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Ally McCoist on David Murray


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Yes, Rangers winning will be a real scunner for me and others.

See when your defense of Ally amounts to nothing more than calling people taigs, drunks and haters or suggesting that a Rangers win would be a "dagger in the heart", that tells you all you need to know about the mans merits as a manager.

away to the game ...enjoy the matchday thread

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God forbid he speaks to the press at a pre match press conference,

So now he should not do him pre march press conference Ffs if he didn't chat to the press folk like you would be saying why dose the manager not give us a view - you and a few others on here will critisise him no matter what he says or doesn't say !

does he do a pre match press conference every single fucking day, he's been in the papers nearly every day for the better part of the last fortnight

at times it seems he spends more time in the media than on the training ground, and going by what was leaked this week i can actually believe that

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does he do a pre match press conference every single fucking day, he's been in the papers nearly every day for the better part of the last fortnight

at times it seems he spends more time in the media than on the training ground, and going by what was leaked this week i can actually believe that

Lets be fair Jim, he does a press conference and they take all his quotes and drag them out into stories over a week. He's not giving interviews everyday.

We don't need to wander into the realm of hyperbole mate, we have a point without all that. Let the "you're just a taig" brigade carry on with that shite whilst the rest of us deal in reality.

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Something is not right with that statement ,he wasnt asked about DM , and mentioned his name out of context , and even more bizarre the Rangers hating Mail , didnt expand on the subject .....i smell shite

Glad I'm not the only one that thought that. Too good an opportunity to Ally bash to stop and consider that though. It's becoming a Monty Python-esq witch hunt.

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David Murray's only downfall was being ambitious, he chased the european dream and it came back to bite him on the arse, I often wonder what would have happened if Murray had just waited for the ETB malarky to be dealt with instead of sending us down the river without a paddle, so I can see both sides here, he gave us some of my happiest moments as a Rangers fan, but does that outweigh the lowest point? hard one. Ally worked with the man for years he aint going to slag him off is he? just what this place needs tho, another negative thread directed at McCoist. and with that I'm out.

Almost. He was ambitious, yes, and he brought the good times like never before. But he was very careful to avoid his own arse being bitten when the money needed to be paid back.

When the time came to face the consequences, he bailed. Left us in such a state, that a business which should be a licence to print money could attract no one who wanted to run it. Only people bent on stripping out the valuable bits (chiefly our ticket money) and screw the consequences.

From that perspective, Ally has been a useful idiot. But I grew up with the guy tearing defences apart and am inclined to be more charitable than that. I think he's out of his depth, and serving a few different masters, but is trying his best for the club he loves.

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We were brought down by Whyte and Whyte alone. If he had bought the club with £18 million of his own money and then paid the PAYE and VAT on time, we would still be top of the SPL.

SDM had a number of faults but, under his stewardship, the club won more trophies than in any other era, and in doing so, gave me some of the happiest moments of my life. Let us not forget.

That's bullshit, DM sold us to this cunt after saying he would only sell to someone who had our best interests at heart, he is as much to blame as whyte, if not more so.

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you dont need to dislike mccoist to think hes talking rubbish, i dont dislike him but any fan i know has mostly hatred towards murray. likewise the article from lee about our league v the top league, awful article and he was talking a load of rubbish but i happen to like the big man.

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That cunt Murray. Did nothing for us. Gascoigne, Laudrup, 9IAR , Advocaat, Manchester 2008.

What a cunt.

he started the route to administration and then liquidation of the oldco, which resulted in us being dumped in the diddy leagues for 3 years

all his successes were undone by his choice to use EBT's and then his desperation to dump us onto anyone

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I'm seeing something from ally I don't particularly like. I don't get this constant media involvement, interviews like "I have my opinions on what's gone on here, but I'll keep them to myself" is there a need to tell the world this?

I think he's trying to apply pressure to someone, or added pressure on himself, I just don't get it

That's exactly how I've felt about him constantly having stories out the now, it's odd.

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he started the route to administration and then liquidation of the oldco, which resulted in us being dumped in the diddy leagues for 3 years

all his successes were undone by his choice to use EBT's and then his desperation to dump us onto anyone

Revisionist pish.

Legal EBT's and Whyte.was our downfall.

Aye Murray wasn't duped by Whyte and knew all about him but to lay all our current problems at his door is fucking nonsense.

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