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David Leggat - Your Honest Opinion ?


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Anywies keep up the good work Leggo, it really gets to every soapdodgin bheggar bhastard that's connected to the saviledome and you certainly out the handwringers and closet tarriers on this forum ! Never Forgive. Never Forget. :sherlock:

THIS ^^^^^^

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Read the latest peice by leggo. Looks more like a blog wrote whilst angry at t,s not bowing down to the haters.

Can agree with that as it would piss me off aswell, to compare that with the sun removing mad Phil's book is way off the mark, that is full of fiction and fantasies.

There's alot worse he could write those who dont like it shouldnt read it

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I agree - his post about Jock Stein today was a low blow and frankly no better than some of the Rhag Mhedia we rattle into to.

I really hope one day that there will be banter between football fans again but it looks a long way off.

Taigs don't do banter, no matter how much a face they put on! Do so at your peril!

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I have usually enjoyed checking out a bit of Leggo out every now and then.

However, his writing skills fall way short of the standard produced by younger, better bloggers like McMurdo, Chris Graham and the excellent piece by Alex Mooney on the Witch Hunt. He is starting to really sound and appear out of date.

If he thinks Scottish society cares remotely that Jock Stein did a bit of shagging and gambling 30 or 40yrs ago then he is simply out of touch. Wish I could have got some more gambling and shagging done when I had the chance. :7325:

I lost interest when he started getting too personal in his attacks on Charles Green.

Today's piece is simply cringeworthy.

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When he had a go at Jim Hannah that was him finished for me,


Posted: 18 Jun 2012 12:14 AM PDT

A star-studded squad of Rangers legends are signing on to march in support of Walter Smith.

And they want to help turn up the heat on Charles Green to sell Rangers to Smith and his mega money men.

Supporters’ heroes from the past are being contacted and rounded up for the campaign to show Charles Green he is not trusted and is not wanted.

They will form the vanguard of a devastating show of power and backing for Walter Smith and the mega money consortium the nine-in-a row manager is leading to regain the heart and soul of Rangers.

The names who it is hoped will once again rally to the colours they wore with such pride and distinction will read like a who’s who of some of the biggest and best stars to play for Rangers in the last half century.

It is hoped at least one survivor from the 1960s will be on parade when what is hoped 10,000 plus Rangers supporters muster in Bellahouston Park and march on Ibrox on Saturday.

A host of heroes from Smith’s golden nine-in-a-row years are expected to turn out in a wholehearted show of support for their former gaffer.

And I also understand a number of the Barcelona Bears, who lifted the European Cup Winners Cup 40 years ago, could join in too.

Recent events have meant the anniversary of their outstanding achievement has not been celebrated the way most fans would like it to have been, but now supporters are set to get the chance to show their appreciation to the Euro heroes, as the veterans rally to the Rangers cause one more time.

More recent heroes will not be forgotten either and some of the stars from the last dozen years or so will form their own Battalion of Bears.

It is hoped such a devastating display of fan power, backed by some of the biggest and most honoured names in Rangers history, will show Charles Green the extent and depth of the ill will which exists towards him.

And it is also believed that it will be a display to the fringe elements among the Rangers support who, for whatever reason, have not welcomed the arrival on the scene of Walter Smith.

One man who must be dreading it is Jim Hannah, the official Rangers fans’ liaison officer, who now pockets his pay cheque courtesy of Green and his gang.

For Hannah has gone on record in an on-line statement as being against the march on Ibrox and has made a plaintive plea to supporters to get behind his paymaster, Charles Green.

Hannah has spoken out despite mounting evidence that Green is a wrong ‘un with shadowy backers and other shady characters, notably the leader of the Manchester Quality Street Gang, Michael McDonald, plus convicted money launderer, Rafat Rizvi, lurking in his dodgy background.

Of course Hannah is an official voice from within Ibrox and like all official voices from within The Stadium, his heart, soul and conscience has now been bought and paid for by whoever it is who is providing the grubstake for Charles Green’s plan to rape Rangers.

Those who are seen to embrace this regime will forever be remembered as being part of the Green Rangers.

Just as the Ruia Group are.

The Ruia Group?

Well, they are the Manchester based company which took over Glenmuir, the Scottish sports company Green held up as the investors which proved the old established Scottish business community trusts him and backs him.

Now we can see this as the latest sleight of hand from three-card-trickster and proven liar, Charles Green.

The company is based at Kearsley Mill, Crompton Road, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 1HR, near where Green’s best pal and closest business associate, Michael McDonald, built his power base.

It would appear it is a family owned business, for among the list of directors are Alok Ruia, Rajendra Ruia, Sunil Ruia and Amit Ruia.

This link further strengthens the belief that the Ruia Group is linked in some way to South East Asia and Green's investors there.

And whatever happened to the two people from South East Asia – one of them a man with two names - Charles Green revealed as being investors within days of his appearance on the scene?

Remember them? Jude Allen, also known as, Javed Abdullah and Mazen Houssani were their names. Where do they figure in Green's cast list?

Goodness knows what other Charles Green three-card-tricks will be exposed in the next few days, or what other lies he may have told will be laid bare.

But what is sure is that the pressure will be cranked up on him during the next few days, climaxing in a star-studded squad of Rangers heroes mustering in Bellhouston Park and forming the vanguard of a march of Rangers supporters on Ibrox on Saturday as an overwhelming show of support for Walter Smith and a devastating vote of no confidence in proven liar Charles Green.

