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  1. Like
    VentyFour reacted to gsa in Murty Reaction   
    Why do people keep saying he's an under 21 coach like it's an excuse???
    None of us are coaches at any professional level and we could see that that team was a disaster before the game even started. 
    He's a spineless little clown of a man. 
  2. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Prso's headband in Murty Reaction   
    No chance am watching it but I can imagine he looks like a lost little boy and couldn’t believe how good ra cellic were and why his sitting off tactics didn’t work as it was the total opposite to the last game. 
    The guy is a total wet blanket, of the Warburton mould. I really didn’t want to say it months ago but his attitude towards the game (rarely changing his 4-2-3-1 formation) and the way he talks just screams Warburton and it’s no surprise given he brought him to the club. 
    That precious nicey nice attitude gets you fucking nowhere in football and it should be stamped out of our club now
  3. Like
    VentyFour reacted to NeoGeo7 in Murty Reaction   
    If he’s not announcing his resignation I’m not interested.
  4. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Bluekev in Murty Reaction   
    The only reaction I want to see from him is him admitting he's out of depth and resigning
  5. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Trooblue in Russell Martin   
    Major mistake in letting Danny Wilson leave.  Had his limitations, but he was miles better than Martin. 
  6. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Inigo in Russell Martin   
    Big pile of dung. Watched him being a big pile of dung for Scotland over the years, so it's no surprise. May be a good guy, may be good in the dressing room (so I've heard), but that's where it ends with him, I'm afraid.
    As I say, Alves gets a harder time, presumably because more was expected of him, but he's still better. Choosing Martin over Alves shows exactly how much the manager knows what he's doing.
  7. Like
    VentyFour reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Russell Martin   
    For me the worst CH at the club.
    That performance today was abysmal and the number of goals he's cost us means he should be chased to fuck now never mind come the summer.
    Fucking rank.
  8. Like
    VentyFour reacted to BlueboyG in SOS Walter   
    Fuck me, here we go again.
  9. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Dan Deacon in SOS Walter   
    These threads should be banned
  10. Like
    VentyFour reacted to FSM in SOS Walter   
    First person who says that Walter should be left in peace to enjoy his retirement gets a cyber kick in the minerals.
  11. Like
    VentyFour reacted to ritchieshearercaldow in Murty.   
    His excuse......the sending off was a game changer
    We were shite before anyway Murty .....couldn’t have got any worse.
  12. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Polo in Murty.   
    That performance kind of puts paid to the “we need Rangers men who know what it’s all about” criticism that has been levelled in the past. Yes, we need a solid core but we had a midfield today full of Bluenoses and they absolutely shat it. We need better players and a much better manager. 
  13. Like
    VentyFour reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Murty.   
    So many backed him. They were wrong.
    For that team to come out so gutless, clueless, spineless, appearing knackered 5 mins in and so totally inept..... that's on him.
    Had always wanted him to go back to the youths but as others have said that drive passion and will to win at this club is lacking. Don't give a fuck about him any more.
  14. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Prso's headband in Murty.   
    That literally sums him up as a person. They’ll go home tonight with not a word being said in that dressing room and everything will be happy in training this week because he just avoids the issue
  15. Like
    VentyFour reacted to kaiser1041 in Murty.   
    Guy has no place in our dugout the players should be made to take responsibility now 
  16. Like
    VentyFour reacted to ForeverAndEver in Murty.   
    Starting to really dislike him now in all honesty.
  17. Like
    VentyFour reacted to LaudrupsPatrickBoots in Murty.   
    Doesn't know why the players weren't up for it today and doesn't want to ask them just now because it's too raw and will only cause conflict.
    What an absolute shitebag of a man.
  18. Like
    VentyFour reacted to sandyinroyalblue in Candieas & Hallidy   
    They know the manager is a stooge who they can take the piss out of and equally there is no one at boardroom level to discipline anyone who steps out of line.
    The club is a shambles.
  19. Like
  20. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Blue Avenger in them and GCC   
    The whole fucking deal between the scum and GCC is a national scandal.
    However, whilst it infuriates me, I get depressed with the inaction on our side to regenerate our stadium and it's surrounding environs. Where are all our plans with these so called Rangers men charge?
    Our infrastructure is in the dark ages and no fucking excuses for those cunts in charge who are bleeding us dry, leg up or no leg up from GCC.
    The relationship between the scum and GCC is what it is, but it is no excuse for the lack of investment and innnovation we witness on improving the fan experience on our very own doorstep. We are a shadow of ourselves with this board, so let's deflect, that'll sort it.
  21. Like
    VentyFour reacted to eejay the dj in them and GCC   
    Brilliant as per usual on this issue
  22. Like
    VentyFour reacted to eejay the dj in them and GCC   
    The fact that you and me are in the minority getting hacked off with issues like this says a lot for me .
    No one at our club or many of our supporters gives a fuck
    Our club are in the same zone hoodwinking our fans like the days when Murray and the assembly were bomb proof.
  23. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Clemdog in Embra tarriers   
    Oh please turn up so that we don't need to give Rangers a full stand, because we know you hate that when we do it.
    Please, please, pretty please buy our tickets.

    I'd be embarrassed to support that.
  24. Like
    VentyFour reacted to jintybear in Embra tarriers   
    Practically begging their fans to attend so they don't have to give us a full stand. As @fanaticCR said we should just say right now that well only need half a stand and that's all we'll ever need. 
  25. Like
    VentyFour reacted to Escobar in Embra tarriers   
    Does it matter? Fucking does my nut in when nothing teams start cutting allocations when they start getting a few half decent results. Same with tynecastle. Use the blue pound whenever it suits them.
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