the main stand isn't a case of a couple of guys with a bucket and sponge, There is the health and safety element and if you have seen pictures of the top of the main stand roof the beam is still a fair height above when standing next to it, I would assume it would be far from an easy job and although it's just cleaning it,It would be pretty expensive perhaps running into the thousands.

I agree with what you say about the flags, But the holes they cover were part of the way the stands were built and i can't think of anything else apart from bricking them up, Which again would be rather expensive.

There have been a lot of complaints about the toilets and it's something they need to sort.

On your point about hundreds of tradesmen offering work free gratis, The club can't have hundreds of people walking around the stadium for obvious reasons, But they could have took up offers from some to improve the cosmetic things that need attention, They have took up offers previously a few years ago when quite a lot of the pipes burst in the main stand and i know personally two plumbers who gave up their own time because the situation was pretty bad.

Then again when the club have their own card displays they don't seem to have any problems with people walking around or indeed health and safety issues when they ask for volunteers to help set them up... Figure that one out. 

There is a lot of work needing done some more of a priority than others and will take a long time and loads of money to rectify.

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5 hours ago, Rangersfansmediawatch said:

The guy you refer to with the paintbrush is doing a very good job given he's on his own doing work that was neglected for years and speaking to him he won't be short of work for a substantial period, I'd rather we are employing someone full time rather than subcontract the work and be shafted by them.

The downside also of having a facade as lovely as ours is it's a listed building and harder to maintain if repairs are needed due to permissions required and things having to be carefully removed and replaced.

The beam on the top of the main stand isn't a case of a couple of guys with a bucket and sponge, There is the health and safety element and if you have seen pictures of the top of the main stand roof the beam is still a fair height above when standing next to it, I would assume it would be far from an easy job and although it's just cleaning it,It would be pretty expensive perhaps running into the thousands.

I agree with what you say about the flags, But the holes they cover were part of the way the stands were built and i can't think of anything else apart from bricking them up, Which again would be rather expensive.

There have been a lot of complaints about the toilets and it's something they need to sort.

On your point about hundreds of tradesmen offering work free gratis, The club can't have hundreds of people walking around the stadium for obvious reasons, But they could have took up offers from some to improve the cosmetic things that need attention, They have took up offers previously a few years ago when quite a lot of the pipes burst in the main stand and i know personally two plumbers who gave up their own time because the situation was pretty bad.

Then again when the club have their own card displays they don't seem to have any problems with people walking around or indeed health and safety issues when they ask for volunteers to help set them up... Figure that one out. 

There is a lot of work needing done some more of a priority than others and will take a long time and loads of money to rectify.

Honest question, do you work at Ibrox?  I think you show good insight into what would be required to rectify some of the issues.  

i take the point that we need to prioritise spending but the harsh reality is that we have so little spare cash that it isn't at all obvious where the boards spending priorities lie!

Some guys on here blame the stadium repairs for no investment in the team but we don't see the stadium getting any better.  Conversely, we need to invest in the team rather than do major repair work but we are shopping in the loan market/free transfer market.  It's tough whatever way we look at it at the moment.

I pray we clear the legacy issues in 2017 and then can finally move forward properly!


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I'm kinda split over Ibrox. It would take a lot of money to get it to a level that would be totally acceptable but we don't have hundreds of millions for a complete renovation. The ground is in Govan which is bad news as it probably renders the land at a low level on top of this so selling the existing ground and getting land for a new stadium and making a tidy profit is highly unlikely.

A half hearted patch up job is all we're likely to get for now.

We've no TV deal of note, we've only Europa League to look forward to next season in all likelihood and and virtually no commercial income.

We're living on the meagre income of only 40 odd thousand ticket sales per home match.

I want to see Ibrox or a new state of the art ground with 80,000+ fans but we neither have the funding or success for that for now.

Fixing the basic features of the ground is a necessity. At least planning for the next stage is also vital. 

Ibrox in any level of dilapidation a few years ago would have been unthinkable. There were all sorts of stories about casinos and expansions to 61,000 - 71,000 and hotels and whatnot.

Now it is a ground which is probably second only to Murrayfield in Scotland but no longer compares favourably to England's top grounds.

It was the best ground in Britain in the 80s and 90s but seems to be stuck in the 90s sadly. 

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18 hours ago, CoatbridgeBear said:

When is the old lady going to get a scrub, you drive by and the walls and the top of the stands are fucking mockit. Surely it wouldn't take too much for a company to pressure wash it?

Where did this awful "Old Lady" patter come from? 

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49 minutes ago, Bighouse said:

Where did this awful "Old Lady" patter come from? 

Seems to be from here...



And this seems to be an apology from the writer for the misunderstanding...




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1 hour ago, govanblue said:


Whoever came up with this quick fix should get some credit.


Replicate that at the Broomloan/Jardine corner then replace the roof sheeting on the Broomloan, Copland and Jardine stands and any yellowed screens followed by a proper clean of any masonry is all the stadium needs for me.

That would leave the site perimeter and road ways. Tarmac relaid, better lighting around the site and landscaping the perimeter plus new paving slabs.

One possible idea could be a wall from the back of the ticket office along to the walk way from Copland Road with the names of every player we've had on bricks.

All easy done but it needs financed obviously. 

And yes my ideas are optimistic but then I'm so proud of Ibrox and want it to be the best.

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16 hours ago, Dlydon81 said:

Honest question, do you work at Ibrox?  I think you show good insight into what would be required to rectify some of the issues.  

i take the point that we need to prioritise spending but the harsh reality is that we have so little spare cash that it isn't at all obvious where the boards spending priorities lie!

Some guys on here blame the stadium repairs for no investment in the team but we don't see the stadium getting any better.  Conversely, we need to invest in the team rather than do major repair work but we are shopping in the loan market/free transfer market.  It's tough whatever way we look at it at the moment.

I pray we clear the legacy issues in 2017 and then can finally move forward properly!


No mate i don't work in Ibrox, I know a few people who do and when speaking to them in general just ask how the work is coming along.

Totally agree with everything else you say, We are caught in a situation between the devil and the deep blue sea or a catch 22 situation, Do we spend what little we have on stadium repairs or bringing in players and ignoring the stadium.

We simply don't have the cash to do both at the same time, In normal circumstances a club would either have the infrastructure in place and needing to sign better players or have a decent team and having to spend money on their stadium, Because most of the stadium has been neglected in some way or the other it makes it even more difficult that we also need better quality players and at the same time juggling about the money we do have.

I also think people go overboard when describing the state of the stadium, But what they forget is most of it is just visual and needing no more than a good tidy up, Imagine you neglected your own house and hadn't painted or papered it for a few years and how poor it would look, You then get people in and within a couple of weeks it looks fantastic.. Imagine doing the same to something on the scale around 1000th the scale of your house with the added problem of the huge heights involved also and you can see the vast difference along with obvious huge costs and see just how difficult the job is.

Can't remember if it was Green who said it, But at the time the cost of doing the exterior was estimated to be around £6m but unsure what that involved doing as it seems a lot of money.

I don't know why we also stopped cleaning around the concrete at the Copland and Broomloan stands as it was looking much better with the grime removed, Ibrox needs nothing more than a makeover and a bit of paint and a general clean up, Along with doing something with the cladding behind the stands,It's brown and looks horrible now but there is a lot of it to replace.

Despite Ibrox needing a good makeover, It's still one of the best looking stadiums in Europe without a doubt and solidly built.

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