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Quintessential British club - in an independent Scotland?

Paul Ignotus

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Silly question perhaps but would the Queen still be the queen of Scotland as she is now?

Would we not just be part of the commonwealth but still independant?

Bit cheeky of Salmond to host the commonwealth games, fill the bheasts pockets with the regeneration of that shitehole and then fuck off

Independace,pffff what a cheeky wee fat bastard

Biting the hand that made this country what it is today, a unionised Island that is the UK

We benefit from them like they benefit from us

I'd imagine the Union Jack would still fly high just like they fly the tri colour in support for our Jon

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The regeneration of that shit hole is well underway, and is starting to put ibrox in the shade( stadium aside) the area around the peadodome has gone from one of the most dated and disgusting to something that tells you moneys been spent!! I work for a construction co who put in their bid for the work around the area and have the plans. I don't think we are going to like what's coming. Trust me when I say there is an overspend coming, and it won't be from their boardroom it will be from our pockets which makes it all the more sickening. Welcome to Salmonds new Scotland

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That may be why you love it - you may need add ons - but my I just love the club and need no silly add ons

It is a large and varied number of attributes which helps to make our Club so unique (you can call them "add-ons" if you like). "More than a Club" is one expression which aptly applies to Rangers Football Club. Being quintessentially British is one attribute amongst many.

I think we are all aware of your political leanings hence the Salmondesque post from you.

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For all you Glaswegians how do you think the vote will go? Reckon there is a 60% Unionist majority in Glasgee but I am not mixing with these people on a daily basis.

The only way we will become independent is if over half the unionist vote doesn't show up. That's what needs to be drilled into everyone!! We need to show up as you can bet everyone who does want independence will. From what I can see the pro independence lot are a real minority but tend to never shut up about it on facebook, twitter etc , whereas if you get talking to most people who aren't shouting about it they tend to support the union. Apathy is the biggest danger.

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I think its an interesting hypothetical Paul.

My own feeling would be that we would become akin to those ex pats who live abroad - fiercely demonstrative of our identity and nationality and Ibrox would become one of the few places where we could meet together to express that.

I also suspect BP9 would be having kittens if that happened. :uk:

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Prompted by the Remembrance thread. Ok, so far the polls say it's not going to happen, but if it did, what would be the effect on Rangers? Ten, twenty, thirty years down the line would Rangers still have the same identity, given there'll be new supporters coming along who will have grown up in an independent Scotland, and being part of the UK will just be something the old folks talk about. Would the British identity survive independence or would it change into something else? Can't think of any parallels that come to mind to help on this.

Thirty years from now we'll probably have Prince William as our King given the age of his father Charles now.

I'd say that's a good enough reason to celebrate our British (free-thinking) heritage.

Sadly....I won't be there. :(

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Which of these so called add-ons are 'silly'?And who decided they were so?

Well let's start with being Protestant - implying a belief in some omnipotent figure ' in the sky' now that's a bit silly isn't it! Like believing in the tooth fairy

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I don't think it will happen, so hopefully it's all speculation.

Very scary though. If Scotland came close to independence, especially if a minority of the populace voting swayed the vote, then I believe the tension between "nationalists" and unionists would lead to trouble and potential violence and conflict. And then we could be in a Northern Ireland situation.

And I also think Northern Ireland itself could suffer from the fall-out within the United Kingdom politically if Scotland became independent or more devolved. (And our fucking government are aware of this, but choosing to ignore)

As the traditions of Rangers are Unionist and loyalist it could cause many problems.

My own loyalties would still remain to my home, Glasgow, Scotland and the United Kingdom, and to my football club, regardless of Scottish independence.

Why do you think there would be trouble and violence, from either side, after a democratically made decision? Any one , if either side, would be taking s very in democratic stance

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I'm fully in favour of more devolved powers, I just don't want to be independent.

Mixing politics and football isn't healthy but I realise the support has a unionist identity. I'd like to think it would remain that way regardless. It's exactly the same as Celtic having their Irish "identity" although I'd imagine we would get lambasted for retaining ours when others celebrate celtic's.

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I'm fully in favour of more devolved powers, I just don't want to be independent.

Mixing politics and football isn't healthy but I realise the support has a unionist identity. I'd like to think it would remain that way regardless. It's exactly the same as Septic having their Irish "identity" although I'd imagine we would get lambasted for retaining ours when others celebrate septic


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Anyone who votes for independence will be culpable in the death of this country....Scotland would implode under Stalin....I mean salmond.

In addition to which, the Scottish Nasty Party ethos of the 1970's still remains.

"Home Rule is Rome Rule!"

Many have not forgotten some of Soapy's previous photo shoots.


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