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Today's Scotland on Sunday


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I cannot stand him and have said so - so your placing the spin on this.

I think it is clear to seee that the 'fannies' that I refer to are the minority that take it to the wrong level.

To me, the fannies are the so-called Rangers fans who are ever ready to jump on the Gers bashing bandwagon before they know the full story, happy to swallow whatever pish some fenian bastard with a typewriter comes up with. Like Manchester, when the polis attacked us, its obviously Rangers fans to blame.

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This steve J seems to really be missing what the article is actually about .

The media can spout all the shite they want , I can't wait for may when they have to put a big picture of davie lifting the spl trophie and a tiny wee photo of TLB greeting his eyes out

Re the bullets - it might well be a rangers "fan" who sent them but until there is proof you can't go slabbering shite about it being one of us!

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Ahh right, so because I have a different opinion to everyone else - I am the one that cannot think for myself? Blinder!

Choosing one line out of a post is a great deflection and sufficient proof for me that you have made a bit of an erse of this thread.

I'm out

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Am I right in saying you can be as nasty and obnoxious as you want and when you get any stick yourself its because of where you are your from and your religion? Going to try that myself at work and once my boss tries to give me into trouble people will say to my boss you are only doing that because he is an athiest from Greenock.Death threats are out of order but so are the newspapers for telling us their perceived reason we dislike someone.

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Am I right in saying you can be as nasty and obnoxious as you want and when you get any stick yourself its because of where you are your from and your religion? Going to try that myself at work and once my boss tries to give me into trouble people will say to my boss you are only doing that because he is an athiest from Greenock.Death threats are out of order but so are the newspapers for telling us their perceived reason we dislike someone.

Shut it, ye Greenock atheist bastard ye!


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'The Scotsman' newspaper is owned by Johnston Press who are based in Edinburgh, and the Editor is a certain John McLellan.

Interestingly, Johnston Press are the second largest local newspaper publishers in the UK,and publish a massive range of papers in the UK, Isle of Man, and the Republic of Ireland.

So putting an embargo on 'The Scotsman' might not hurt the company too much financially, but it might shake the editor up a bit if it could cost him his job due to decreasing sales.

It's ironic that all this stuff comes out in a Newspaper about pyoor wee scrote face, when the parent company who owns said newspaper also publishes a daily rhag entitled....

'The Lurgan Mail'.

If I lived in Scotland, I'd hand out posters to every Rangers fan in the country to show their disgust about the prat who wrote that article, and boycott ALL newspapers published by this company.

If only there more like you, in Scotland.

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For what?

That would not be you wanting me banned again, is it? For having an opinion that differs from yours?

Banned again.....hmmm

Was going to reply but why waste my time.

As far as the article goes it's papers and idiots like the ex editor of the Celtic view that are making sure this is kept going into the next old firm game. Nothing has actually happened since two weeks ago but they have been writing inflammatory articles like this to keep it on the front and back pages.

I hope these guys have a clear conceience making money off poor victimised Neil

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I comprehend that these muppets are a few and I also comprehend that the article is a load of pish - not once have I said I agree with the article.

What I cannot comprehend is the fact that nobody gives a shit about the death threats and they dive into defensive mode everytime. Boycott the paper if you wish but speak out about the threats and the 'lunatics' might just realise that they are impressing nobody and stop.

How about speaking out about those in the media who are all too ready and willing to blame Rangers fans and label us bigots at every turn. There's absolutely no evidence to say who allegedly sent the packages/death threats. I don't see anyone on here condoning death threats and it's been said time and again that it's wrong.

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re: Scotland must ask itself why it seems to tolerate the campaign of hatred against Neil Lennon

for what its worth, probably F all, i stayed up late to write this email which i have just sent, i am now giddy at the thought ofit being published, but perhaps wisely havent got to the stage yet of holding my breath...

" re: Scotland must ask itself why it seems to tolerate the campaign of hatred against Neil Lennon

firstly, i must thank mr smith for enlightening me - i would presume it impossible to try to second guess the innner workings of the mind of someone who would actively behave in such a manner as to issue death threats, whereas the writer seems to have done so effortlessly. perhaps, he can do so as he himself shares with them the requisite vindictive streak and motivation to act on it, as evident by the tone and content of this article, namely attributing guilt wherever he sees fit. such a psychological condition has i contend misguided the writer, into delivering his blustering sermon, and his subjective eulogising of the Celtic manager. whilst in no way do i seek to diminish the seriousness of the threats made against Neil Lennon, or defend those behind them, i feel the writer, in his obvious and exaggerated attempt to redress the balance in regard to the title of this article, would be better served providing evidence of this 'impressive intelligence and articulacy' that is so often attributed to him, when the weight of quotations regarding the arbiters of and his peers within the game do little but suggest otherwise"

good, isnt it?

