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eMail for on air clarification by Hugh Keevins


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Bears and Bearettes I am sending the following mail into Clyde copying in the usual to ask for clarification of the continued diatribes from Hugh Keevins. I have tried to get on air to discuss this with him but no joy so will see if they and he has the balls to address these.

Prior to doing so can I ask that the grammar police and wiser bears check it out to make sure I have got things right before sending it and giving an easy get out option?

Subject: Request for on air clarification from Hugh Keevins

Dear ... ,

I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to get onto your Super Scoreboard Programme to try to discuss what I feel are continuous slurs against my team by one of your contributors a certain “Hugh Keevins”.

He has repeatedly used comments like “broken timeline” “ran away from their debts” “debt free at a cost to the creditors of the OldCo” “no punishment” and I feel that an equal opportunity show that is the most listened to and is in fact the sole broadcaster to cater for Scottish Football on a daily basis should at least give us the opportunity to ask for answers to vital questions and refute these claims which are bandied about so often they are almost accepted as fact.

I am a Rangers fan and have been for 50 years and readily admit that there recently have been issues with the corporate management of my club which has impacted on the daily running of the football side of things as well as indirectly affecting the rest of Scottish Football as a result of recent events.

I would however ask that you pass the following questions / statements onto Hugh Keevins and ask that he address them in his next appearance on the show – instead of his weekly diatribe this will give him the chance to clarify his statements and hopefully using his extensive contacts and knowledge confirm or refute them.

1 – Broken Timeline:

The football side of the business along with the assets and history was sold to Charles Green’s consortium during the administration process and prior to the corporate company going into liquidation – ergo no broken timeline as the club was owned by a new corporate entity prior to this.

2 – Ran Away From Their Debts:

I assume he is referring to the old corporate company which did allow a number of debts to accumulate under the stewardship of Craig Whyte. These debts can be broken down into 4 separate sections;
  1. Football Debts – these were settled by the Charles Green Consortium as part of the licence conditions imposed by the SFA.
  2. Tax, N.I. Contributions and VAT ( not including the “Big Tax Case” ) – these were withheld by Craig Whyte despite being deducted at source so in fact the football operations side of things was actually complying with the rules but the corporate management structure did not pay these to the relevant authorities. Craig Whyte is currently facing legal action from the liquidators of the old corporate company with regard to moneys missing from the old company. Sums in the region of £50 million pounds have been quoted – it is safe to assume the withheld deductions are part of this claim.
  3. Non Football Debts – This is the most damning of Hugh Keevins regular comments and its one that is often the most emotive as it affected small businesses most of them local. It should be noted that a large number of the smaller debts were paid by the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund and individual fans that took a moral responsibility and settled where possible. Charles Green’s Consortium did try to secure a CVA to settle these but as we are all aware this was rejected by HMRC, who claimed they never do deals but then promptly did a deal with Heart of Midlothian, so no settlement was reached. As a codicil to this perhaps Hugh Keevins can find out why prize money and transfer fees which were payable to the old corporate entity are still being withheld by the SFA and SPL when these could, of course, be used to repay some of the Non football Debts?
  4. Ticketus – the famous ticketing advance deal which was used to purchase the previous corporate entity was a personal transaction which was underwritten by personal guarantees from Craig Whyte so as such form no part of any potential debt associated with the “OldCo”.

3 – Current Status and how we got there:

We find ourselves languishing in Division 3 of the SFL as a result of the SPL Clubs voting not to allow Rangers re-entry into the current top league of Scottish Football – this is fact and should require no clarification.

We are currently under a transfer embargo imposed as part of the conditions of licence issue from the SFA – this was deemed to be an “illegal” punishment by a court of law but was held as a Sword of Damocles over our heads in that refusal to accept this “illegal” punishment would mean a refusal of a licence to play football. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of the placing in Division 3 of the SFL a number of players left the club with no transfer fees being paid for them. This is still subject to a legal challenge by Charles Green’s consortium and it would be reasonable to have expected sums of approximately £25 million for these players. This could have been sufficient to pay the small creditors and perhaps stave off the Liquidation of the Old corporate entity. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of there being a new corporate entity looking after the football side of the business that are currently unable to produce 3 consecutive years accounts we are currently ineligible for entry to European competition – this is fact and should require no clarification.

