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Everything posted by ianferguson

  1. Strange that the Tim fans have stronger opinions on tax avoidance than pedophilia , in fact it seems they have NO opinion on the latter.
  2. They talk all day long about point scoring and EBT'S but the fact is from the Boardroom all the way down to their fans ,when it comes to child abuse the SILENCE is deafening . They have yet another chance to right the wrongs of their shameful past but choose to ignore it and condemn anyone looking to learn from their clubs historical abuse. The problem with this is that Torbets claim as recently as a few days ago that Alan Brazil invented his abuse claims makes it current and opens the wounds up again for the real victims.
  3. Tims spend 5 years 24/7 online trying to get Rangers deid over tax AVOIDANCE,yet can't spend 5 mins online finding out about their LATEST paedophile, that's definitely lacking integrity,the silence is deafening,think they may have their priorities a little confused.
  4. It'll be interesting to see our Tim media avoid and deflect any negative press from their beloved club, for this story won't go away and the similarities between this case and the Tim paedophile ring at the girodome are obvious and unavoidable. Maybe if the tims hadn't put their clubs reputation first and been open instead of silent then the Crewe scenario could have been avoided, and even more important that Crewe don't make the same mistakes and choose cover up tactics over justice.
  5. Absolutely nothing to do with celt*c, a mere coincidence that they were all employees of the upholders of sporting integrity. ?
  6. Gibraltar most embarrassing defeat in Tims HISTORY Barca OFFICIALLY biggest defeat in Tims European HISTORY WELL DONE BRENDA 45000 grand a week to challenge Europe, they must be shitting themselves in Manchester. Apologies to Bears Den.
  7. Best could play in any team in any era such was his speed ,balance and amazing ability. Every fullbacks WORST nightmare and Warburton would have loved him as he could play anywhere in the front three.
  8. Broon missed the end of last season to make sure he was rested and sharp for this season. If you add that to the fact he was around six games ahead of the Leicester players in fitness then I'm afraid he's fuc*ed, considering hes a player who's biggest attribute is hard graft and not much else he was MILES of the pace today. Apologies for actually watching the game out of curiosity.
  9. Compare Messi''s life to your average Argentine fan, who's only escapism from living in a shit country is the hope that the best player in the world maybe win them something one day. Let's dash the hopes of a nation so a 29yr old in his prime can get some beach time with the family, aye right !!
  10. Anybody travelling to Russia for the world cup should get a medal ,wouldn't go near the place if it was free and all inclusive.
  11. Sadly I've always thought ROI fans would be no different from the plastic paddy's, but never in a million years would the darkside have shown respect in this way.
  12. Imagine having a life so fuc*ing sad that you'd give a fuc* about being harder than some strangers in a foreign land .
  13. What are the odds their return to the big league will be on the back of league reconstruction rather than earned competitively ?
  14. Tyson Fury says he'll have to leave Britain for USA because we don't accept gypsies ! Think he'll find its loudmouth ,homaphobic ,religious fanatics we don't accept . Obviously playing the Irish card which goes down well in America . Good luck and goodbye ,don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.
  15. You're having a laugh, stonewall red for obvious deliberate hand ball .
  16. Well done Neil , you lasted a lot longer than i expected.
  17. Hibs will be in div 1 by the time stoksey finds his feet,what an inspirational signing !
  18. There's no doubt Leicester can win league with far less games to play than other contenders who are in Europe and also having goalscorers in form . On the subject of goalscorers Aguero imo will be the difference and if he stays fit it's City for me.
  19. Ronnies probably told him the SPHELL is beneath him and he's being saved for the champions league.
  20. Bottom line is too much fire water ,take the fire water away and you have no event sadly . Anyone I know who's attended these events has made a day of it and had to watch TV highlights to recall a dart being thrown .
  21. If he's not already having problems sleeping then tonight will have him counting sheep for a long time caus thankfully this betrayal is turning into his worst nightmare.
  22. Surely the whole of the football community should demand the tims be held accountable for the shame they bring on this sacred day . That they proclaim to be an inclusive club is an embarrassment,they are a narrow minded bitter Irish club who happen to play in Scotland and the so called majority of good fans who ignore this behaviour are actually condoning this behaviour,shamefully.
  23. If McLean wants to show true respect for his wee shitty country he should go back to it and not pay large somes of tax to the country he hates.Bottom line is he has more respect for cash than the bloody Sunday victims.
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