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Ally McCoist The Manager


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This is not an anti McCoist thread, it is a pro Rangers thread. I want the best for my club, and I do not think Ally has shown enough to suggest he is a capable manager. My aim was to get people discussing how we move forward, how do we judge the manager when we are playing part time opposition? The over the top response from the majority on here to reasonable questions suggests that McCoist is not being judged on footballing matters. That for me is unhealthy, in the short term and the long term.

McCoist was delt a crap hand from the off when SDM sold the club to a conman, but if we are talking purely footbaling matters then that's fine.

On the park, he took us on a 15 game unbeaten run, leading us to a ten odd point gap over Celtic only to have his best players season ended by injury (Naismith) and his second best players head turned by a potential move to England (Jelavic). What about him not only beating, but destroying Celtic at Ibrox twice? What about getting wins at the majority of the traditionally hard grounds for us like Pittodrie, Inverness, Tannadice & Tynecastle?

McCoist isn't perfect, I've never once claimed that he is. I know we dropped silly points in silly games, we were embarassed in Europe, our football wasn't great at times and he made poor team selections on occassion, but like I said he's only a year in to his first ever gig. No manager is going to be perfect or the finished article by then, and even a twenty/thiurty year vet will make mistakes, especially when the club was going through the shit that our one was.

Even now we are still really trying to find our feet, rebuild a squad which has lost 20+ players and get players games under their belts. Yet, rather than rally round and give the club the time it needs to clear the cobwebs, get on a sound footing and McCoist a decent chance to maybe fine tune his skills in a division where the pressure is reduced slightly due to the obvious superiority that we have over most of our opponents, it seems that guys like you and brissybear can't wait to get on here and start bashing your keyboards. It's no wonder you have been shot down.

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5 games in , 3 we have seriously struggled in. we have no flow and technically we are shocking . i dont know whether its down to ally and the training or the players attitude , im definitley not his biggest fan as a manager and loyalty only gets you so far . time will tell how good he will be but IMO nothing has changed in a year and a bit and he has a shit load to learn

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Yes because everybody agreeing with one another on every aspect is a fantastic way to live. Many on the thread have considered my points and generally disagreed in a constructive manner. The inability of others to consider the points in a reasonable manner is disappointing.

many have agreed that you're a penis in a constructive manner,so what?

there's a time and a place for these kind of threads,and it's not after a victory or after a few UNBEATEN games in what is allys first proper season in charge

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Yes because everybody agreeing with one another on every aspect is a fantastic way to live. Many on the thread have considered my points and generally disagreed in a constructive manner. The inability of others to consider the points in a reasonable manner is disappointing.

What part of too early is it you dont understand?

Is it because you have been watching Rangers play with big Money signings ?or are you just impatient and dont like watching us in thel ower Div.

We wont be at this level for ever ,as this is only a building block to the future .

However I am expecting better things for us as a Team as we go up the levels , we cant rush this and must only put a Team out within a sensible budget.

I too hope Ally gives Youth a chance ,and was kinda dissapointed when he brought in Kyle.

But I am willing to give Ally Time, and the opportunity to get us through with what we have.

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McCoist was delt a crap hand from the off when SDM sold the club to a conman, but if we are talking purely footbaling matters then that's fine.

On the park, he took us on a 15 game unbeaten run, leading us to a ten odd point gap over Celtic only to have his best players season ended by injury (Naismith) and his second best players head turned by a potential move to England (Jelavic). What about him not only beating, but destroying Celtic at Ibrox twice? What about getting wins at the majority of the traditionally hard grounds for us like Pittodrie, Inverness, Tannadice & Tynecastle?

McCoist isn't perfect, I've never once claimed that he is. I know we dropped silly points in silly games, we were embarassed in Europe, our football wasn't great at times and he made poor team selections on occassion, but like I said he's only a year in to his first ever gig. No manager is going to be perfect or the finished article by then, and even a twenty/thiurty year vet will make mistakes, especially when the club was going through the shit that our one was.

Even now we are still really trying to find our feet, rebuild a squad which has lost 20+ players and get players games under their belts. Yet, rather than rally round and give the club the time it needs to clear the cobwebs, get on a sound footing and McCoist a decent chance to maybe fine tune his skills in a division where the pressure is reduced slightly due to the obvious superiority that we have over most of our opponents, it seems that guys like you and brissybear can't wait to get on here and start bashing your keyboards. It's no wonder you have been shot down.