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So how come someone like me, who has always argued against the bigotry and doesn't give a toss whether someone is from NI and has a republican background, still 'hates' Lennon?

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For what?

That would not be you wanting me banned again, is it? For having an opinion that differs from yours?

I disagree with many posters, on many subjects, but I wouldn't want them banned for it.

Work it out, Brendan!

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people on this site are so guilible that they take the bait every time it is thrown out.

This self confessed Celtic FC supporter with access to a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER COLUMN has thrown out a bait and we are greedily taking it. It has been said on here just lately that this, along with other Rangers fan forums are being trolled continuously for anything they can use to reinforce their claims that we are sectarian, bigoted morons.

He can and probaly will use some of the comments from this discussion. As much as we can bump our gums as to what we would/should do in response to this piece of journalistic nonsense. He can and will be read by a very much larger audience who will believe what he is writing, especially if supported by some of the posts here.

Nobody knows who sent the bullets or death threats or else there would have been charges laid by now. But yes it could of been a Rangers fan but equally it could have been a Celtic fan or any one of a dozen lunatic groups that love seeing their mischief reported in the papers and we, by even aknowledging the fact that this biased crap has been noticed, has him rubbing his little hands together with glee. We have given him more ammunition to use in his next diatribe.

Lastly this is a forum and everyone has the right to their opinion and it seems too often as soon as anyone writes anything that even remotely seems to be friendly to Celtic they are immediately branded by some on here as lurkers, spies etc. etc.

I dislike everything the catholic church and Celtic stand for but, I accept the fact that NL has instilled a win at all cost mentality into his squad and he has identified our weaknesses and has exploited them in the last few games. If the boot were on the other foot we would be doing exactly the same thing. We can still win the championship and that will be the best reply we can give all these bastards, lennon included. WATP.

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Of course mate, I forgot to consider that death threats aimed at Neil Lennon, Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn could have been sent from anyone other than Rangers fans. Who would you consider as possible culprits if it was not a Rangers fan? :(

You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself if you're a Rangers fan.

One simple question: Why do you claim it was a Rangers fan who sent the bullets to Lennon?

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people on this site are so guilible that they take the bait every time it is thrown out.

This self confessed Celtic FC supporter with access to a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER COLUMN has thrown out a bait and we are greedily taking it. It has been said on here just lately that this, along with other Rangers fan forums are being trolled continuously for anything they can use to reinforce their claims that we are sectarian, bigoted morons.

He can and probaly will use some of the comments from this discussion. As much as we can bump our gums as to what we would/should do in response to this piece of journalistic nonsense. He can and will be read by a very much larger audience who will believe what he is writing, especially if supported by some of the posts here.

Nobody knows who sent the bullets or death threats or else there would have been charges laid by now. But yes it could of been a Rangers fan but equally it could have been a Celtic fan or any one of a dozen lunatic groups that love seeing their mischief reported in the papers and we, by even aknowledging the fact that this biased crap has been noticed, has him rubbing his little hands together with glee. We have given him more ammunition to use in his next diatribe.

Lastly this is a forum and everyone has the right to their opinion and it seems too often as soon as anyone writes anything that even remotely seems to be friendly to Celtic they are immediately branded by some on here as lurkers, spies etc. etc.

I dislike everything the catholic church and Celtic stand for but, I accept the fact that NL has instilled a win at all cost mentality into his squad and he has identified our weaknesses and has exploited them in the last few games. If the boot were on the other foot we would be doing exactly the same thing. We can still win the championship and that will be the best reply we can give all these bastards, lennon included. WATP.


I suggest dignified silence.


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How is it tolorating it when the police are giving him round the clock protection, post offices are intercepting his mail and alerting the authorities, it's mentioned at Government summits and is actually reported on the news and media.

I am at a loss here to see how they come to that conclusion.

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How is it tolorating it when the police are giving him round the clock protection, post offices are intercepting his mail and alerting the authorities, it's mentioned at Government summits and is actually reported on the news and media.

I am at a loss here to see how they come to that conclusion.

Because it fits in with his agenda.

Once again, Pol Pot's PR going into overdrive.

We don't dislike him for his religion, we dislike him because he's a horrible cunt.

Still, even poor Mark Walters must be saying to himself 'at least I never got that kind of abuse that poor Noel is getting'.

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All this the smokescreen from the media and lennons buddies leads me to believe there's been a real coverup in what was said to Diouf.

Sad thing is, had this happened in the days of Souness and Holmes, we'd have known by the late edition of the Pink Times.

Murray has built us up materially in bricks and mortar, but he's torn us down traditionally, standard by standard.

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