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Posts posted by OceanRain

  1. Tuesday is their litmus test.

    The manner is which we lost yesterday was the most frustrating part. Nothing would ease any potential confidence wobble more effectively than a European win under the floodlights in front of packed Ibrox.

  2. 3 hours ago, thehost said:

    You cant keep everything the same... some modernity, with a nod to tradition is all we can hope for. Look at the members, for example, place was becoming totally unfit for purpose so they take the sensible decision to throw those sofas to fuck and actually provide some, much required seating. The main moaners were those who thought they had some divine right to sit on them.

    Does it look as good? No

    Does it provide more suitable facilities for folk paying 6k a skull? Yes


    Where do you draw the line

    Don't treat the walls of the stadium like an 8 year old's bedroom.

    There's on line.

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