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* The Generic Laugh at celtc Thread *


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On 19 March 2016 at 2:29 PM, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Ron back to the pumping :lol: a famous last minute winner over bottom of the league Killie :lol:


A match made in heaven,an embarrassment of a manager and an embarressment of a club.

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20 hours ago, 72barca said:

Outstanding support ...

Scottish Premier at Rugby Park

Date: 19/03/2016 KO: 12:30 Ref: Att: 6,867


Only there to see the Rangers


"The 13,179 who braved the weather huddled under the Rugby Park stands as the incessant wind and rain lashed the players, but the Rangers supporters were on their feet after only two minutes"

Plus we even had: 


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On 19 March 2016 at 4:11 PM, MacStoner_96Bear_ST said:

I didn't know Griffiths bought a piece of Donald Trump's hair, see here: Celtic-Players-Cheltenham.png

you might need to zoom in but it looks like he has copied Donald Trump's hair

Looks like the queue outside the court house :lol:


Fucking black jeans with a suit jacket and waistcoat, money certainly does not by style or class, bunch of vermin. :anguish: 

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Seen this on twitter posted by another Rangers hating maniac:

As mentioned in my immediately previous post, I was invited to attend Regan’s talk at Edinburgh University.
The following is the full text of an email I sent earlier to one or two interested parties.I have corrected some typos and , of course, I think I  expressed certainly the essence of what was said by me and to me.

” The meeting was attended by well over 60 students( including some Chinese, Italian, German and a stack of females)and some academics,and introduced by Grant Harvey(? a professor, I think).
Regan gave a slickly competent ( and actually quite interesting) ‘powerpoint’ presentation from old Henry’s recommendations through to the the troubles at FIFA and UEFA.He had begun by saying that when he was a student (“like you , except that my day was in the 1980s!”).
I had the first question. I opened by saying that while he may have been a student in the 80s, my first year at uni was in the early ’60s, and I felt like Methuselah. ( Get the audience on your side, or what!). I said I had enjoyed the interesting and informative presentation,I realised that it was delivered in an academic context, but I wanted to relate to practicalities.
I said I had sat listening to him talk about values , transparency and integrity and the FIFA and UEFA governance problems and I wanted to mention that the SFA had problems in its own governance.I said that UEFA had been misled, whether intentionally or through incompetence,about RFC’s state of social taxes indebtedness and as a result that club had been granted a European licence they were not entitled to.
The Grant guy said ‘Oh , there’s a bit of background there, Rangers/Celtic”I put my finger up, told him this wasn’t a Celtic-Rangers matter, and said that I wanted to hear Regan state categorically that RFC was not in debt to HMRC at the deadline date.
Regan said that the matter was complex, and explained to the class ( with a smile)that , as he had mentioned earlier, the West of Scotland threw up particular problems),and that this  wasn’t really the place to discuss it, but he would see me after the meeting.
After the meeting, when only he and I and Harvey were present, ( Harvey said he had seen me before at Hampden , but couldn’t say in what context) I again asked Regan whether he would categorically state as the official SFA position that RFC were not in debt to HMRC at the deadline. He said that the SFA had met the requirements of Art. 66 and that the club had been ‘in negotiation’ with HMRC.I said that , no, in fact the club was actually in debt in respect of social taxes, and the SFA were derelict in duty, intentionally or otherwise.
I said: if I were to provide incontrovertible evidence that the club was actually owing money to HMRC , and the debt collectors had been in, what would you do ? His reply was “Nothing”.
I said I would report that back to my people. He asked ‘and who are your people? People who don’t use their real names?
I said ‘I use my real name, and I have written to UEFA using my real name, so that there would be evidence that at least someone had raised the issue before any artificial deadline.I added that we, who pay our money, are the people.
His reply was “if you’ve made your mind up, and that’s your opinion,there’s no way I’m going to convince you’
I said it was not a matter of opinion but of fact, and it won’t go away.
And that was that.
No great surprise, but at least the satisfaction of speaking face-to-face.”


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The point these fuckers wont admit to is that Rangers FC are the innocent party caught up in a huge fraud.

When it all starts to unfold and some of the bastards start squealing, we might start to find out who else is involved in all of this, plus when we win the the BTC the whole of Scottish football better run for the hills, as it could cost them millions for the disgusting treatment our club has been handed while being innocent victims of crime and bogus tax claim. 

I also hope when it is all resolved, the club sues the arse of so called bloggers and media alike for the blatant lies they have been spreading, (I will hold my breath on this) also as I mentioned above all the arseholes in Scottish football.



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5 hours ago, THE_MIGHTY_BEARS said:

Seen this on twitter posted by another Rangers hating maniac:

As mentioned in my immediately previous post, I was invited to attend Regan’s talk at Edinburgh University.
The following is the full text of an email I sent earlier to one or two interested parties.I have corrected some typos and , of course, I think I  expressed certainly the essence of what was said by me and to me.