There have been several other clubs who entered into administration namely Motherwell, Dundee and Queens Park who all successfully agreed a CVA to pay a small percentage of debts owed – presumably Hugh Keevins when speaking of them also adds his famous “ ran away from their debts” line? . – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?
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It'll be filed in the recycling-bin.

Just turn off the radio and go for a walk in the snow. Keevins is a third-rate hack, don't waste your time worrying about people like him, or tim-driven shows like SSB for that matter.

Choose life.

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Bears and Bearettes I am sending the following mail into Clyde copying in the usual to ask for clarification of the continued diatribes from Hugh Keevins. I have tried to get on air to discuss this with him but no joy so will see if they and he has the balls to address these.

Prior to doing so can I ask that the grammar police and wiser bears check it out to make sure I have got things right before sending it and giving an easy get out option?

Subject: Request for on air clarification from Hugh Keevins

Dear ... ,

I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to get onto your Super Scoreboard Programme to try to discuss what I feel are continuous slurs against my team by one of your contributors a certain “Hugh Keevins”.

He has repeatedly used comments like “broken timeline” “ran away from their debts” “debt free at a cost to the creditors of the OldCo” “no punishment” and I feel that an equal opportunity show that is the most listened to and is in fact the sole broadcaster to cater for Scottish Football on a daily basis should at least give us the opportunity to ask for answers to vital questions and refute these claims which are bandied about so often they are almost accepted as fact.

I am a Rangers fan and have been for 50 years and readily admit that there recently have been issues with the corporate management of my club which has impacted on the daily running of the football side of things as well as indirectly affecting the rest of Scottish Football as a result of recent events.

I would however ask that you pass the following questions / statements onto Hugh Keevins and ask that he address them in his next appearance on the show – instead of his weekly diatribe this will give him the chance to clarify his statements and hopefully using his extensive contacts and knowledge confirm or refute them.

1 – Broken Timeline:

The football side of the business along with the assets and history was sold to Charles Green’s consortium during the administration process and prior to the corporate company going into liquidation – ergo no broken timeline as the club was owned by a new corporate entity prior to this.

2 – Ran Away From Their Debts:

I assume he is referring to the old corporate company which did allow a number of debts to accumulate under the stewardship of Craig Whyte. These debts can be broken down into 4 separate sections;
  1. Football Debts – these were settled by the Charles Green Consortium as part of the licence conditions imposed by the SFA.
  2. Tax, N.I. Contributions and VAT ( not including the “Big Tax Case” ) – these were withheld by Craig Whyte despite being deducted at source so in fact the football operations side of things was actually complying with the rules but the corporate management structure did not pay these to the relevant authorities. Craig Whyte is currently facing legal action from the liquidators of the old corporate company with regard to moneys missing from the old company. Sums in the region of £50 million pounds have been quoted – it is safe to assume the withheld deductions are part of this claim.
  3. Non Football Debts – This is the most damning of Hugh Keevins regular comments and its one that is often the most emotive as it affected small businesses most of them local. It should be noted that a large number of the smaller debts were paid by the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund and individual fans that took a moral responsibility and settled where possible. Charles Green’s Consortium did try to secure a CVA to settle these but as we are all aware this was rejected by HMRC, who claimed they never do deals but then promptly did a deal with Heart of Midlothian, so no settlement was reached. As a codicil to this perhaps Hugh Keevins can find out why prize money and transfer fees which were payable to the old corporate entity are still being withheld by the SFA and SPL when these could, of course, be used to repay some of the Non football Debts?
  4. Ticketus – the famous ticketing advance deal which was used to purchase the previous corporate entity was a personal transaction which was underwritten by personal guarantees from Craig Whyte so as such form no part of any potential debt associated with the “OldCo”.

3 – Current Status and how we got there:

We find ourselves languishing in Division 3 of the SFL as a result of the SPL Clubs voting not to allow Rangers re-entry into the current top league of Scottish Football – this is fact and should require no clarification.

