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Everything posted by Robmc1

  1. I have been very close to seeing how politicians work behind the scenes and I personally have no time for the vast majority of them, regardless of backgrounds or party affiliation. One thing that I will concede though is as much as it will irk a lot of the forum atm, the only party with any credibility in Scotland who are likely to stand up for Rangers and strong union are indeed the Tory’s. We’ve seen how the SNP and previous incumbents Labour favoured celtic for political gain, religion and republican ideology which doesn’t fit with the Rangers dna or culture. I personally as stated have no political affiliation however this thread gives food for thought going forward...
  2. Can only assume SG had an eye on Thursday and was looking to conserve energy. This is a setback which is a sore one to take but it is far from a tragedy. We will learn from today and SG doesn’t seem like someone who makes the same mistake twice (if indeed he does review and is unhappy with today’s set up and tactics)...
  3. Actually hurts as it would a defeat as per the Aberdeen match, but you are correct in the grand scheme of things. The team and SG will grow from this. Am I deeply disappointed... yes, disheartened... no the league has a long way to go and I am still confident we have a very good chance of sitting top come the end of the season...
  4. The OP of this thread has articulated the feeling of in my opinion the majority of the fan base. Following recent and continuing events and attitudes towards us I am in no mood for consolidation with our fellow SPFL members and when the time comes to do so I’d like us to be orchestrating things from a position of strength. Meantime I wish no success to anyone except ourselves...
  5. Just saw the Brown incident and there is ‘obvious’ movement and probably more importantly the intent to connect with Naismith with his elbow. Should have been made to answer for it. On the upside I actually want him on the park on the 2nd and await his reaction on facing a Rangers 11 that look a very capable side who fight for each other and the jersey as opposed to the free ride him and his team have had of late...
  6. They are a good team with CL experience, we are a team full of new personnel who are rapidly evolving in to a solid unit who are prepared to fight and play for each other. Atm I don’t expect anything other than grudging praise from the usual media outlets, who tbh I don’t pay much attention to anyway. Payback for me will be the first game we turn ‘them’ under SG, rapidly followed (I hope) by cup success and/ or 55, can say we achieved this however they like, they are an irrelevance to me...
  7. He will continue to be part of the squad and develop under SG and GMC. The lad has raw energy, drive and natural ability and I fully expect him to progress as a Rangers player under this regime...
  8. Spot on, SG knew exactly what he was doing and I pretty much think he has fully achieved this. Every referee now officiating a Rangers game (and linesmen) are now aware that from now on there will be a degree of scrutiny on their decision making by a credible respected football man who commands a massive audience far beyond Scottish Borders. There has been no consequence on bad decisions against us for the last few years so a marker has been set from day 1 which I applaud...
  9. Crass publicly stunt, not the first time they’ve done early pay outs and been caught out...
  10. SG’s post match comments said the linesman told him he never saw the barge on Morelos which as you can see in the clip is nonsense as the barge and kick are almost instantaneous. Agree, at most yellow card each however as eluded to it appears he went on the day so of the linesman. No such excuses for the raft of other poor decisions though...
  11. Pre match interview SG - “I don’t care about last year, I wasn’t here, let’s look forward” bang on and on today’s evidence his post match quotes were also spot on...
  12. Should have been ahead with the Murphy effort early doors, the goals will come just a matter of sharpening up...
  13. Am I correct in thinking that May could possibly still be cited for that challenge by whoever is covering the compliance officer role? (unlikely as that may be)...
  14. Yes 100%, summed up the officiating today, Devlin was pulling Arfield towards him by the shirt and bearing down on his forehead full of aggression. Lazy and the easy decision by Clancy, reminds me of the Stokes/ Tav incident last season, not good enough and needs credible challenge...
  15. 100% agree with this, regardless of Keevens opinion Gerard commands a far greater audience and more importantly a level of respect in the football world we have been missing for a number of years. Can’t deny we were awarded a penalty but thought the booking on Arfield was a nonsense, all of the shirt grabbing and aggression was coming from Devlin and the Jack incident speaks for itself...
  16. SG eluded to the fact that he was not finished in creating the balance and bond required to compete, I have no doubt that he will address what is glaringly obvious to one and all never mind a seasoned pro starting out in mgt as him. Let’s see how the remainder of the transfer window goes...
  17. Not necessarily in that order mind you?
  18. Yes mate, they’ll dig their heels in and paint over the whole affair unless ‘forced’ to do otherwise,. Looking forward to see how this plays out, be a good indication of the clubs dirdction if we can outmanoeuvre them in to an independent enquiry...
  19. SG has looked at the squad and for whatever reason has apparently picked Tav as ‘his’ and the team captain. If the manager sees the potential for Tav to deliver this role effectively under his regime then I’ll happily go with his professional judgement wish Tav good luck and see where we are with it at the end of the season...
  20. His constant derogatory posting says far more about him than it does about the subject of his posts...
  21. You really have to laugh, a casual remark which will never rally happen even if England were to carry home the WC. If it bothers them that much how about having a programme discussing season long (+) advertising of alcohol (Magners) on team shirts and display boards around stadia. Tbh it really doesn’t bother me the nonsense they constantly churn out, what bothers me is that it’s a public funded organisation which is not reflective of the demographic population of the country. I can only hope with SG media profile, (international) BBC Scotland can be brought in to line by London for their sham of a sports department...
  22. This year when ‘SG’ speaks he will command more media attention than any other SPFL manager, Rogers included. Hopefully (key word as suggested) this will give the referees food for thought on their decision making on all things Rangers...
  23. Bring It on, got to face them there sometime, put a marker down and set the standard from day 1?...
  24. After the negative press following Manchester by the usual suspects I will always remember him having a right go at a caller on his programme trying to slate Rangers fans conduct in general. He was vociferous in his criticism of the set up by Manchester to accommodate our fans and pointed out that it was only a tiny minority of fans involved in any controversy. I had the impression of a closet bear also?...
  25. Correct, or at the very least a press release from the board outlining how derogatory statements as per the one made by him were unacceptable. Instead the narrative has allowed him to ‘apparently’ leave of his own accord with Ian Maxwell (SFA chief exec.) thanking him for his service and referring to him as a ‘valued and trusted member of the board’. Probably and reluctantly forced out reading in between the lines but still think he should have faced some public reprimand...
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