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Jailed for slagging the Pope

Rangers Lady

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If I was his solicitor I would have used this as an argument and ask if this guy sung this at a show in Scotland how much jail time would he get.

That guy must be a true blue, even way that dodgy name!!

Must send this off to Aberc. Wonder if he recognises himself in the lyrics.

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I maybe wrong and apologies if I am, but the Smyths I know of are all taigs. I do not know one prod who is named Smyth. If this grassin bastard is a taig why is our club paying him?? GET HIM OR GET HIM TO FUCK!!

This is what I was getting at, 3 times this Rangers employee has reported away fans singing to the polis

He then goes on to testify in court to ensure prosecution.

Why would he not approach the lad and give him a warning ?

4 years he has worked at the club. put himself forward to monitor away matches


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an organisation that carried out 1500 years of ethnic and cultural cleansing, set mandkinds development back 500 years by torturing and imprisoning those who wished to read and write in their own language, or some of mankind's greatest minds like galileo who wished to further our knowledge, who invented anti semitism and who have actively supported every fascist regime thats ever existed, that turned a blind eye to german and italian expulsions of jews to death camps and set up networks for escaping nazis at the end of the war to further their grim work in south america, that has provided safe shelter and protection for paedophiles and still does, this organisation is now deemed to be beyond critisism???

along with its head who used to be a nazi, who's dad was in the SD and is now paedophile protector and bigot in chief.

and now these fuckers are suddenly beyond reproach?

have we forgotten why we had a reformation?

it would be like jailing jews in israel in 400 years time for saying bad shit about the nazi's.

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an organisation that carried out 1500 years of ethnic and cultural cleansing, set mandkinds development back 500 years by torturing and imprisoning those who wished to read and write in their own language, or some of mankind's greatest minds like galileo who wished to further our knowledge, who invented anti semitism and who have actively supported every fascist regime thats ever existed, that turned a blind eye to german and italian expulsions of jews to death camps and set up networks for escaping nazis at the end of the war to further their grim work in south america, that has provided safe shelter and protection for paedophiles and still does, this organisation is now deemed to be beyond critisism???

along with its head who used to be a nazi, who's dad was in the SD and is now paedophile protector and bigot in chief.

and now these fuckers are suddenly beyond reproach?

have we forgotten why we had a reformation?

it would be like jailing jews in israel in 400 years time for saying bad shit about the nazi's.

I enjoyed your post pal - and the most significant point is reformation, those including the covenanters and the huguenots that freely gave away their life, for future generations.

Britain is Protestant – we have the right to say fuck the pope. And if those refugee don’t like it, fuck them too.

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1530–40; < German or French, for Latin prōtestantēs, plural of present participle of prōtestārī to bear public witness.

to bear public witness to the evil corruption and perverted vice of rome should not be a crime, its the single biggest factor in the success of northern europe, where our enlightened protestant work ethic and attitude to progress and education led to the industrialisation of the western world. have a look at southern europe's history and current ecconomic state, fascism, corruption and vice, with a major failure in getting aff their arses, ffs its taken 15 years to jail berlusconi who only got himeself elected in order to give himself immunity from prosecution, ireland, portugal, spain and italy and all virtualy bankrupt.

max weber was bang on the money.

and now it appears they want to rollback the reformation for the sake of their votes in an attempt to destroy our union which in turn puts us at risk of becoming the next ireland, portugal, spain or italy.

fuck that.

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1530–40; < German or French, for Latin prōtestantēs, plural of present participle of prōtestārī to bear public witness.

to bear public witness to the evil corruption and perverted vice of rome should not be a crime, its the single biggest factor in the success of northern europe, where our enlightened protestant work ethic and attitude to progress and education led to the industrialisation of the western world. have a look at southern europe's history and current ecconomic state, fascism, corruption and vice, with a major failure in getting aff their arses, ffs its taken 15 years to jail berlusconi who only got himeself elected in order to give himself immunity from prosecution, ireland, portugal, spain and italy and all virtualy bankrupt.

max weber was bang on the money.

and now it appears they want to rollback the reformation for the sake of their votes in an attempt to destroy our union which in turn puts us at risk of becoming the next ireland, portugal, spain or italy.

fuck that.

This is exactly what will happen m8, our forefathers will be turning in their graves.

The game was up when that bitch was allowed to wear her mhanky top in the Scottish Parliament.

Time was, not so long ago, you wouldn't find a RC in any position of authority, I wonder why?

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I enjoyed your post pal - and the most significant point is reformation, those including the covenanters and the huguenots that freely gave away their life, for future generations.

Britain is Protestant – we have the right to say fuck the pope. And if those refugee don’t like it, fuck them too.

You better believe it :pipe:

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  • 3 months later...

It's not all bad news...

as more become non-religious and secular.

Posted on 10 October, 2011 by Les


Hmmm... God looks kinda familiar...

