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Cosgrove on Sportsound - Green should have a listen

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Doncaster was on BBC Sportsound on Saturday afternoon with Cosgrove & Speirs. Doncaster is obviously beeling that the SFL look likely to scupper the 12-12-18 restructure and the bitter and twisted Cosgrove basically lost the plot live on radio as he suggests that Charles Green is behind the new SFL change of heart and that Longmuir is his lacky. Basically saying Charles Green is somehow corrupting the independence of SFL clubs to play to Rangers tune.

Not once was it mentioned that Doncaster himself and the SPL clubs are possibly (99% most likely) being lead by Liarwell.

I mean ive not seen Charles going to meet SKY with Longmuir by himself BUT i have seen Liarwell & Doncaster!!

Its well worth a listen as the anchor man tries to calm old Stuart down but it is shocking that the BBC which is supposed to be impartial allow these ramblings and conspiracies against Rangers & Green to be aired in public.

If I was Charles Green I would pehaps be speaking to my lawyers about this arse!

Also on the night we win the league not one mention of congratulation from this lot!

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I must admit that I found it quite funny towards the end of the program when Cosgrove & Speirs sounded like they were about to come to blows over who was the most anti-Rangers. I also found it strange that there was a 10 minute period at the start of the show before Doncaster went on air so that they could have a section on why McCoist should be moved on even though he had just won the league. The saddest thing of the day though was to find the same thing on this forum.

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Cosgrove is just a hate filled malcontent, with a bad case of Oedipus Complex. Well don't they all?

He is a know all who knows fuck all and actually believes the drivel he spouts. Has one serious boulder on the shoulder, so maybe a jesuit caught him young.

I visualise him munching anti-psychotics as he maps out his next grand strategy to do us down. To be honest, he'd do his own granny down, such is the extent of his personailty disorder. Fuck, have you ever read any of his rantings? Wouldn't be out of place in the world psychotic literature awards. An insignificant deluded little rhunt and easily put in his place, but I do hope for his healths sake that he seeks the service of a much better shrink.

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This was what BT was talking about on the other post. Cosgrove is a disgrace to humanity.

Fixed for you mate.

The only thing worse than giving these cunts forum time on a Saturday is regurgitating the same shit days after. They're all wanks full of self interest. On Saturday some good questions were put to these pricks but as usual, sweep sweep move on

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BBC is massive, why does no one from higher positions do something about this nonsense.

I said in the original thread........

Cannel your TV licence DD

It's unlikley that the team who play in Glasgow from Ireland has a fanbase who pay towards the BBC.

Yet most Rangers people do.

Cancel immediately, as soon as it's picked up down south and cash flow stops something will be done.

Seen plenty complaints, genuine, articulate with foundation rubbished by the BBCs response, so that does nothing

If a thousand cancelled in a week they would take notice..

You WON"T be prosecuted if you follow the proper advice, you will save a few quid and you WILL damage BBC Scotland

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Is this the same SC who was arrested in 1998 for singing anti-Rangers songs at either Central or Queen Street station.

Like many others his hatred for us outweighs his support for his own team.

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I said in the original thread........

Cannel your TV licence DD

It's unlikley that the team who play in Glasgow from Ireland has a fanbase who pay towards the BBC.

Yet most Rangers people do.

Cancel immediately, as soon as it's picked up down south and cash flow stops something will be done.

Seen plenty complaints, genuine, articulate with foundation rubbished by the BBCs response, so that does nothing

If a thousand cancelled in a week they would take notice..

You WON"T be prosecuted if you follow the proper advice, you will save a few quid and you WILL damage BBC Scotland

had them here cpl month back to my dismay someone let them in the house and when I came in they were taking note of what equipment I had, told them to get out and they have no right, also went on a rant about the BBC but all they dud was agree with everything I said, it was for a DD that I never realised wasn't active
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BBC is massive, why does no one from higher positions do something about this nonsense.

It's because most things in Scotland are run from Glasgow and unfortunately Glasgow in the last ten years has been taken over by the scum.

The only real shout for the bbc is to not pay the corrupt licence fee. Rip up the letters and don't open your door to them.

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I said in the original thread........

Cannel your TV licence DD

It's unlikley that the team who play in Glasgow from Ireland has a fanbase who pay towards the BBC.

Yet most Rangers people do.

Cancel immediately, as soon as it's picked up down south and cash flow stops something will be done.

Seen plenty complaints, genuine, articulate with foundation rubbished by the BBCs response, so that does nothing

If a thousand cancelled in a week they would take notice..

You WON"T be prosecuted if you follow the proper advice, you will save a few quid and you WILL damage BBC Scotland

So because one or two twats from the BBC make their ill feelings towards Rangers known, we should cancel our TV licence?

There is no package on Cable or Sky that comes without the need for a TV licence, so in theory you are telling people to stop watching tv and go back to the wireless days - oh wait, you need a licence for that too! We can just sit and read the newspapers then, except for any that have Spiers or Cosgrove writing for them, then there is Chic Young, Charlie Nicholas etc.

You seem to think that every Bear will be happy to cut their nose of to spite their face and I am afraid most Bears are not that bloody stupid. You only have to look at the thread regarding Rangers using Bob Marley music to interpret a situation at Rangers - most Vears could not give a shit about the fact Marley is a supposed Tim.

My wife watches Eastenders and River City. I am not going to start to hold a conversation with her when these are being aired and she has nothing to do because I cancelled the licence.

Rangers are my club, and my life would be a disaster without them but I have loved ones in my life also. To that degree, I will not allow Rangers to rule my life or affect my wife and child. I will simply opt out of reading pish from journo's that have ill feeling towards my club and continue to sign petitions to that effect.

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Why would a real Rangers fan phone this hate filled cesspit, as for dungcaster just repulsive, went straight back to liewell for a pat on the head. Biggest revelation on this was that cosgrove can read and write. spiers, keep off this website, you do not speak for Rangers fans.


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Is this the same SC who was arrested in 1998 for singing anti-Rangers songs at either Central or Queen Street station.

Like many others his hatred for us outweighs his support for his own team.

Yes the very man.

"have you seen a handsome h**" he was singing when arrested.

Anti-Rangers mixed with a bit of sectarianism. Cunt of a man.

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We are going to see a lot of this over the next months.

The BTC has been won, the EBT case has been won, the share issue was a success, and we have won the league at a canter. The level that these people will go to now to try and deride what we have done in order to keep there viewer/listening/reader numbers up knows no bounds so we are going to hear an awful lot of utter pish to that effect. They will make a big deal out of anything we do or have done that they dont like and it will ramp up big time as the months go on as their figures nosedive.

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