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Personally, I've found him to be kind of outlandish in his opinions. Any belief that he has lots of contacts, understands what is going on in the Scottish media and has some sort of insight seems to be perpetually blown out of the water by the stuff that he publishes.

The latest effort is a pretty blatant publicity stunt designed to try and sell his book.

His stories about Stein may or may not be true, but to be honest, if his book is about Scot Symon, I might well purchase it, if he is going to be banging on about Stein in it, then I'd rather not. However, if Stein isn't particularly much in the book, you have to question his motives for making that the key aspect of his publicity.

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When he had a go at Jim Hannah that was him finished for me,


Posted: 18 Jun 2012 12:14 AM PDT

A star-studded squad of Rangers legends are signing on to march in support of Walter Smith.

And they want to help turn up the heat on Charles Green to sell Rangers to Smith and his mega money men.

Supporters’ heroes from the past are being contacted and rounded up for the campaign to show Charles Green he is not trusted and is not wanted.

They will form the vanguard of a devastating show of power and backing for Walter Smith and the mega money consortium the nine-in-a row manager is leading to regain the heart and soul of Rangers.

The names who it is hoped will once again rally to the colours they wore with such pride and distinction will read like a who’s who of some of the biggest and best stars to play for Rangers in the last half century.

It is hoped at least one survivor from the 1960s will be on parade when what is hoped 10,000 plus Rangers supporters muster in Bellahouston Park and march on Ibrox on Saturday.

A host of heroes from Smith’s golden nine-in-a-row years are expected to turn out in a wholehearted show of support for their former gaffer.

And I also understand a number of the Barcelona Bears, who lifted the European Cup Winners Cup 40 years ago, could join in too.

Recent events have meant the anniversary of their outstanding achievement has not been celebrated the way most fans would like it to have been, but now supporters are set to get the chance to show their appreciation to the Euro heroes, as the veterans rally to the Rangers cause one more time.

More recent heroes will not be forgotten either and some of the stars from the last dozen years or so will form their own Battalion of Bears.

It is hoped such a devastating display of fan power, backed by some of the biggest and most honoured names in Rangers history, will show Charles Green the extent and depth of the ill will which exists towards him.

And it is also believed that it will be a display to the fringe elements among the Rangers support who, for whatever reason, have not welcomed the arrival on the scene of Walter Smith.

One man who must be dreading it is Jim Hannah, the official Rangers fans’ liaison officer, who now pockets his pay cheque courtesy of Green and his gang.

For Hannah has gone on record in an on-line statement as being against the march on Ibrox and has made a plaintive plea to supporters to get behind his paymaster, Charles Green.

Hannah has spoken out despite mounting evidence that Green is a wrong ‘un with shadowy backers and other shady characters, notably the leader of the Manchester Quality Street Gang, Michael McDonald, plus convicted money launderer, Rafat Rizvi, lurking in his dodgy background.

Of course Hannah is an official voice from within Ibrox and like all official voices from within The Stadium, his heart, soul and conscience has now been bought and paid for by whoever it is who is providing the grubstake for Charles Green’s plan to rape Rangers.

Those who are seen to embrace this regime will forever be remembered as being part of the Green Rangers.

Just as the Ruia Group are.

The Ruia Group?

Well, they are the Manchester based company which took over Glenmuir, the Scottish sports company Green held up as the investors which proved the old established Scottish business community trusts him and backs him.

Now we can see this as the latest sleight of hand from three-card-trickster and proven liar, Charles Green.

The company is based at Kearsley Mill, Crompton Road, Stoneclough, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 1HR, near where Green’s best pal and closest business associate, Michael McDonald, built his power base.

It would appear it is a family owned business, for among the list of directors are Alok Ruia, Rajendra Ruia, Sunil Ruia and Amit Ruia.

This link further strengthens the belief that the Ruia Group is linked in some way to South East Asia and Green's investors there.

And whatever happened to the two people from South East Asia – one of them a man with two names - Charles Green revealed as being investors within days of his appearance on the scene?

Remember them? Jude Allen, also known as, Javed Abdullah and Mazen Houssani were their names. Where do they figure in Green's cast list?

Goodness knows what other Charles Green three-card-tricks will be exposed in the next few days, or what other lies he may have told will be laid bare.

But what is sure is that the pressure will be cranked up on him during the next few days, climaxing in a star-studded squad of Rangers heroes mustering in Bellhouston Park and forming the vanguard of a march of Rangers supporters on Ibrox on Saturday as an overwhelming show of support for Walter Smith and a devastating vote of no confidence in proven liar Charles Green.

Jeez I had forgotten that one,disgusting,

Oh and what Jock Stein has to do with a book about Scot Symon? And we call them obsessed?

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I used to read leggoland most days however i rarely bother unless its on here now, i think as he was the first Rangers blogger i discovered i used to like it until i read much better blogs from Chris Graham, Bill McMurdo, and of course our own Oleg, Darchvinny and D'Art on here :uk:

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Hardly worth reading before, now best ignored. Lots of better writers, bloggers around.

James Scotland Symon was a real gentleman who would most likely have been embarrassed by much of the content of the book.

Have you read the book?

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I think we should remember when we were under attack from EVERY journalist in Scotland and beyond, that Leggo was an almost solitary voice in defence of our club, the fans, our heritage and culture. Did he always get it right? No, of course, he didn't; but he was true to us when others were putting the boot in!

No his writing is, perhaps, not the best, but he boldly said many of the things that needed to be said when there was No other voice to fight our corner. I have my own criticisms of leggo, but I will forever be grateful for his blog at a time when our club was being vilified across the globe!

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