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Does any other club have a 'grass a fellow fan' culture like ours?


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Makes me sick what do these people gain from grassing in a fellow bear ?

I know i have asked a couple of times now. Who grassed in a fellow bear ?

It's a bit more complicated than that:


Nothing complicated about it at all Manticore.

It was stewards doing a paid job. Not fellow bears.

Someone has misread something and its turning into something that it is not.

I guarantee you though some wont even read this and continue to berate the "fellow bears" who grassed on him. :rolleyes:

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Nothing complicated about it at all Manticore.

It was stewards doing a paid job. Not fellow bears.

Someone has misread something and its turning into something that it is not.

I guarantee you though some wont even read this and continue to berate the "fellow bears" who grassed on him. :rolleyes:

Maybe complicated wasn't the correct word.

I think any venom for the associated bears is directed at those who gave evidence against him.

But yes, the debate has gotten into a bit of a muddle.

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

We have a club grass line and I don't know of any other club that has such a thing or culture of actively encouraging fans to tell tales on their fellow supporters.

I asked the question and still await someone telling me of any other club that has the same.

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

We have a club grass line and I don't know of any other club that has such a thing or culture of actively encouraging fans to tell tales on their fellow supporters.

I asked the question and still await someone telling me of any other club that has the same.

No other club and that includes the filth

Anybody who follows the instructions should ge hung be the scrotum and kicked to death and then pissesd on

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

We have a club grass line and I don't know of any other club that has such a thing or culture of actively encouraging fans to tell tales on their fellow supporters.

I asked the question and still await someone telling me of any other club that has the same.

No other club and that includes the filth

Anybody who follows the instructions should ge hung be the scrotum and kicked to death and then pissesd on

I like your thinking-reminds me of Ibrox in the 70's when scrotum's were often seen flying about!

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

We have a club grass line and I don't know of any other club that has such a thing or culture of actively encouraging fans to tell tales on their fellow supporters.

I asked the question and still await someone telling me of any other club that has the same.

No other club and that includes the filth

Anybody who follows the instructions should ge hung be the scrotum and kicked to death and then pissesd on

I like your thinking-reminds me of Ibrox in the 70's when scrotum's were often seen flying about!

there should be no place for grasses at ibrox.

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

There was at least one Rangers fan gave evidence against him.

I don't have the link to hand, I maybe saw it on another forum., I think there were two.

But it's not a simple matter, if you are called to give evidence it is a criminal offence to withhold the truth, and lawyers are very clever at getting people to say things they don't really mean.

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

We have a club grass line and I don't know of any other club that has such a thing or culture of actively encouraging fans to tell tales on their fellow supporters.

I asked the question and still await someone telling me of any other club that has the same.

No other club and that includes the filth

Anybody who follows the instructions should ge hung be the scrotum and kicked to death and then pissesd on

I like your thinking-reminds me of Ibrox in the 70's when scrotum's were often seen flying about!

there should be no place for grasses at ibrox.

What you want an artificial turf!!!!!!!!!!

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Previous Article on the subject........

The Greater Good

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”

(Edmund Burke)

Some time ago on our forum, the poster Boab related a story of how he had a Rangers supporter evicted from Ibrox following a string of sectarian expletives. His actions in effecting such an expulsion were met with a range of responses, from support for his action, right through to condemnation.

The act of informing on one of your ilk has historically, never been popular…and a quick review of some of the language associated with this action merely underlines this…words such as ”grass” or “snitch” - are hardly tags or labels anyone is likely to embrace.

Whilst it is beyond this writer’s power to alter the conception of both the act and the words associated with it, perhaps it would be helpful to consider the whole act of informing from another perspective – namely the motivation and purpose behind it.

Often the term “grass” or “informer” is used in conjunction with legal cases….where an individual has informed on his peers merely to save his own skin or for financial gain. In these cases the act is merely one motivated by self interest.

However not all instances of informing are necessarily motivated by self interest – the persons within organisations who report wrongdoing and malpractice by their organisations (often referred to as whistleblowers) or the individuals in communities who anonymously report drug dealers – do so not for financial gain but for the benefit of others.

It could be argued their actions are motivated by a desire to see….the greater good.

And this has what to do with Rangers Football Club ?

Well events last Saturday in Inverness appeared to suggest the comprehensive failure of both education and self-policing in our attempts to rid our club of the sectarian blight.

There is a saying that… “Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile”

That the knowledge was there is not in doubt. Any Rangers supporter who thinks it is acceptable at a match to shout “Fuck the Pope” or refer to people as “Fenian Bastards”…must have spent the last few years living on the Dark Side of the Moon.

That’s not too say education does not have its place…just that its quite clear from Inverness that it will not work for all. Had it done so…we would not be having this discussion.

It would be nice to sit back and say that we had done our best…that the majority of supporters had responded in an exemplary fashion and had applied both knowledge and actions….. and we would just have to suffer the mindless few who hadn’t.

Unfortunately our club does not have that luxury. We are very much under the spotlight…and are walking something of a tightrope with UEFA following past indiscretions by the miscreant minority. As can be seen from Saturday…bigoted conduct will not be ignored but will be highlighted within the media. Whether it will be highlighted in a balanced and fair manner is another discussion completely.