We are currently under a transfer embargo imposed as part of the conditions of licence issue from the SFA – this was deemed to be an “illegal” punishment by a court of law but was held as a Sword of Damocles over our heads in that refusal to accept this “illegal” punishment would mean a refusal of a licence to play football. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of the placing in Division 3 of the SFL a number of players left the club with no transfer fees being paid for them. This is still subject to a legal challenge by Charles Green’s consortium and it would be reasonable to have expected sums of approximately £25 million for these players. This could have been sufficient to pay the small creditors and perhaps stave off the Liquidation of the Old corporate entity. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of there being a new corporate entity looking after the football side of the business that are currently unable to produce 3 consecutive years accounts we are currently ineligible for entry to European competition – this is fact and should require no clarification.

There have been several other clubs who entered into administration namely Motherwell, Dundee and Queens Park who all successfully agreed a CVA to pay a small percentage of debts owed – presumably Hugh Keevins when speaking of them also adds his famous “ ran away from their debts” line? . – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

Wasting your time mate .First up they will never change .Secondly if you have to make a contribution then you have to either sook up some of panelists arses or intimate your having a wee laugh with them just to get your points across ..If your a bear with any anger you will probably be cut off Esp if your comments close to the mark.Like most on here and you have the will better still ignore the show altogether as fairness and neutrality does not exist on this show
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It's not so much you'll not get them to change, you'll be hard pressed to get them to admit they're doing anything wrong in the first place.

Go ahead though as this will at least, or may become part of Scottish football history.

A history that may change all these anti-Rangers pundits spouting their bile ad infinitum on radio shows, and the press.

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Bears and Bearettes I am sending the following mail into Clyde copying in the usual to ask for clarification of the continued diatribes from Hugh Keevins. I have tried to get on air to discuss this with him but no joy so will see if they and he has the balls to address these.

Prior to doing so can I ask that the grammar police and wiser bears check it out to make sure I have got things right before sending it and giving an easy get out option?

Subject: Request for on air clarification from Hugh Keevins

Dear ... ,

I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to get onto your Super Scoreboard Programme to try to discuss what I feel are continuous slurs against my team by one of your contributors a certain “Hugh Keevins”.

He has repeatedly used comments like “broken timeline” “ran away from their debts” “debt free at a cost to the creditors of the OldCo” “no punishment” and I feel that an equal opportunity show that is the most listened to and is in fact the sole broadcaster to cater for Scottish Football on a daily basis should at least give us the opportunity to ask for answers to vital questions and refute these claims which are bandied about so often they are almost accepted as fact.

I am a Rangers fan and have been for 50 years and readily admit that there recently have been issues with the corporate management of my club which has impacted on the daily running of the football side of things as well as indirectly affecting the rest of Scottish Football as a result of recent events.

I would however ask that you pass the following questions / statements onto Hugh Keevins and ask that he address them in his next appearance on the show – instead of his weekly diatribe this will give him the chance to clarify his statements and hopefully using his extensive contacts and knowledge confirm or refute them.

1 – Broken Timeline:

The football side of the business along with the assets and history was sold to Charles Green’s consortium during the administration process and prior to the corporate company going into liquidation – ergo no broken timeline as the club was owned by a new corporate entity prior to this.

2 – Ran Away From Their Debts:

I assume he is referring to the old corporate company which did allow a number of debts to accumulate under the stewardship of Craig Whyte. These debts can be broken down into 4 separate sections;
  1. Football Debts – these were settled by the Charles Green Consortium as part of the licence conditions imposed by the SFA.
  2. Tax, N.I. Contributions and VAT ( not including the “Big Tax Case” ) – these were withheld by Craig Whyte despite being deducted at source so in fact the football operations side of things was actually complying with the rules but the corporate management structure did not pay these to the relevant authorities. Craig Whyte is currently facing legal action from the liquidators of the old corporate company with regard to moneys missing from the old company. Sums in the region of £50 million pounds have been quoted – it is safe to assume the withheld deductions are part of this claim.
  3. Non Football Debts – This is the most damning of Hugh Keevins regular comments and its one that is often the most emotive as it affected small businesses most of them local. It should be noted that a large number of the smaller debts were paid by the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund and individual fans that took a moral responsibility and settled where possible. Charles Green’s Consortium did try to secure a CVA to settle these but as we are all aware this was rejected by HMRC, who claimed they never do deals but then promptly did a deal with Heart of Midlothian, so no settlement was reached. As a codicil to this perhaps Hugh Keevins can find out why prize money and transfer fees which were payable to the old corporate entity are still being withheld by the SFA and SPL when these could, of course, be used to repay some of the Non football Debts?
  4. Ticketus – the famous ticketing advance deal which was used to purchase the previous corporate entity was a personal transaction which was underwritten by personal guarantees from Craig Whyte so as such form no part of any potential debt associated with the “OldCo”.

