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Everything posted by clelandhattrick

  1. Sutton was always the most detestable MON player for me. Lennon and Thompson were secondary cunts.
  2. I cannot tell you how influential this book has been in my Rangers-supporting life. An absolutely superb book, and it calls a spade a spade. There's a match report from the early fifties in which the great Hibs team ran riot and Docherty wrote something like "Never can Rangers have been so outplayed, so humiliated". I wonder what he'd say about Unirea....
  3. Davide Tosetti. I can't even find out whether he even made it professionally. Google hasn't found anything that isn't to do with either Juve, or our trial. Cyril Chapuis and future Rangers legend Makhtar N'Diaye were also on trial at the same time.
  4. Cleland scored a hat-trick for the first team, and a crucial goal at Celtic Park. Worth every penny.
  5. I was going to post exactly the same. Seems Hooiveld was shortlisted for the 'Best Defender' award. That's it.
  6. FFS, they're signing more players than Spurs these days. I still think Porto will nick the title though.
  7. The original post is fucking mental. 1928? 1964? 1966? 1973? 1996? 2002? Priceless! The Scottish Cup is brilliant. The 1996 Scottish Cup final was, in reflection, probably the happiest day of my life!
  8. Angola? Nobody classes it as West African. It borders the DRC, Namibia, and Zambia. It's southern/central.
  9. Paul Merson is a legend. God, he winds me up so much. He's like a fucking cab driver.
  10. I support Rangers, that's it. My politics are irrelevant. In fact, everyone's politics should be irrelevant. I don't know why so many people seem to think their niche beliefs should in some way be replicated by a football club. If you don't like the football, why support a club? Cue "Rainjurz urra proddy club ngghhh" responses. Well, they're not. They're a football club, and a business. And all businesses should be secular!
  11. FFS. The people who carried out the attack were Cabindan separatists. They have fuck all to do with South Africa. I don't know why people have such difficulty in understanding this.
  12. I would rather have an entertaining simpleton like Charlie Nick than a loudmouth know-nothing cunt like Paul Merson.
  13. I've just noticed that in my original post 'atheist' is spelt correctly, yet in your quote it's misspelt! What the fuck?
  14. Probably. Grew up in an atheist country though. That game on the first of January 1994 was fantastic. 3-0 up after ten or twelve minutes.
  15. I'm amazed Robson is going. I've liked him for years and couldn't believe Rangers made no effort to sign him.
  16. He was my choice for Rangers manager in January 2007. Who knows how he'd have done.
  17. The civil war ended in 2002 with the death of US-backed warlord Jonas Savimbi.
  18. Ah, so now I only disagree with 99% of what he says. Jim McLean is a boring old bastard.
  19. You're right, I copied the list from a Celtic message board (the first result on google for the programme...). Peter Capaldi, from The Thick Of It.
  20. I would rather salute the biggest atheist to play for Rangers. Fuck knows who that is though. Kuznetsov?
  21. He was so fucking awful at Easter Road in April/May last year. If Celtic hadn't drawn there a week later, Velička would surely have been blamed for our losing the title. Still, in years to come he'll be remembered fondly for the crucial goals as others have said.
  22. According to the Daily Record he turned down AC Milan to sign for us. The best player we've had since the Advocaat teams in my opinion.
  23. Almost never. List any incidents from, say, the last three tournaments. Why would you? All indications state that this attack was caried out by a Cabindan separatist group, nothing to do with South Africa whatsoever.
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