You make excellent points. Why though, instead of responding to the points I made which you have stated 'on purely football matters are fine' did you insinuate I was not a genuine supporter? You have now eloquently addressed my points, but you appeared more determined to undermine and ridicule a poster on your board for stating what many people are thinking but will not say. I think our manager on the football side is poor at his job, What is wrong with that statement? It would appear you would rather promote a general consensus rather than healthy debate. More of an issue is the unacceptable language used by many posters on this thread.

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It is time to finally admit what I have thought for a long time. I do not think Ally is anywhere near the standard of manager Rangers require or expect. This is not a knee jerk reaction to the latest guff served up, it is after a year of watching continuous poor and aimless football where we have shown little sign of improvement in any aspect of the game that has led me to this conclusion. The manager has struggled to stamp his philosophy on the team in any tangible way, we play a hopeful brand of football; we hope to win, but have no real idea how to make it happen. It was clear from the outset that for Ally to be successful he had to be his own man, and that meant moving away from the generally dour football Walter had us playing. He has not done that, and I struggle to see any positives in Ally as a manager.It would of course be wrong to not consider and accept that off field matters have impacted heavily on the pitch, but it can not be used to protect Ally from criticism forever, because on purely football matters, he has been average at best.

I fully accept my position on the manager is not a stance echoed by many within the support, but when will people question the manager? Winning at the level we are competing should be a given, and so therefore we are naturally looking for more. So how do we then judge the manager? Is winning enough to keep the fans happy? Does the style of play matter? Has the managers outstanding performance off the field and his rightful position as club legend made it impossible for fans to criticise him? Is this healthy for the club moving forward?

I do not think that you are anywhere near the standard of Rangers supporter required or expected

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You make excellent points. Why though, instead of responding to the points I made which you have stated 'on purely football matters are fine' did you insinuate I was not a genuine supporter? You have now eloquently addressed my points, but you appeared more determined to undermine and ridicule a poster on your board for stating what many people are thinking but will not say. I think our manager on the football side is poor at his job, What is wrong with that statement? It would appear you would rather promote a general consensus rather than healthy debate. More of an issue is the unacceptable language used by many posters on this thread.

pretty impressive deflection there.

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What part of too early is it you dont understand?

Is it because you have been watching Rangers play with big Money signings ?or are you just impatient and dont like watching us in thel ower Div.

We wont be at this level for ever ,as this is only a building block to the future .

However I am expecting better things for us as a Team as we go up the levels , we cant rush this and must only put a Team out within a sensible budget.

I too hope Ally gives Youth a chance ,and was kinda dissapointed when he brought in Kyle.

But I am willing to give Ally Time, and the opportunity to get us through with what we have.

I feel after a year in charge I would see some sort of structure to his still of play, there has not been one. I like my football played a certain way and Ally has not met my expectations. And they are high, as they always should be amongst the Rangers support. Why the upset over the issue that I do not rate the manager? Its a a perfectly reasonable judgement for a football fan to make. You suggest he needs more time and he probable deserves more time, but from my perspective the signs are not good. I struggle to see anything good in the way we set up, style of play etc.

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I do not think that you are anywhere near the standard of Rangers supporter required or expected

Indeed. Your performance as a Rangers fan has been continuously disappointing since your introduction here.

Here's a point for the OP which I'll assume he's got all sorted out - Ally leaves, what's the solution? Who takes us forward? How do you attract anyone else to the job. How do they cope with the transfer ban? How do they avoid criticism after going undefeated? What constitutes 'good enough'? Is winning by 4 goals every other week at ibrox unacceptable?

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McCoist has done a fantastic job.

The building Of character required to produce a winning team (at the highest level) takes a long time. We are making good progress in that area.

I would say (looking at our performances) we still have a few players who are at the club for the wrong reasons, I thank them for doing the honorable thing and staying under contract. But it is time to decide..... stay with pride or go with thanks?

mccoist is everything the club should be, and will have all the time he needs (from me at least).

PS I would sooner watch average football from a team of players playing for the badge. The bonus would be supporters like you would dwindle away and possible support a team of "stars". I on the other hand would be surrounded by "true blues" on and off the park. Something else to look forward to

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This is a crazy thread, either the op is a taig or the stupidist cunt to ever post in a football forum. This is not even close to being the right time to question Ally Mccoist, after what this guys been through, and what hes done for us, he should be getting some kind of super medal or something, not critisised.

If it wasnt for him I honestly dont know where we would be right now, if he had said 4 words (dont buy season tickets) do you think we would be breaking any World records for crowds. (btw the fans have been awesome so far, as has CG) But the fans trust in Ally is the main reason, so the guy deserves plenty of time to try to get things right.

