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Rhepublican scum havin a demo at Armed Forces . . .

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Will try and post the pics later today, if that's ok with admin. Don't worry though, you'll see them on our website very soon. I've never seen smugness turn to abject terror so quickly as I did yesterday. The Bheasts to a man (And fat burd from Gorbals who works in legal office :P ) were kicked all over the streets.

They wanted trouble and they got it - big time.


Great work by vanguardbears, I wonder how the hell they got all the details of these people!!!!???

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As someone who confronted the IRA vermin in Glasgow yesterday, I would like to make sure the correct facts are known.

The crowd were very peaceful and respectful to all those who took part in the parade. Everyone stood and applauded the vets. As the RAF flypast began, 20 - 30 vermin appeared waving scarves and shouting obscenities at innocent passers by.

There was no fighting, more a complete and utter bheasting was handed out. We smashed the blighters all over the road, we attacked every one of that shower of vermin and we chased them through the streets of Glasgow, to such an extent, they were terrified.

Undignified? Maybe!

Deserved? - 100% and very proud of confronting this scum.

The message has been sent loud and clear to the vermin. You disrupt our remembarance days, you disrupt our public acknowledgement of our troops and country, we will confront you at every opportunity. We will not allow scum to besmirch our war dead and vets the way they thought they could yesterday.

I'm proud to have been there yesterday to remember our dead and injured and the troops of today. I'm also proud to have confronted terrorist scum who ran in fear of their lives.

Vanguardbears has the names of these people involved and will be contacting their employers on Monday morning. We also took pictures of the scum, prior to kicking the living daylights of them.

Absolutely superb mate. Will you be posting the pics on here?

See, many people see this as the wrong approach and we should simply ignore their antics. Well i'm sorry, but ignoring their antics has got us in the position where we are being stopped from flying the flag of our own country at an Armed Forces celebration.

Well done to the VBs, the PC Brigade can chastise you all they want but at the end of the day, those bastards will remember the fear they felt for a long time to come. And that reassures me somewhat.

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Fucking jimmy Saville protesting with the cunts..

tramps to a man, oh and the dyke in the middle..

Check out the E wok at the right of this one...


Inbred fuckers.


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I would also like to add, that the bloke giving Vanguardbears photographer the finger, lost his smugness within seconds of this image being taken. There was no street dancing, no shouting, no nothing, just angry British citizens venting their fury on the underclass.

It was a brilliant sight mate, about half of george square emptied and ran at the cunts.

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Check out the E wok at the right of this one...

The ewok was hospitalised.

Good good, although the downside being a good kicking could possibly improve that fuckers appearance.

That is a face that needed re-arranging.

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Willhelm, are these pictures taken before they started chanting "Scum"? They look very exposed in all of these pictures, were they seriously expecting nobody to take offence? <cr>

From what I could see they started chanting and everyone just charged at them, there was onlly about 6-10 police round about them and they were quickly "shoved" "Moved" out of the road, one of the guys I guess its the one the BBC are claiming is in hospital took an awfa bleaching.

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Willhelm, are these pictures taken before they started chanting "Scum"? They look very exposed in all of these pictures, were they seriously expecting nobody to take offence? <cr>

From what I could see they started chanting and everyone just charged at them, there was onlly about 6-10 police round about them and they were quickly "shoved" "Moved" out of the road, one of the guys I guess its the one the BBC are claiming is in hospital took an awfa bleaching.

Didn't hit the f.enian fucker hard enough. Wish I had seen it.

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Willhelm, are these pictures taken before they started chanting "Scum"? They look very exposed in all of these pictures, were they seriously expecting nobody to take offence? <cr>

From what I could see they started chanting and everyone just charged at them, there was onlly about 6-10 police round about them and they were quickly "shoved" "Moved" out of the road, one of the guys I guess its the one the BBC are claiming is in hospital took an awfa bleaching.

Didn't hit the f.enian fucker hard enough. Wish I had seen it.

I know mate.

I was up in Glasgow for a passport interview at 11 so I stuck around for the arms forces thing for a wee bit and to my dellight got to witness a few t@igs getting knocked about

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Willhelm, are these pictures taken before they started chanting "Scum"? They look very exposed in all of these pictures, were they seriously expecting nobody to take offence? <cr>

From what I could see they started chanting and everyone just charged at them, there was onlly about 6-10 police round about them and they were quickly "shoved" "Moved" out of the road, one of the guys I guess its the one the BBC are claiming is in hospital took an awfa bleaching.

And you can bet your life on it the fucker will have a criminal injuries claim in against the UK taxpayer for it.

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Fucking jimmy Saville protesting with the cunts..

tramps to a man, oh and the dyke in the middle..

Check out the E wok at the right of this one...


Inbred fuckers.


i reckon it's neil lennons uncle, dirty smelly lookin' bastard, they should never have been allowed to even start their little giro convention, i hope the government name's and shames these bastards and takes the giro off them, send them back to the feckin ROI where they belong, ragin' now, scum of the earth!!

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Was sitting in the canteen at work there having a cupper and there was a Sunday Liam at my table, looked through it to see if there was any pics of the scum, surprise surprise, not one thing about it.


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How ironic that as someone who no doubt has a track record of 'opposing racism and bigotry' that fat munter has Kevin bloody Wilson down as one of her favourite comedians considering he is outrageously racist in his songs and jokes etc. Nice bit of irony I thought.

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