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"Tainted Title" Talk Has Them Raging

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Some of you are more passionate about hating Ginger Baws than you are about supporting our club.

Tainted league? Who the fuck tainted the league? We did by defrauding the fucking country out of much needed taxes.

This is such a fuckin embarrassment watching our fans gloat that the league is tainted.

I read a comment last night about Scottish fitba being fucked without Rangers but history tells us this is simply untrue.

Attendances of other clubs rocketed in the Jock Wallace days because the competition was more open with 4 years out of 10 seeing non OF clubs win the league. It would have been 5 had Hearts not gloriously shat in the nest in Dundee.

Get a perspective of reality you guys. The premier league, back then, did not need a strong Rangers.

Those who carry on this ... well carry on.. have their heads buried so far up their arses they can still taste their breakfasts.

I've had a look at the facts and figures over those years. With our club out not doing so well, others enjoyed higher league positions, and extended cup runs which accounted with higher home attendances for both league and cup games, these extra fans paying to watch outweighed the money brought about by Rangers away support visiting them a couple of times a year.

Think about it sensibly, we have not been doing what all other clubs have been doing, scraping by with shit players after paying their bills and taxes. It's all the silverware which we won over those years paying superstars inflated wages whilst the other clubs could or would not compete with, but at the end of the day it seems we have been cheating all along and not playing to the same rules as everyone else.

Fuck Celtc. This isn't about them. This is about the fucking mess we've allowed (and cheered) to happen at out club.

Rant over.

You're on the wrong forum.....& should you not be in school at this time of day?

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think we've got better things to worry about than this "tainted title" nonsense, what ages are yous, 10 !! We would have lost the league anyways, they are a better team (at the moment) and deserve to win the league so lets take it on the chin and concentrate on supporting our team and getting them through these testing times, dont scoop to their level

I smell an unwashed taig

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Some of you are more passionate about hating Ginger Baws than you are about supporting our club.

Tainted league? Who the fuck tainted the league? We did by defrauding the fucking country out of much needed taxes.

This is such a fuckin embarrassment watching our fans gloat that the league is tainted.

I read a comment last night about Scottish fitba being fucked without Rangers but history tells us this is simply untrue.

Attendances of other clubs rocketed in the Jock Wallace days because the competition was more open with 4 years out of 10 seeing non OF clubs win the league. It would have been 5 had Hearts not gloriously shat in the nest in Dundee.

Get a perspective of reality you guys. The premier league, back then, did not need a strong Rangers.

Those who carry on this ... well carry on.. have their heads buried so far up their arses they can still taste their breakfasts.

I've had a look at the facts and figures over those years. With our club out not doing so well, others enjoyed higher league positions, and extended cup runs which accounted with higher home attendances for both league and cup games, these extra fans paying to watch outweighed the money brought about by Rangers away support visiting them a couple of times a year.

Think about it sensibly, we have not been doing what all other clubs have been doing, scraping by with shit players after paying their bills and taxes. It's all the silverware which we won over those years paying superstars inflated wages whilst the other clubs could or would not compete with, but at the end of the day it seems we have been cheating all along and not playing to the same rules as everyone else.

Fuck Celtc. This isn't about them. This is about the fucking mess we've allowed (and cheered) to happen at out club.

Rant over.

the league wasn't dependant on an £80 million tv deal back then so jog on

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Some of you are more passionate about hating Ginger Baws than you are about supporting our club.

Tainted league? Who the fuck tainted the league? We did by defrauding the fucking country out of much needed taxes.

This is such a fuckin embarrassment watching our fans gloat that the league is tainted.

I read a comment last night about Scottish fitba being fucked without Rangers but history tells us this is simply untrue.

Attendances of other clubs rocketed in the Jock Wallace days because the competition was more open with 4 years out of 10 seeing non OF clubs win the league. It would have been 5 had Hearts not gloriously shat in the nest in Dundee.

Get a perspective of reality you guys. The premier league, back then, did not need a strong Rangers.

Those who carry on this ... well carry on.. have their heads buried so far up their arses they can still taste their breakfasts.

I've had a look at the facts and figures over those years. With our club out not doing so well, others enjoyed higher league positions, and extended cup runs which accounted with higher home attendances for both league and cup games, these extra fans paying to watch outweighed the money brought about by Rangers away support visiting them a couple of times a year.

Think about it sensibly, we have not been doing what all other clubs have been doing, scraping by with shit players after paying their bills and taxes. It's all the silverware which we won over those years paying superstars inflated wages whilst the other clubs could or would not compete with, but at the end of the day it seems we have been cheating all along and not playing to the same rules as everyone else.

Fuck Celtc. This isn't about them. This is about the fucking mess we've allowed (and cheered) to happen at out club.

Rant over.

