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Richard Wilson: Rangers Are Running Out Of Money

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Ok so we have established you don't know....how do you know Richard Wilson or dave king do? The point I'm making is until such times we see the accounts all of this is just assumption and hysteria!

I'd like to know the number of football clubs, even the "big" ones, who relish releasing the state of their finances.

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If we are so close to the abyss, why have we put stadium renaming on hold?

I dont believe everything is great behind the scenes, but i also dont believe that its anywhere near as bad as the rags are making out.

Hell we have no debt and millions in the bank, we must be the only club in history that are "running on empty" yet signed 8 new players and have 10m in the bank.

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Ok so we have established you don't know....how do you know Richard Wilson or dave king do? The point I'm making is until such times we see the accounts all of this is just assumption and hysteria!

There is nothing hysterical about having concerns about the noises that have come from those in and around the club over the last week.

I'm entitled to have an opinion, as are you and everyone else. My concern is over the long term running of the club. My opinion is Green has shown nothing in the last week to suggest he has the clubs best interests at heart and that he is trying to manipulate the fans with what he says in his interviews.

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A football club is not a business, not in the conventional sense anyway: the profit margin is not its chief aim; its chief aim is the team on the park, and how to sustain the losses that come with that. So, are things being managed in a way that allows Rangers to sustain its losses? ie, are we building on an Academy that means we produce our own players, keeping transfer costs down and giving us the potential to sell players; do we have a sensible wage-structure that can be managed according to our income; and are we merchandising properly? Merely looking to investment to stop the losses is not the way forward.

Hard for anyone to disagree with anything you say in your post.

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I don't think anyone is under the illusion that Charles Green is whiter than white (he is whiter than Whyte) but everything will become clear by the end of August when the books are presented. Everything until then is bluff, innuendo and scaremongering. No one knows whats fully going on least of all that fucking spiv Dave King, we've had 20 years of bluster from that cunt, he sat back and constantly snipped at Murray yet never stepped up and took control of the club despite claiming he knew how to run the club better than anyone. He ran his mouth the same with Whyte but again took no action and now he rears his head again with Mini in tow.

It's time to shit or get off the pot Dave, put your hand in your billion dollar pocket or bugger off.

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I'll believe all this when I see the accounts. They better move their arse and get them out so they can end all this mess.

I'm telling you though, it's time fans owned this club.

Fan ownership cannot work in a media market as small as the one Rangers operate in.

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It's certainly strange as to where this originated from. How can journalists know exactly the state of rangers finances, even with leaks from inside they will never have the full picture so, not that I don't think we have over spent as we all know that, but I would take alot of this as Seville calculator esq bullshit!! Until we hear it from the club to me it's shite!! They seem to miss out the fact we also last month removed around £80,000 a month from the wage bill by moving Boca and Goian on, which will have an effect, can also see 2 or 3 more going aswell. Also now the games are back match day tickets, corporate tickets, shop sales, tv money etc will all start coming back into the club again as the season starts.

Oh and WATP

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The word Admin is popping up more and more. After all the crap that's gone on its really worrying

i think it'd be impossible for us to back into admin again - not now & not so soon after raising so much money which hasn't even been spent. it's a media storm over nothing

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We need to see the accounts which, I understand, are now to be published in August. But we also need to see clear projections of the income still to be received (firm figures), and details of the sources and timing of future projected commercial income. For some reason Mather and Stockbridge seem to be determined to talk up the growth prospects and avoid any discussion about what has been done, is being done and is still to do by way of cost savings. I do not recall any statement from Mather or Stockbridge yet of describing the major cost drivers at Ibrox and what the Club is doing to reduce them.

If they are running out of money I simply cannot see how inviting investors to pump more in would be even remotely credible. The current Directors would have to go - all of them.

If they ask Supporters to pump more money in eg gifts, fighting fund, player fund (whatever the devices the Club came up with to basically hand out the bowl and do the Oliver Twist act) - I expect the Support worldwide would rise to the challenge - but the Directors would have to walk the plank.

Mather and Stockbridge and whoever is left on the Board are flying close to the blazing heat of the sun the longer they drift without setting out definitive financial information on the state of accounts and financial performance last year and what is being done to generate fresh and substantial revenue. A pair of Icarus clones if they are not careful.

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This is so much like round one with whyte, theres just too much smoke for there to be no fire. It just doesn't add up where all this money is going, other than lining the pockets of the boardroom.

The worst thing is, in hindsight AJ was steering the club away from debt, it was only the "potential debt" being claimed by HMRC that forced the hand of SDM. Without that I believe the club would have been well on the way to the black print by now.

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I don't even pretend to understand the accounting, p&l's, etc, however, a company that runs a football club with money in the bank and no debt would be in a healthy position. The potential for extra income could be increased from player sales once the transfer embargo ends.

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