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Roy Hobbs

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Posts posted by Roy Hobbs

  1. 53 minutes ago, B1872 said:

    The manager said that Sterling is out this week. So looks like it’ll be Raskin in the middle of the park with Lundstram. Got a feeling Ibrox will be rocking on Tuesday night due to us having the chance to go back to the top of the league for first time since January 2022.

    Reckon he’ll go with:
















    Going for 3-0 to the famous and top of the league. 🇬🇧

    He said Sterling won't be a problem for the rest of the week 

  2. 13 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    We havent seen the 2 new players at all and people want them thrown in

    If we've agreed to pay £4.5m for Diomande we've got a problem if we need to wait a few weeks to see if he's good enough for the Europa squad.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hamie said:

    Strange one getting rid of Turnbull. 

    He's good enough for the league and also HG status for Europe. 

    Either way, on paper they have had an awful window and hope their new Republican is as much a donkey as big Shane. 

    He's out of contract in the summer but it's definitely strange given how light they are in midfield. He's got goals in him as well so it's a fair loss.

  4. 12 minutes ago, RossS1873 said:

    I was more thinking cause Danilo has had 2 serious injuries already plus Roofe, how many goals is that missed out on by injury alone so far. You can't bank on Danilo coming back this season. He's still in a knee brace. To expect them to come back and be fit and firing for the run in is unfair. Sima maybe depending on how serious it was post surgery

    Even fully fit they aren't scoring that many between them in the second half of the season. Roofe is never fit anyway so it's a moot point.

    Sima is a big loss but he might be back late March. Best case he misses the next 8 league games, most of which are at home.

  5. 9 minutes ago, RossS1873 said:

    He's now the man. Massive pressure to deliver from our nutmegging Nigerian nightmare. I don't think Silva is the man to ease the burden. Losing Sima, Danilo, Roofe(lol) could take a potential 30-35 goals out of this team for the 2nd half of the season. The other attackers really need to step up too 

    It's nowhere near that. They have 23 between them and we're well past the half way point. Plus both Sima and Danilo will be back for the run in.

  6. 6 minutes ago, SIRB_72 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong and/or naive here.

    Didn't Butland and his family move up here and I'm pretty sure he said they wanted to settle down after being shifted about?

    Money talks as does another chance to play in the EPL but I don't think it's as simple as a club coming in and sweeping him off his feet at this stage of his career.

    Plus he's now at a club where he's competing for trophies and playing every week. He could have stayed in England and earned more.

  7. 21 hours ago, Smell the hotdog said:

    There was a reason he came up the road, which was cause it was the best deal available and wasn’t getting it elsewhere. Guys been shite bar a 6 month period to Seville and about 2 months under Clement.

    30K a week far better spent on someone who we can sell on for good money.

    Do you have any in mind that we can get for free?

  8. 55 minutes ago, hammer93 said:

    I can't be the only one that thinks the ccv deal is out there to placate the hordes in what is looking extremely likely a very poor January window?

    From stating they had £70 million in the bank we were led to believe that they were on the brink of spending £20 million in this window.....so far they have apparently overpaid for a winger(a position they already have around 4 in their squad) Rogers stating they will only go to £6/7 million could be telling.....are they seriously linked to sign anyone else?

    They've now got 8 wingers.

  9. 1 hour ago, JM1872 said:

    Welcome to Rangers :UK:

    Not to put a dampener on things, but have just noticed he hasn’t played a lot of football since later October. Might be a good few weeks before he is right up to speed.

    Danish football shuts down for winter. I think his last competitive game was late November.

  10. 12 minutes ago, esquire8 said:

    Can't wait until they sort that rule where the majority of the attackers body has to be offside, not just a toe or kneecap. IFAB considering bringing it in for next season.


    7 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

    That’s even worse. Even more so when it comes in and people start greeting about that as well.

    Yeah what we really need is for it to be more subjective.

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