:rolleyes: Not even a good attempt at hiding it.

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think we've got better things to worry about than this "tainted title" nonsense, what ages are yous, 10 !! We would have lost the league anyways, they are a better team (at the moment) and deserve to win the league so lets take it on the chin and concentrate on supporting our team and getting them through these testing times, dont scoop to their level

These threads are great.

We get to laugh at them and the schmucks can't help themselves but rise to the bait and out themselves :lol:

A wee bit bait and all the "recent joiners" grab on.

How fecking dumb are they ? :uk:

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I smell an unwashed taig

is that your reply to everyone who has a different opinion to yourself ya wee fud. im living in the real world, you can spend all your time thinking off wee gay songs of tainted titles, i'll spend mines supporting my OWN team through these troubled times espicially on a day like today when we could find many of our players and staff without a job. the thing is im man enough to admit defeat, you just sound like a daft wee lassie who goes crying home to their mammy n daddy when they dont get their own way. We bang on, and proudly too, about the class and dignity of our club, well start fucking showing it. Like a said before dont scoop to their level, let them sing their wee shitey song about jelly n ice cream, rise above it, we'll be back better and stronger

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think we've got better things to worry about than this "tainted title" nonsense, what ages are yous, 10 !! We would have lost the league anyways, they are a better team (at the moment) and deserve to win the league so lets take it on the chin and concentrate on supporting our team and getting them through these testing times, dont scoop to their level

have a spare black tie for Paulies funeral if you need one.

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is that your reply to everyone who has a different opinion to yourself ya wee fud. im living in the real world, you can spend all your time thinking off wee gay songs of tainted titles, i'll spend mines supporting my OWN team through these troubled times espicially on a day like today when we could find many of our players and staff without a job. the thing is im man enough to admit defeat, you just sound like a daft wee lassie who goes crying home to their mammy n daddy when they dont get their own way. We bang on, and proudly too, about the class and dignity of our club, well start fucking showing it. Like a said before dont scoop to their level, let them sing their wee shitey song about jelly n ice cream, rise above it, we'll be back better and stronger

Jog on declan.

The only one you're fooling is yourself.


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It's good to see a few positive stories in the paper today. It looks like the growing perception that this will be a tainted title for them is making their jelly and ice cream a bit rancid :lol:

Let's keep it up. They would.

RAGING Neil Lennon blasted former Celtic star Craig Burley after the 1-1 draw with Aberdeen at Pittodrie.

The Parkhead boss let rip as he was interviewed live on TV by ESPN reporter Darryl Curry.

It's the second time the pair have been involved in a war of words inside a month, with Lennon furious at Burley's "tainted title" comments.

He said: "I believe one of your reporters said that the title is devalued. The only thing that devalues the Scottish game is people like him on your channel.

"He should come into our dressing room and say that to our players. He should go and say that to the fans.

"I find it disrespectful. You give these guys a platform and they talk nonsense.

"We'll carry on regardless. We're unbeaten in 22 games and we're looking forward to a big month.

"There are some great games ahead in the league, the Scottish Cup and the League Cup."

Burley, the satellite cannel's regular co-commentator, made his statement before Celtic's winning 20-game run came to an end against Craig Brown's side.

He claimed that the 10-point penalty Rangers had been handed for going into administration had effectively tainted the SPL Championship as the sanctions killed off any real hopes the Ibrox side had of challenging Celtic.

It's alright for the ginger Irish victim to say it but isn't it? So what does that make u ya brainless little fucker?

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is that your reply to everyone who has a different opinion to yourself ya wee fud. im living in the real world, you can spend all your time thinking off wee gay songs of tainted titles, i'll spend mines supporting my OWN team through these troubled times espicially on a day like today when we could find many of our players and staff without a job. the thing is im man enough to admit defeat, you just sound like a daft wee lassie who goes crying home to their mammy n daddy when they dont get their own way. We bang on, and proudly too, about the class and dignity of our club, well start fucking showing it. Like a said before dont scoop to their level, let them sing their wee shitey song about jelly n ice cream, rise above it, we'll be back better and stronger

Lets not brendan.

Lets sing big jock knew to your ears bleed (tu)

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Don't waste your breath. Any comment that does not fit in to their generic Orange mentality sees cries of foul, and religiously bigoted comments.

I hope for the sake of our team and our real fans that the cops trawl through this and pick up those who taint our club with this backward, antiquated non intelligence.

Yous are a fucking disgrace not only to this club, but to humanity in general.

Anyone who thinks I belong across the city can PM me for details of when and where I drink, and you're most welcome to pop along and find out the truth.

But the sad fact is no one has taken me up on my offer yet cos some of you know.

Come into my local dyed in the wool blue nose pub and find out what we staunch Bears think about your sectarian pish and the damage it's done to our reputation.