The Catholic church has been having a rough time of it lately. What with the pedophile priest scandals around the world and the increasing number of Catholics leaving the faith in the U.S. and Europe. Now they have more bad news coming out of Brazil which was once considered a bulwark of Catholic faith:


At the start of the last decade, millions of Brazilian Catholics joined flashy Pentecostal congregations expanding in the world’s biggest Catholic country.
Now, Brazil’s Getulio Vargas Foundation finds, the country’s Catholics are still leaving the church and at a higher rate than ever, but many younger parishioners, like Maragato, are simply becoming nonreligious.

Experts say this new twist poses a more potent threat to Catholic leaders than earlier losses. Now, the church isn’t just competing against the Pentecostals, but courting people who have decided organized religion has no part in their lives.

“It’s the most important phenomenon in this study, the abandonment of religion and the Catholics,”
said Fernando Altemeyer, a theologian at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo.
“A considerable part of the Brazilian youth today are agnostic.”

Such news does warm my old atheist heart. I can think of no Christian denomination — with the possible exception of the Westboro Baptists — more deserving of having its membership numbers collapse than the Catholics.

The number of people under the age of 20 in Brazil who say they follow no religion is growing three times more quickly than those 50 and older, with 9 percent of young Brazilians saying they belong to no religion, according to the study.
That mirrors a similar trend in the number of people leaving the Catholic Church.

This seems to be a growing trend everywhere. More and more of the younger generations are becoming non-religious. Some of them are seeking out their own personal version of spirituality, but more and more are becoming atheist and agnostic and it’s got the Catholics running scared. Just 30 years ago the Catholic church was embraced by 90% of Brazilians, today that number is down to 67.4%. Still a majority, but probably not for much longer the way things are going.

So what’s the primary cause of this decline? The study’s authors think it’s the improving quality of life in Brazil:

“As the economy has improved, people have more access to cinema, theater, to just take a trip,” said Silvia Fernandes, a sociologist at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro who focuses on those who switch religions.
“So we’re seeing that people no longer need to go to church for social reasons if they have these other options.”

Altemeyer said the ability of the previously impoverished to acquire goods like TVs and computers means even more distraction.

“The improvement of people’s life conditions is adding to this phenomenon of secularization and the rejection of religious institutions,”
Altemeyer said.

Having access to computers and the Internet is probably a big part of it. When you’ve got instant access to the knowledge of the world you don’t have to rely so much on church leaders to tell you about reality. Plus you can find out about all the other people who manage to live good lives without relying on belief in a higher power to do so. Plus it doesn’t help when you cling to dogma that is detrimental to people’s quality of life:

Experts say the changes have accelerated as many women turn away from the Vatican’s prohibitive views on contraception and abortion, which remains illegal in nearly all cases in Brazil.

“The Catholic Church is literally losing its future, and the loss of women and young people is the most important driver of the fall,”
Neri said.

The situation is so bad for the church in Brazil that the Vatican has announced their next World Youth Day will be held in Rio de Janeiro in hopes of slowing or reversing the trend of young people leaving the church. They’re already doing everything they can think of to stop the losses, but so far it’s not having much impact.

With any luck this trend will continue around the world and it won’t be too long before the Catholic church fades into irrelevancy. Now, if we can just get the same trend going with Evangelicals.

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Time to take back our heritage and burnings at the stake for those who try to deny us. Maybe then they will get the message!

burnings at the stake isnt our heritage, its theirs, thats why we had a reformation, englands last catholic queen set fire to 260 protestants in the street, thats why we dont have catholic monarchs

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I take it that Sherriff Abercrombie being such an upstanding supporter of freedom of religious belief and justice will then lend his support to an independent investigation into any possible cases of child abuse within the RC. As there is now proof of systematic covering up of this activity within this organisation from around the world it is surely only right and proper that the said organisation should be investigated to ensure that it has not engaged in any cover up activities in Scotland and be monitored in the future to ensure that these activities do not happen here in the future. I would also suggest that due to it's activities around the world that Sherriff Abercrombie champions a petition to have the said organisations charity status suspended while these investigations are on going. Perhaps in light of the proof of what has been perpetrated within this organisation around the world he will begin to understand fully the increasing anger people in Scotland have against an organisation that has used various means usurp the process of justice, a process that runs strong within the Scottish community. Maybe he will than see that while the defendant was both wrong in the way he voiced his opinion and in the place he chose to do so, it is hardly worthy of a jail sentence when we have people in our society who on a weekly basis are free to actively promote organisations who have carried out terrorist attacks on the British people, the police and our armed forces.

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Why is this security guy being allowed to build a career out of a personal vendetta ? I guarantee he has heard these terms before outside of Rangers games and done nothing about it.

He is clearly a deeply hypocritical and prejudiced man. Not the best characteristics for someone employed in the security business.


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