3 – Current Status and how we got there:

We find ourselves languishing in Division 3 of the SFL as a result of the SPL Clubs voting not to allow Rangers re-entry into the current top league of Scottish Football – this is fact and should require no clarification.

We are currently under a transfer embargo imposed as part of the conditions of licence issue from the SFA – this was deemed to be an “illegal” punishment by a court of law but was held as a Sword of Damocles over our heads in that refusal to accept this “illegal” punishment would mean a refusal of a licence to play football. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of the placing in Division 3 of the SFL a number of players left the club with no transfer fees being paid for them. This is still subject to a legal challenge by Charles Green’s consortium and it would be reasonable to have expected sums of approximately £25 million for these players. This could have been sufficient to pay the small creditors and perhaps stave off the Liquidation of the Old corporate entity. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of there being a new corporate entity looking after the football side of the business that are currently unable to produce 3 consecutive years accounts we are currently ineligible for entry to European competition – this is fact and should require no clarification.

There have been several other clubs who entered into administration namely Motherwell, Dundee and Queens Park who all successfully agreed a CVA to pay a small percentage of debts owed – presumably Hugh Keevins when speaking of them also adds his famous “ ran away from their debts” line? . – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

Wasting your time. Hugh isn't going to answer an e-mail of this length live on air. They're not going to read all that out and make Hugh address each point it would take too long.

They're go straight to the Phone lines. First caller up will be Timmy from Glasgow who wants to talk about Rangers...

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If Keevins goes unchallenged then the lies can roll on unhindered.Harry Trueman once said 'a lie told often enough becomes a form of truth'.The time to fight back is now,no more head in the sand.Well done OP. :7325:

You are spot on we here people on here saying let it go , the time has come to take no more shit from these bigots.
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Well done mate, think you've about covered everything.

Send it to them Recorded delivery.

I don't think it will make much diffrence to there one sided agenda.

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't rely on the media to report in a balanced way the facts of the situation and fueling the fire at every opportunity.

Clyde can't talk about good football being played in Scotland so instead focus on off field and board room goings on without being qualified to do so.

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Well done OP

I searched for Keevin's email this am as I started to boil up reflecting on his "ran away" comments.

you have done a better job than I could have dreamed of in geting the point over.

I also think if it is ignored then we as a group copy and pasted your email and continue to send it

more power to you

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RC is , and has been for some time, a station pandering to drongo's and celtic fans with almost bovine levels of intelligence. I'm sure most of us would lump the two together.They constantly allow the manks to air their poison on air unchallenged when it is quite clear that they are talking shite. This seems to be their way, leave all poisonous, bigoted crap to hang in the air like a bad smell whilst attacking any valid points which Rangers fans may raise. Its as if they have nailed their colours truly to the mast and don't seem to give a shit. Why any true Rangers fan tunes into this garbage is beyond me.

P.S Well done to the OP for at least trying !

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Bears and Bearettes I am sending the following mail into Clyde copying in the usual to ask for clarification of the continued diatribes from Hugh Keevins. I have tried to get on air to discuss this with him but no joy so will see if they and he has the balls to address these.

Prior to doing so can I ask that the grammar police and wiser bears check it out to make sure I have got things right before sending it and giving an easy get out option?

Subject: Request for on air clarification from Hugh Keevins

Dear ... ,

I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to get onto your Super Scoreboard Programme to try to discuss what I feel are continuous slurs against my team by one of your contributors a certain “Hugh Keevins”.

He has repeatedly used comments like “broken timeline” “ran away from their debts” “debt free at a cost to the creditors of the OldCo” “no punishment” and I feel that an equal opportunity show that is the most listened to and is in fact the sole broadcaster to cater for Scottish Football on a daily basis should at least give us the opportunity to ask for answers to vital questions and refute these claims which are bandied about so often they are almost accepted as fact.

I am a Rangers fan and have been for 50 years and readily admit that there recently have been issues with the corporate management of my club which has impacted on the daily running of the football side of things as well as indirectly affecting the rest of Scottish Football as a result of recent events.

