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Well said Mark Hateley


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Celtic are wrong to dance on Rangers' grave

By Mark Hateley on Feb 24, 12 08:29 AM in rangers

CONGRATULATIONS, Celtic. This year's title is yours and even though I believe it's tainted that's none of your concern.

It's not Celtic's fault Rangers have ended up in a mess of their own making.

So Neil Lennon and his players have every right to milk the moment from here on in until the medals are passed around in May.

The club's supporters are also entitled to enjoy the rest of the cakewalk.

I'd prefer just to leave them to it. Congratulate them and move on. I just wish they had the good grace to do likewise as my club attempts to battle for its very existence and good people are worried sick about their jobs.

I find the tone that has been set by the men at the top at Celtic Park in recent days and weeks has been ill-judged at best and, at worst, deliberately inflammatory.

Let's be honest here, Rangers are lying in the gutter, bleeding badly. There is no need for the likes of Lennon and Peter Lawwell to continue to sink the boot in when our wounds

have been self-inflicted.

I would hope Rangers, as a football club, would conduct themselves with a bit more class if the shoe was on the other foot. In fact, I'm sure they would.

Calling for Rangers to be stripped of titles? Political manipulating and manoeuvring in order to make sure no mercy is shown should their rivals get back on their feet?

All this crass stuff about celebrating the death of Rangers with bowls of jelly and ice cream? Is that really necessary? It smacks of the behaviour of people who hate Rangers more than they love their own club. It reflects very badly on them all.

No one expects Celtic to shed a tear over the state Rangers have got themselves into.

But, even so, there is a venom about their recent reaction which has shocked me and should embarrass the more level-headed, decent people at Parkhead. I hope it does at any rate.

It saddens me that these extreme times seem to bring out the worst in supporters on both sides of Glasgow.

I include Rangers supporters in that because last week, when they were all hurting so badly, some of them chose to bring further shame on Ibrox by singing the kind of songs that have been making us cringe for so long. Thanks for that lads. Just what the club needed in a time of crisis.

As much as I would prefer for Celtic to concentrate on enjoying their success, I would also hope Rangers and their fans can act with dignity and decorum as they fight to get through this, one of the most horrible periods in the club's 140-year history.

These are the qualities the club was built on and these same qualities have never been more important than they are right now.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say how the Rangers support acts at this crucial juncture may decide the very fate of their club.

It's time for them to think smart. Singing stupid songs of defiance is hardly what's needed now. They have to take a step back from all that nonsense and attempt to get a clear view of the bigger picture.

It's not about mindless bravado, it's about making the right choices and ensuring the club they love is around another 140 years from now.

There is no shame in being duped. Let's be honest, it happens to us all.

But what's the old saying? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

They should have those words engraved on the front doors of Ibrox as a permanent reminder and a warning to the next man who gets his hands on the keys.

Yes, the Rangers support is just about to realise how powerful it really is now it is galvanised again and pulling in the same direction.

These fans are about to become the king makers and that's why they should behave in a manner befitting the club they represent.

The next man who steps up to the plate will expect them to scrutinise his every move like never before. The fans will demand that, from now on, the people at the top are open and transparent. They deserve nothing less.

What the future holds is still unclear. In the short term, we can only hope the administrators find what they are looking for to keep the business going and then had it over to a safe pair of hands.

Hopefully the time will come soon when the fans are being asked to throw their united support behind a new regime.

In an ideal world a group of well meaning, wealthy and reputable Rangers supporters will step forward to claim control as a consortium to make sure that, never again, the club is left in the hands of just one man.

If all these interested parties can find a way to club together for the greater good and drag Rangers away from the brink I'm positive the rank and file won't be slow in identifying them as the men who saved them from their darkest hour.

It's time for Rangers men to stand up and be counted. It's time for the club to rid itself of all the old unwanted baggage so that Rangers can be proud of itself again for the fantastic football club it always has been.

So let Celtic get on with celebrating their title - a title they somehow failed to win throughout the last three years of financial troubles - and let Rangers get on with the painful process of putting their club back together.

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I hate how he then has a dig at us at the end for singing songs, it's a time were we should all be united. Let's not have a go at each other.

He was right to say that. It has caused problems this week in the press and should be tackled head on. We need to box clever right now and not make any further enemies..

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Think the big man should have been better advised before this piece went to print, what a load of drivel and the last thing we needed a few weeks prior to an explosive derby.

Pipe it down Mark, this is our own doing, not them across the city.

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Agree with most. I said on here at the time our club would never stoop to their level if the shoe was on the other foot. But I was not shocked by their slurs or lack of dignity. It would have better if Hateley had asked why Rangers fans were being singled out again for offensive chanting when there has been far worse from celtic in recent weeks.

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At least he admits the singing and chanting was wrong rather than some scummy bastards deliberately sweeping it under the carpet

He is quite right regarding the songs; I hope it was a one off because we were all very emotional and still raw over the events that had just occurred.

It’s irrelevant (in terms of our clubs integrity) whether we as individuals think these songs are right or wrong, we have been told time and time again by the people who love this club including our past manager Walter and our current boss Ally that these should not be used. Yes the scum get to sing their songs but their day will come and what we cannot allow is for the club to be punished further by those one sided bastards at the SFA.

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