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.... Turning Back The Clocks!


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6 / 12 / 05, waiting after the inter game in CL. What a relief, first Scottish team to qualify for last 16 I think.

Probably the last game my dad will go to.

Ironic that he would take me to my first game and I would take him to his last game.

Close second was the Rangers v Bayern semi at Ibrox in 72,

Never experienced an atmosphere like it since, 80,000 giving it laldy.

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Has to be helicopter sunday was in iraq serving queen and country oh how that day made that tour go a lot quicker had a smile on my face every day after that game. The first old firm game of the next season was good aswell sitting beside a few bheggars giving it laldy for 90 minutes

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For me it would be the 6-1 game against Dunfermline when we won the League in 2003. The tension surrounding the game was stomach-churning as the impetus swung towards us then them then us then them............

For personal reasons as well as it was my last game as a Season Ticket holder before I left Scotland. The whole game I knew I'd never see the people who sat around about me again. It was the same seat I had sat on since 1992 and was very emotional.

The trip home to Kilmarnock was good as well as we passed all the tim buses on their way back to Glasgow up the A77 - had the scarves out the window and horn blaring the whole way down.........thank fuck we never broke down.

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August 88' 5 - 1. After finally winning the league the season before and that amazing feeling to May the following year and the mhanky mob winning the league and cup double. All they sang was happy birthday dear Celtic., Well that was a birthday present they will never forget, 1-0 down and they got off lightly at 5, we should have scored another couple that day, It will also the beginning of our glorious 9.

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