I would however ask that you pass the following questions / statements onto Hugh Keevins and ask that he address them in his next appearance on the show – instead of his weekly diatribe this will give him the chance to clarify his statements and hopefully using his extensive contacts and knowledge confirm or refute them.

1 – Broken Timeline:

The football side of the business along with the assets and history was sold to Charles Green’s consortium during the administration process and prior to the corporate company going into liquidation – ergo no broken timeline as the club was owned by a new corporate entity prior to this.

2 – Ran Away From Their Debts:

I assume he is referring to the old corporate company which did allow a number of debts to accumulate under the stewardship of Craig Whyte. These debts can be broken down into 4 separate sections;
  • Football Debts – these were settled by the Charles Green Consortium as part of the licence conditions imposed by the SFA.
  • Tax, N.I. Contributions and VAT ( not including the “Big Tax Case” ) – these were withheld by Craig Whyte despite being deducted at source so in fact the football operations side of things was actually complying with the rules but the corporate management structure did not pay these to the relevant authorities. Craig Whyte is currently facing legal action from the liquidators of the old corporate company with regard to moneys missing from the old company. Sums in the region of £50 million pounds have been quoted – it is safe to assume the withheld deductions are part of this claim.
  • Non Football Debts – This is the most damning of Hugh Keevins regular comments and its one that is often the most emotive as it affected small businesses most of them local. It should be noted that a large number of the smaller debts were paid by the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund and individual fans that took a moral responsibility and settled where possible. Charles Green’s Consortium did try to secure a CVA to settle these but as we are all aware this was rejected by HMRC, who claimed they never do deals but then promptly did a deal with Heart of Midlothian, so no settlement was reached. As a codicil to this perhaps Hugh Keevins can find out why prize money and transfer fees which were payable to the old corporate entity are still being withheld by the SFA and SPL when these could, of course, be used to repay some of the Non football Debts?
  • Ticketus – the famous ticketing advance deal which was used to purchase the previous corporate entity was a personal transaction which was underwritten by personal guarantees from Craig Whyte so as such form no part of any potential debt associated with the “OldCo”.

3 – Current Status and how we got there:

We find ourselves languishing in Division 3 of the SFL as a result of the SPL Clubs voting not to allow Rangers re-entry into the current top league of Scottish Football – this is fact and should require no clarification.

We are currently under a transfer embargo imposed as part of the conditions of licence issue from the SFA – this was deemed to be an “illegal” punishment by a court of law but was held as a Sword of Damocles over our heads in that refusal to accept this “illegal” punishment would mean a refusal of a licence to play football. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of the placing in Division 3 of the SFL a number of players left the club with no transfer fees being paid for them. This is still subject to a legal challenge by Charles Green’s consortium and it would be reasonable to have expected sums of approximately £25 million for these players. This could have been sufficient to pay the small creditors and perhaps stave off the Liquidation of the Old corporate entity. – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

As a result of there being a new corporate entity looking after the football side of the business that are currently unable to produce 3 consecutive years accounts we are currently ineligible for entry to European competition – this is fact and should require no clarification.

There have been several other clubs who entered into administration namely Motherwell, Dundee and Queens Park who all successfully agreed a CVA to pay a small percentage of debts owed – presumably Hugh Keevins when speaking of them also adds his famous “ ran away from their debts” line? . – Can Hugh Keevins clarify that this is true?

I can give you more. Much more.

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Thanks for your comments and I have sent this mail in so will update with any progress or feedback.

I have signed the petition and also got 10 others to do so - if we all did that this would be being debated now instead we languish at less than 40k last time I looked so come on people don't you think the unwashed would have had everyone and their non-related granny signing this? Their close family members would take it past the million mark!

The time for sitting back or ignoring the "bampots" is over - it took action to save our club and its going to take action to right the wrongs being heaped upon us it may seem a trivial eMail or waste of time to some but at least its an action being taken instead of mumbling in the corner - these jokers have been regrouping and the appeal news is just what they were waiting for to wage another propaganda war against us.

We are the people - come on then lets see some people power...

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Don't listen to Radio Celtic, keevins has been banned from Girodome so they don't even like him. If he doesn't cause controversy then Clyde will lose advertisers and become as boring as radio Scotland late on Saturday afternoons.

Your letter may be too long for him to digest on a radio show, so don't expect a reply.

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