Financial penalties…stand closures…warnings…points docked…withdrawal of away tickets…even removal from competitions are some of the range of penalties and options open to the authorities should they chose to take action against us. I shudder to think what affect any of these sanctions will have on both the name and reputation of our club throughout the world.

So if education has not removed the problem we have to turn to the controversial topic of self-policing. Do we really know or understand exactly what this term not only means… but what the consequences are for us ?

It is not without its problems – who really wants to confront the gargantuan drunkard two seats in front of you who keeps belting out “fuck the pope” at every opportunity ? Or even worse – a whole section of people perhaps belonging to one supporter’s bus.

What if you try to point out the error of their ways politely and are still met with a steadfast refusal ?

Let’s be honest…merely trying to drown them out with “Rangers Till I Die” is just not going to work.

Which brings us to 2 unthinkables….or perhaps a better way to put it is… the lesser of 2 evils.

Do we ignore the miscreant minority or individual who… by his behaviour and conduct threatens the well-being of our club ? Who appears to care little for the consequences for Rangers but cares more for his “right” to belt out his anti-Catholic ditties. And who by his very actions endangers every Rangers supporter’s right and desire to follow follow from Dundee to Hamilton to Dublin and further afield.

Or…. if he refuses the reasonable appeals you make…if he fails to listen to the voice of reason and continues with his conduct which endangers our club….do you report him and have him warned or removed by a Steward or Police Officer ?

2 possible courses of action…

Only one of them is for the greater good of Rangers Football Club.

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

There was at least one Rangers fan gave evidence against him.

I don't have the link to hand, I maybe saw it on another forum., I think there were two.

But it's not a simple matter, if you are called to give evidence it is a criminal offence to withhold the truth, and lawyers are very clever at getting people to say things they don't really mean.

I agree with the last part however nowhere in any article have i read a felloe fan gave evidence against him. I think where everyone is getting mixed up is with the mis-print in the original article. The original one said:

"Fellow Rangers stead Michael Rennie, 38, also identified Walls as singing the two best-known lines of the "Famine Song".

"stead" should have been "steward"

The 2 fans who gave evidence denied he sung the song and said only a minority of fans sung it. (tu)

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a fellow rangers fan gave evidence against him.

That was what I was led to believe.

Is this an admission that this whole thread is based on something you believe to be true rather than fact (tu)

There was at least one Rangers fan gave evidence against him.

I don't have the link to hand, I maybe saw it on another forum., I think there were two.

But it's not a simple matter, if you are called to give evidence it is a criminal offence to withhold the truth, and lawyers are very clever at getting people to say things they don't really mean.

I agree with the last part however nowhere in any article have i read a felloe fan gave evidence against him. I think where everyone is getting mixed up is with the mis-print in the original article. The original one said:

"Fellow Rangers stead Michael Rennie, 38, also identified Walls as singing the two best-known lines of the "Famine Song".

"stead" should have been "steward"

The 2 fans who gave evidence denied he sung the song and said only a minority of fans sung it. (tu)

thanks for clearing that up as i was led to believe it was fellow fans. (tu)

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These sorts of threads should have a poll. If you look at some of the other threads, the poll reflects a different opinion than the majority of the posts.

Right now we have some rebel fans who aren't happy because they are stuggling to shout abuse at thier rivals - and it goes to both sides of the old firm.

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Many years agoi took my, then 5yr old, son to his first Rangers match.

It was Rangers -vs- Hearts at Ibrox and i had procured 2 ticket for the "Family" section in the Broomloan end.

3 rows in front of me, there was this guy who, when the game started, procceded to launch into a sectarian diatribe, every Hearts player was a Fe*ian Ba*tard, every decision the ref made against Rangers resulted more of the same and almost every other word out of his mouth was F*ck, Pr*ck etc etc.

I listened for the first 45 minutes, all the while explaining to my son that the guy had had a few too many sherberts & just ignore him.

At half time, i decided to have a word with him, explaining to him that he was seated in the family section (without a kid beside him i hasten to add). For my actions, i was also called a Fe*ian C*nt and told to go forth and procreate.

As the 2nd half commenced he continued his verbal assault on the Hearts players, Ref & he decidied to shout mince at the Rangers team too.

At that point i decided to complain to the steward who explained that "What did you expect at a Football match", i explained that i was sitting in the Family section and didn't ecpect tp hear that !!.

As the steward did feck all, i then complained to the nearest Office who then had a word with the guy .... he wasn't removed but he did shut up for the remainder of the match.

So, in effect i "grassed" in another fan .... did i do wrong??

IMO .. NO, i didn't. If i was anywhere else in the stadium i wouldn't have said anything but as i was in the family section then i don't expect to hear that rubbish being shouted within earshot of a 5 yr old.

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Not all grasses are bad. Have just read Martin McGartland's Fifty Dead Men Walking and am currently reading Sean O'Callaghan's The Informer.

Both IRA informers who grassed on their employers.

Don't like grasses, but sometimes it's absolutely necessary as in Ace's post he did exactly what i'd have done, protect my family.

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