It's the Neanderthals among us who are dragging us down. Club together and get rid of this poison before it eats away at us for yet another hundred years.

Yous making these comments and singing those chants are NOT the people. Yous are a fuckin embarrassment to common decency.

Fuck right off with your sectarian shite. Anyone repeating this pish has something cognitively wrong with them.

Why is this monobrowed fuckwit still here.

I think the OP might be onto something concerning reminding them how tainted there title is...it's attracting taigs like flies round shite......

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Jog on declan.

The only one you're fooling is yourself.


so this is what this forum is all about? a difference of opinion and your a taig, need to laugh lol, no discussion or debating, all just kid-on hardmen behind a computer. what a fucking a joke haha

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Don't waste your breath. Any comment that does not fit in to their generic Orange mentality sees cries of foul, and religiously bigoted comments.

I hope for the sake of our team and our real fans that the cops trawl through this and pick up those who taint our club with this backward, antiquated non intelligence.

Yous are a fucking disgrace not only to this club, but to humanity in general.

Anyone who thinks I belong across the city can PM me for details of when and where I drink, and you're most welcome to pop along and find out the truth.

But the sad fact is no one has taken me up on my offer yet cos some of you know.

Come into my local dyed in the wool blue nose pub and find out what we staunch Bears think about your sectarian pish and the damage it's done to our reputation.

It's the Neanderthals among us who are dragging us down. Club together and get rid of this poison before it eats away at us for yet another hundred years.

Yous making these comments and singing those chants are NOT the people. Yous are a fuckin embarrassment to common decency.

Fuck right off with your sectarian shite. Anyone repeating this pish has something cognitively wrong with them.

I think you raise many many good points, Neanderthals and sectarian god give me that any day than being tainted (oops) by the club that was formed out of religious intolerance. sexual abuse, being closed down during ww2 so yes Neanderthal and sectarian really, alas they are well and truly put into the background when one looks across the city.

Take care and enjoy the funeral.

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is that your reply to everyone who has a different opinion to yourself ya wee fud. im living in the real world, you can spend all your time thinking off wee gay songs of tainted titles, i'll spend mines supporting my OWN team through these troubled times espicially on a day like today when we could find many of our players and staff without a job. the thing is im man enough to admit defeat, you just sound like a daft wee lassie who goes crying home to their mammy n daddy when they dont get their own way. We bang on, and proudly too, about the class and dignity of our club, well start fucking showing it. Like a said before dont scoop to their level, let them sing their wee shitey song about jelly n ice cream, rise above it, we'll be back better and stronger

For the love of god, it's not 'scoop to their level' it's STOOP. Once is a genuine mistake, twice is bordering on unforgivable

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Don't waste your breath. Any comment that does not fit in to their generic Orange mentality sees cries of foul, and religiously bigoted comments.

I hope for the sake of our team and our real fans that the cops trawl through this and pick up those who taint our club with this backward, antiquated non intelligence.

Yous are a fucking disgrace not only to this club, but to humanity in general.

Anyone who thinks I belong across the city can PM me for details of when and where I drink, and you're most welcome to pop along and find out the truth.

But the sad fact is no one has taken me up on my offer yet cos some of you know.

Come into my local dyed in the wool blue nose pub and find out what we staunch Bears think about your sectarian pish and the damage it's done to our reputation.

It's the Neanderthals among us who are dragging us down. Club together and get rid of this poison before it eats away at us for yet another hundred years.

Yous making these comments and singing those chants are NOT the people. Yous are a fuckin embarrassment to common decency.

Fuck right off with your sectarian shite. Anyone repeating this pish has something cognitively wrong with them.

Only BIG JOCK KNEW !! and ......WE ARE THE People !! there you go fixed it for you (tu)

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Don't waste your breath. Any comment that does not fit in to their generic Orange mentality sees cries of foul, and religiously bigoted comments.

I hope for the sake of our team and our real fans that the cops trawl through this and pick up those who taint our club with this backward, antiquated non intelligence.

Yous are a fucking disgrace not only to this club, but to humanity in general.

Anyone who thinks I belong across the city can PM me for details of when and where I drink, and you're most welcome to pop along and find out the truth.

But the sad fact is no one has taken me up on my offer yet cos some of you know.

Come into my local dyed in the wool blue nose pub and find out what we staunch Bears think about your sectarian pish and the damage it's done to our reputation.

It's the Neanderthals among us who are dragging us down. Club together and get rid of this poison before it eats away at us for yet another hundred years.

Yous making these comments and singing those chants are NOT the people. Yous are a fuckin embarrassment to common decency.

Fuck right off with your sectarian shite. Anyone repeating this pish has something cognitively wrong with them.

You do know what "ironic" means, don't you?

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