If after maybe 2 seasons things dont seem to be improving then maybe questions will be asked, but right now I dont know how any Rangers fan could find it in their heart to critisise Ally Mccoist, I know this sounds like Im giving him a free pass, but maybe he does deserve one for 2 seasons at least for his unquestionable, undying, loyalty to the Rangers. :praise: :praise: :praise:

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Indeed. Your performance as a Rangers fan has been continuously disappointing since your introduction here.

Here's a point for the OP which I'll assume he's got all sorted out - Ally leaves, what's the solution? Who takes us forward? How do you attract anyone else to the job. How do they cope with the transfer ban? How do they avoid criticism after going undefeated? What constitutes 'good enough'? Is winning by 4 goals every other week at ibrox unacceptable?

Good points, you seem to understand the notion of discussion. I would not want Ally to leave the club, he is my childhood hero and I would love him to stay in some capacity, whether that is realistic I am not sure. I would offer the job to Brian Laudrup, he has been commentating on football for a while and remained in the game. He would also have 2 or 3 years to learn his trade. Ultimately though, whoever was to get the job must have a clear philosophy on how they want the game played. I no longer want to watch caveman football, time to raise the standards which includes double training sessions. Good enough is winning in style. This is obviously not possible every week but a the level we are competing we need to see some sort of tangible style of play. In the last 8 year or so the football has been dire.

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McCoist has done a fantastic job.

The building Of character required to produce a winning team (at the highest level) takes a long time. We are making good progress in that area.

I would say (looking at our performances) we still have a few players who are at the club for the wrong reasons, I thank them for doing the honorable thing and staying under contract. But it is time to decide..... stay with pride or go with thanks?

mccoist is everything the club should be, and will have all the time he needs (from me at least).

PS I would sooner watch average football from a team of players playing for the badge. The bonus would be supporters like you would dwindle away and possible support a team of "stars". I on the other hand would be surrounded by "true blues" on and off the park. Something else to look forward to

I would rather watch players with legitimate talent then 11 Rangers men with little quality. Football is about winning not misty eyed sentiment, regardless of how well placed your notion may be.

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Good points, you seem to understand the notion of discussion. I would not want Ally to leave the club, he is my childhood hero and I would love him to stay in some capacity, whether that is realistic I am not sure. I would offer the job to Brian Laudrup, he has been commentating on football for a while and remained in the game. He would also have 2 or 3 years to learn his trade. Ultimately though, whoever was to get the job must have a clear philosophy on how they want the game played. I no longer want to watch caveman football, time to raise the standards which includes double training sessions. Good enough is winning in style. This is obviously not possible every week but a the level we are competing we need to see some sort of tangible style of play. In the last 8 year or so the football has been dire.

Wow you've got it all sorted out!

Give the job to Brian Laudrup, basically another rangers player you like. Now Brian, you know how he likes to play? Oh wait, you don't. He was an exciting winger but for all you know he could be an awful, defence minded pussy of a manager.

As for the fact he's been commentating on football for a few years, if that is the criteria for getting a managers job then, well fuck me, I could just riff off some names really?

Your next problem is that he might not be interested in working in the Scottish third division.

Is he even interested in being a manager?

All this and you suggest he is given 2/3 years to learn his trade while cutting Ally's managerial career off at just over 12 months.

Oh and double training sessions. Right. That'll sort it.

Sorry but that isn't in any way a tangible plan. Frankly, it's kinda laughable.

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I feel after a year in charge I would see some sort of structure to his still of play, there has not been one. I like my football played a certain way and Ally has not met my expectations. And they are high, as they always should be amongst the Rangers support. Why the upset over the issue that I do not rate the manager? Its a a perfectly reasonable judgement for a football fan to make. You suggest he needs more time and he probable deserves more time, but from my perspective the signs are not good. I struggle to see anything good in the way we set up, style of play etc.

After a year in charge? Have you noticed that it has been an extraordinary year nonpareil? Can you tell me of anyone who would have survived THAT year, never mind actually managed to get a team to achieve ANY level of success? Of anyone who could instill structure in a situation which was being systematically dismantled around its foundations and disrupted on a daily basis, week in and week out? A period of instability which is still ongoing and and is still hamstrung by the not insignificant obstacle an illegal transfer embargo which we will have to endure until 2014? Apart from anything else?

It may have escaped your notice that RFC was almost destroyed and is still essentially a patient in intensive care, I think you should be in the market for a reality check mate, because i find your views, breathtaking and otherworldy; naive at best.

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