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So What's The Dramatic News

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So the board of Rangers football club were going to tattoo a cock on Charles Green's forehead?

That's just plain mean

I literally lol'd.

But yeah. I heard that WS once walked along a main road in Spain. Now on said road, which I can't name as it would reveal my source, there was a guy wearing an I hate Yorkshire tee shirt. And, you won't believe it, that guys brothers, accountants, daughters boy friend once went to a football match and they were playing the kiddie fiddlers.

Nuff said... (get the popcorn)

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Green is a liar, he needs to sell up to a Rangers man.

Green sells up toba Rangers man.

Fuck you green you lying shyster, you said yu would stay till the CL music got played. Oh yes and how very dare you make a profit for your work.

This place is fucking insane.

So it's OK for Green to go back on his word, making him a proven liar, and to potentially fuck us in the process, because some people said some mean things about him?

This place IS insane.

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So it's OK for Green to go back on his word, making him a proven liar, and to potentially fuck us in the process, because some people said some mean things about him?

This place IS insane.

Back on his word? He claimed he would stay until we were back on top, he's hardly in any position to make good on that claim is he? What would you rather he did, just stayed in position as CEO regardless of the negativity that is surrounding his situation with Whyte? Then you'd be battering him over the head with that stick as well.

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So it's OK for Green to go back on his word, making him a proven liar, and to potentially fuck us in the process, because some people said some mean things about him?

This place IS insane.

This is Charlies way of saying buy to the board and support who fucked him around just throwing a few fucks back at them he was always good at that. Thanks for the fight you put up for us when we needed you.
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Lol geronimo. Would yu have hung around after the shit that gets aimed at him daily. Sone of it from the supporters of the very club he saved.

Aye right.

I'm not that sure what happened to him that was so terrible TBH. Judging by RM, the majority of fans still supported him. I reckon Mike Ashley, the Glazers and the Venkys have had it worse and stuck around.

Either way, he's clearly not the hard-nosed, no-nonsense, don't-give-a-fuck Businessman he made himself out to be, if he was so sensitive he couldn't last a season. Either that or there's another reason why he scarpered in such a hurry...

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The point is nobody knows yhe truth because we get told fuck all by anyone, we are the best people in the world when it suits and when money as tobe raised, nobody can shout green down until the facts are known, but what i do know he made people listen and ruffled the feathers of are enemys and reunited the Rangers family at a time when were well and truely rudderless ,cant remember all the so called Real rangers men banging onthe doors of ibrox to save us you couldnt see there arse for dust and if bain returns my love for Rangers wont die but im fucked if im contributing to the cunts pockets that helped to take us down

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sick of everything that's going on.the club is being torn apart ,by shysters .liars ,cowards and criminals.while all these bastards on the board are hiding under the table or running with tales to their favourite media outlet.well i've had enough, 60 years of supporting the club as season ticket holder and shareholder,but no more.time to take action against these people ,starve the cunts out.it will be hard on the club initially but as mccoist said the club needs cleansed from top to bottom

Indeed , what would Scot Symon , George Young, Alan Morton make of the motley crew we have ended up with - unbelievable !

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I wonder if those in a frenzy about these guys' dodgy dealings are ones who want Dave King back?

I certainly don't want king back.

Don't want this guy either though :-


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