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Is McCoist gone yet?


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Ally has had it very difficult over the past 2 years we can't deny that and i would give him till the end of September with the team he has bought and trained to see if there is any improvement.If not then i would think replacing him was the better option.

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Well who then Butcher,McCall, they would not touch us the way the club is being run just now so my question is who

We've had Shiels, Law, Daly, etc come down from the spl to play for us, so why would a manager not do the same? Any manager in Scotland would jump at the job except one. Derek Adams would do for me. We could, of course, also, try the revolutionary idea of advertising for the job.
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We've had Shiels, Law, Daly, etc come down from the spl to play for us, so why would a manager not do the same? Any manager in Scotland would jump at the job except one. Derek Adams would do for me. We could, of course, also, try the revolutionary idea of advertising for the job.

because we don't have the money any more to splash out on compensation anymore wasted eight money this year already on a ducking bus, Santdaza,mather,goian there's nearly two million there
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because we don't have the money any more to splash out on compensation anymore wasted eight money this year already on a ducking bus, Santdaza,mather,goian there's nearly two million there

We still have more money to spend that any other club in Scotland, except one. How much will any other manager in Scotland spend? The players moving down divisions shows the draw we are. The same draw we are to a manager.

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I don't think McCoist is the answer in the long term, but I think there are bigger battles to resolve first before we make a change in the managers office.

I understand that if Murray/McColl get control it makes McCoist borderline untouchable and that is worrying because he hasn't done a great job so far, but at the same time I don't think we are in a stable enough situation where we can attract the best possible candidate for the long term and we would end up with somebody who is nothing more than a stop gap appointment until the board room stuff is resolved anyway.

Obviously McCoist is making a rod for his own back by under performing in cups despite another Summer of soundbites about how we can/expect to challenge in cups, and don't get me wrong we should be, but we are still going to win the league at a canter (that's not enough IMO)

The fans are 100% right to expect more from the management team than they are getting, but I can just about grin and bare it until this boardroom stuff is somewhere close to being resolved because after Smith going McCoist is the one man at the club just now who I personally trust not to bullshit us and that's what we need just now.

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I've been disappointed with the football we have played, however, I am willing to give Coisty until the end of September. He stuck by us at our worst, even doing it for free. I think he should have the chance to manage the players he has signed.

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Spot on Lucy.

Now is not the time to put the boot into the manager. The real issue is what's happening behind the scenes. Serious trouble ahead if we don't get some stability. Ally's new team will do the business come September, a change in management would be an unnecessary risk.

When is the time to put the boot in, when its too late

How many more embarrassments for the club must the fans take before we say "enough is enough"

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some of our fans seem too accept defeats and mediocre team assembled by ally mccoist when we should all be striving be best team in country legend or not hes not fit for purpose as glasgow rangers manager i will say it again if he wasnt gettin such huge pay packet he would been out the door end last season he wasnt uptoo the job the boardroom problems are just hiding fact how poor manager ally really his its sad as we all wanted him too succeed but enough his enough he has too go hes been in charge for some of our most embarrassing results in clubs history.

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Mcoist as a player was hardly tactically minded, he was an outright goal scorer so over the years didn't get a grasp on the way games were going and how to change games as he was pretty much a one dimensional player. Its obviously whats causing him trouble as a manager IMO. Fair play to him for going into management, he was a great character on TV and could have had a job for life no bother but instead decided to go into a very stressful job and then stick it out even when times got really hard when lesser men would have walked. I feel sad seeing things like this, I always remembered him as a happy go lucky cheeky chap and nowadays you never see him look happy he looks stressed all the time. It makes me sad reading countless people on here hounding him out, even though results on the pitch aren't good enough.

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