” The meeting was attended by well over 60 students( including some Chinese, Italian, German and a stack of females)and some academics,and introduced by Grant Harvey(? a professor, I think).
Regan gave a slickly competent ( and actually quite interesting) ‘powerpoint’ presentation from old Henry’s recommendations through to the the troubles at FIFA and UEFA.He had begun by saying that when he was a student (“like you , except that my day was in the 1980s!”).
I had the first question. I opened by saying that while he may have been a student in the 80s, my first year at uni was in the early ’60s, and I felt like Methuselah. ( Get the audience on your side, or what!). I said I had enjoyed the interesting and informative presentation,I realised that it was delivered in an academic context, but I wanted to relate to practicalities.
I said I had sat listening to him talk about values , transparency and integrity and the FIFA and UEFA governance problems and I wanted to mention that the SFA had problems in its own governance.I said that UEFA had been misled, whether intentionally or through incompetence,about RFC’s state of social taxes indebtedness and as a result that club had been granted a European licence they were not entitled to.
The Grant guy said ‘Oh , there’s a bit of background there, Rangers/Celtic”I put my finger up, told him this wasn’t a Celtic-Rangers matter, and said that I wanted to hear Regan state categorically that RFC was not in debt to HMRC at the deadline date.
Regan said that the matter was complex, and explained to the class ( with a smile)that , as he had mentioned earlier, the West of Scotland threw up particular problems),and that this  wasn’t really the place to discuss it, but he would see me after the meeting.
After the meeting, when only he and I and Harvey were present, ( Harvey said he had seen me before at Hampden , but couldn’t say in what context) I again asked Regan whether he would categorically state as the official SFA position that RFC were not in debt to HMRC at the deadline. He said that the SFA had met the requirements of Art. 66 and that the club had been ‘in negotiation’ with HMRC.I said that , no, in fact the club was actually in debt in respect of social taxes, and the SFA were derelict in duty, intentionally or otherwise.
I said: if I were to provide incontrovertible evidence that the club was actually owing money to HMRC , and the debt collectors had been in, what would you do ? His reply was “Nothing”.
I said I would report that back to my people. He asked ‘and who are your people? People who don’t use their real names?
I said ‘I use my real name, and I have written to UEFA using my real name, so that there would be evidence that at least someone had raised the issue before any artificial deadline.I added that we, who pay our money, are the people.
His reply was “if you’ve made your mind up, and that’s your opinion,there’s no way I’m going to convince you’
I said it was not a matter of opinion but of fact, and it won’t go away.
And that was that.
No great surprise, but at least the satisfaction of speaking face-to-face.”


:lol: they really are thick as shit :lol: Regan has more or less told him to fuck off and get a life :lol: 

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Reading the reports from Saturday apparently the win at 2nd bottom Killie was celebrated wildly. I know Delia is under pressure and getting it tight from all angles but  you can see he knows nothing about Scottish football if he feels some sense of achievement in such a result.

Aberdeen themselves have stuttered all season  and obviously Ronnie was fooled by their apparent "challenge". 


" Deila has described the win at Rugby Park on Saturday afternoon as one of the most vital results in his time at Celtic."

If they are lapping this up then this is how far the mighty have fallen.


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10 hours ago, THE_MIGHTY_BEARS said:

Seen this on twitter posted by another Rangers hating maniac:

As mentioned in my immediately previous post, I was invited to attend Regan’s talk at Edinburgh University.
The following is the full text of an email I sent earlier to one or two interested parties.I have corrected some typos and , of course, I think I  expressed certainly the essence of what was said by me and to me.

” The meeting was attended by well over 60 students( including some Chinese, Italian, German and a stack of females)and some academics,and introduced by Grant Harvey(? a professor, I think).
Regan gave a slickly competent ( and actually quite interesting) ‘powerpoint’ presentation from old Henry’s recommendations through to the the troubles at FIFA and UEFA.He had begun by saying that when he was a student (“like you , except that my day was in the 1980s!”).
I had the first question. I opened by saying that while he may have been a student in the 80s, my first year at uni was in the early ’60s, and I felt like Methuselah. ( Get the audience on your side, or what!). I said I had enjoyed the interesting and informative presentation,I realised that it was delivered in an academic context, but I wanted to relate to practicalities.
I said I had sat listening to him talk about values , transparency and integrity and the FIFA and UEFA governance problems and I wanted to mention that the SFA had problems in its own governance.I said that UEFA had been misled, whether intentionally or through incompetence,about RFC’s state of social taxes indebtedness and as a result that club had been granted a European licence they were not entitled to.
The Grant guy said ‘Oh , there’s a bit of background there, Rangers/Celtic”I put my finger up, told him this wasn’t a Celtic-Rangers matter, and said that I wanted to hear Regan state categorically that RFC was not in debt to HMRC at the deadline date.
Regan said that the matter was complex, and explained to the class ( with a smile)that , as he had mentioned earlier, the West of Scotland threw up particular problems),and that this  wasn’t really the place to discuss it, but he would see me after the meeting.
After the meeting, when only he and I and Harvey were present, ( Harvey said he had seen me before at Hampden , but couldn’t say in what context) I again asked Regan whether he would categorically state as the official SFA position that RFC were not in debt to HMRC at the deadline. He said that the SFA had met the requirements of Art. 66 and that the club had been ‘in negotiation’ with HMRC.I said that , no, in fact the club was actually in debt in respect of social taxes, and the SFA were derelict in duty, intentionally or otherwise.
I said: if I were to provide incontrovertible evidence that the club was actually owing money to HMRC , and the debt collectors had been in, what would you do ? His reply was “Nothing”.
I said I would report that back to my people. He asked ‘and who are your people? People who don’t use their real names?
I said ‘I use my real name, and I have written to UEFA using my real name, so that there would be evidence that at least someone had raised the issue before any artificial deadline.I added that we, who pay our money, are the people.
His reply was “if you’ve made your mind up, and that’s your opinion,there’s no way I’m going to convince you’
I said it was not a matter of opinion but of fact, and it won’t go away.
And that was that.
No great surprise, but at least the satisfaction of speaking face-to-face.”


There can't be very many of his people if they are those that pay their money AND why didn't Reagan ask him if Big Jock knew?

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48 minutes ago, centenarystand said:

"Deila has described the win at Rugby Park on Saturday afternoon as one of the most vital results in his time at Celtic."

If they are lapping this up then this is how far the mighty have fallen.


They have never been mighty.

Mighty touchy feely certainly :lol:

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