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Share price - Now 79p


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Someone else did though.

5.2m invested by fans. More fans want to buy on the open market.

And when you buy the shares you have inherited that initial gesture.

That and owning some of the club, in your own name? Thats what its all about.

I hope you read through my posts on this thread before making your own.

I lost 1034 shares in the previous Company, some were inherited and some

from relatives since departed, friends lost a lot more.

I do now own shares in the new company, and they are mine.

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Wait until all the "Good news" starts getting announced, do u not think all that was held back to increase the value of Rangers as soon as the IPO was done!!!



new sponsorship deals

possible renaming of stadium

league reconstruction

all these plus alot more !!!

theyre are people selling there shares slready!!! haha brilliant

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It would be interesting to hear Fury's take on this development.

Is this money that the RST came into possession of after 1pm yesterday or could they have ploughed it into the IPO as Fury was insisting was the plan,

Surely they wouldn't have sat on that money and used it after the close of the IPO as that has now gone to someone outwith the club.

Tell me I am getting this right.

Could anyone answer the above point?

Did the RST make a substantial purchase of shares after the IPO had closed and what was the reason for that?

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The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to its members who contributed. RST may have more monies to buy further shares out with the IPO just like you and me.

Could anyone answer the above point?

Did the RST make a substantial purchase of shares after the IPO had closed and what was the reason for that?

The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to those members who gave the £250K. The RST will buy further shares just like anybody else can do when it suits them.

Why do you care anyway? You hate the RST and have continually smeared it at every opportunity e.g. Your claim about not having audited accounts. Why not let RST members worry about their own money, we don't need you to help us.

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The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to its members who contributed. RST may have more monies to buy further shares out with the IPO just like you and me.

The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to those members who gave the £250K. The RST will buy further shares just like anybody else can do when it suits them.

Why do you care anyway? You hate the RST and have continually smeared it at every opportunity e.g. Your claim about not having audited accounts. Why not let RST members worry about their own money, we don't need you to help us.

May have.

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The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to its members who contributed. RST may have more monies to buy further shares out with the IPO just like you and me.

The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to those members who gave the £250K. The RST will buy further shares just like anybody else can do when it suits them.

Why do you care anyway? You hate the RST and have continually smeared it at every opportunity e.g. Your claim about not having audited accounts. Why not let RST members worry about their own money, we don't need you to help us.

Because if they indeed sat on 250k and waited, there would only be one reason for that; they hoped the price would drop once trading started.

That would mean that it was more important to them to have as big a share as possible than investing the money directly into the club.

It's quite an important point.

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The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to its members who contributed. RST may have more monies to buy further shares out with the IPO just like you and me.

The RST invested £250K in the IPO as promised to those members who gave the £250K. The RST will buy further shares just like anybody else can do when it suits them.

Why do you care anyway? You hate the RST and have continually smeared it at every opportunity e.g. Your claim about not having audited accounts. Why not let RST members worry about their own money, we don't need you to help us.

Wow - what an angry little man

It would appear from previous posts on this thread that the RST bought 214,250 shares after the IPO at a cost of just shy of £150,000.

Is that correct?

A simple Yes or No would suffice

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Is it just me or does anyone else think we have been (like facebook) over priced on the 1st day?

I couldn't afford the £500 now and will be looking to buy from a broker at some point but looking at 'thier' share price im not so sure about our valuation.

A company's worth is always subject to the whims of the market.

Share prices are volatile, and will rise with good news and fall with bad news. Not just news about Rangers, but general economic news.

The shares have been trading for a couple of days now, and are currently sitting at just under 10% above the flotation price.

So no I don't think we have been overpriced.

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Because if they indeed sat on 250k and waited, there would only be one reason for that; they hoped the price would drop once trading started.

That would mean that it was more important to them to have as big a share as possible than investing the money directly into the club.

It's quite an important point.

Just another smear, and so it continues.

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£250k Application Lodged by the Rangers Supporters Trust

on Tuesday, 18 December 2012. Posted in Latest

The RST is pleased to announce that we have lodged a cheque this afternoon for £250,000 and an application for shares with the club’s stockbroker.

The support for BuyRangers.org has been fantastic and in four short days it has become the largest Community Share Scheme in UK history. There have been nearly 2000 individual investors including Alastair Johnston, 2 Rangers supporting MPs and former Rangers player, and record SPL goal scorer, Kris Boyd who also signed up this morning.

This afternoon we received an email from Imran Ahmad which read:

"Many thanks to you and your colleagues for all your support from Charles, Brian and me. Merry Christmas."

The board of the RST would also like to thank all involved for their support in what promises to be an exciting journey towards fan ownership.

From small acorns grow great oaks.

RST Board

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£250k Application Lodged by the Rangers Supporters Trust

on Tuesday, 18 December 2012. Posted in Latest

The RST is pleased to announce that we have lodged a cheque this afternoon for £250,000 and an application for shares with the club's stockbroker.

The support for BuyRangers.org has been fantastic and in four short days it has become the largest Community Share Scheme in UK history. There have been nearly 2000 individual investors including Alastair Johnston, 2 Rangers supporting MPs and former Rangers player, and record SPL goal scorer, Kris Boyd who also signed up this morning.

This afternoon we received an email from Imran Ahmad which read:

"Many thanks to you and your colleagues for all your support from Charles, Brian and me. Merry Christmas."

The board of the RST would also like to thank all involved for their support in what promises to be an exciting journey towards fan ownership.

From small acorns grow great oaks.

RST Board

BuyRangers.org update

on Sunday, 16 December 2012. Posted in Latest

There has been a magnificent response to the BuyRangers campaign and the £100k barrier has been broken in just 48 hours. No monetary target has been set for the campaign; it is a long term project with the goal of fan ownership and securing meaningful supporter representation. To put this into context, Swansea City Supporters Trust has secured 20% ownership of their club but this has taken nine years. After a troublesome few years, the Pompey Trust is one court judgement away from taking control of their club using a Community Share Scheme and we wish them well with that.

Representatives of the RST hope to meet with the Club in the next couple of days to finalise the purchase of shares in the IPO. This is indicative of the growing relationship between the club and the RST which we look forward to building upon in the future.

Post - IPO we aim to cement our relationship with the Club further and discuss opportunities for increased supporter representation. In addition, the Community Share Project will remain open and new members are welcome. All monies collected will be used to increase the shareholding held by the Trust and its members.

There has been some discussion as to why anyone wishing to join the scheme has to be a member of the Trust and what the membership fee is for.

• All Trusts charge a membership fee, it can be an annual fee £1 it can be £15, some charge monthly (Hibs is £5 a month). The membership set the fee.

• Income is required to pay Community share scheme set up fees, audit fees, legal fees, membership fees for Supporters Direct, web site maintenance, printing costs and so on.

• To remain registered with the FSA we have to have a legally constituted framework in order to control membership. For regulatory purposes as an Industrial and Provident Society under the watchful eye of the FSA then we need to levy some sort of charge to maintain a suitable level of control over proceedings.

• Going forward we plan to design an online platform whereby members can actively vote on matters throughout the year and help shape policy. We hope to launch this in the new year.


It would appear from previous posts on this thread that the RST bought 214,250 shares after the IPO at a cost of just shy of £150,000.

Is that correct?

A simple Yes or No would suffice

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