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Sandy Easdale Speaks Out

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January 31, 2014by billmcmurdo - 11 Comments

Sandy Easdale Speaks Out


Picture from The Sun

I see two of my old interviewees from CRO days have teamed up to do Rangers down.

Alex Thomson spouts his usual drivel over Craig Whyte’s assertions that he really has control of the assets at Rangers and the toxic one manages to make a poor attempt at an article on it.

The claim by Whyte that his ownership of the club “absolutely extends to Ibrox site, the training ground, the players, the entire entity as it stands” has drawn a withering response from Sandy Easdale.

Speaking exclusively to this blog, Easdale hit out at Rangers’ former owner: “Craig Whyte is mad. Is he not aware that everyone with a share has more claim to RFC assets than he does?”

Easdale revealed that the club have been aware for a while that Whyte has been rattling around media outlets, trying to get support for his outlandish claims.

“He’s like a big kid,” Easdale went on to say. “It’s like if he can’t have Rangers then all he wants is to try to ruin things for everybody.”

Whyte was famously outwitted and outmanoeuvred by Charles Green and Imran Ahmad when they acquired the club but Easdale believes that Whyte should accept this and move on, especially given that he has nothing to do with the present regime.

Easdale claims he has never met or had dealings with Whyte and that if Whyte turned up he would personally escort him off the premises.

“ I have never met or spoke to the man but I personally would throw him down the marble stair case if he ever turned up at Ibrox.”

Rangers fans will certainly be cheering this last statement.

It’s no surprise to me that Craig Whyte has found a natural ally in Alex Thomson. My interviews with both got me a lot of flak but even to this day people misquote me and tell outright lies over what I actually said about Thomson in particular.

Whyte to me is an opportunist who bit off more than he could handle with the Rangers deal. He was David Murray’s scapegoat, wittingly or otherwise and he was found out big time. Don’t get me wrong – I bought into the dream when he first arrived at Ibrox and I hold my hand up and say I was a believer for one simple reason – I wanted to believe.

If you believe Whyte’s own version of events, his attempt to keep Rangers trading was torpedoed by the team’s poor performances in Europe. There is a smidgin of plausibility in that so we have to file it under “We’ll never know.” In my opinion, though, Rangers was too big a business for Whyte to manage in terms of actually running the business.

Thomson is another opportunist. Not a traditional Rangers-hater as I said before but one who has used Rangers-bashing as a means to extend his audience and curry favour with one of his niche markets – Irish Republicans.

Whyte is desperate if he feels that using Thommo as his attack dog is going to win over any bluenoses to his failed cause. If anything, Whyte may actually help bolster support for the present Rangers board as he is most definitely the number one persona non grata to the Ibrox legions.

What is encouraging is that the club is showing that it is no longer in dignified silence mode when it comes to accusations and attacks. It cannot reasonably be expected that Rangers respond to every jibe and insult. Being the biggest club in the land means that people will always be trying to do you down. This latest snide dig by Thomson is one that deserves an appropriate response, however.

Sandy Easdale has captured the mood of the fans by taking this no-nonsense approach to the troublemakers and agitators who are doing what they can to undermine progress at Ibrox. Like many fans I would love to see Craig Whyte being lobbed out onto Edmiston Drive by Sandy.

My only words of advice would be: Film it and sell the DVD.

What a money-spinner that would be!!

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My apologies Bill, I must have mis-read your thoroughly embarrassing interview, did you mis-quote yourself when writing it?

Feb 2013: "Alex Thomson is not a Rangers-hater. That is my opinion and I stand by it."

Jan 2014: "Not a traditional Rangers-hater as I said before but one who has used Rangers-bashing as a means to extend his audience and curry favour with one of his niche markets"


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I'm more interested in what he says as opposed to how he says it.

Not bothered by how he comes across in interviews, but no Rangers director should be talking about throwing someone down the stairs. Our standards have to be set higher than this imo.

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“ I have never met or spoke to the man but I personally would throw him down the marble stair case if he ever turned up at Ibrox.

Sandy with the rep you carry around I would expect nothing less than whyte to be bundled into the back of a blacked out transit van and made disappear forever ... After you throw him down the marble staircase off-course :thumbup:

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Feb 2013: "Alex Thomson is not a Rangers-hater. That is my opinion and I stand by it."

Jan 2014: "Not a traditional Rangers-hater as I said before but one who has used Rangers-bashing as a means to extend his audience and curry favour with one of his niche markets"


Twat's not getting off that easy, or he'll be back on here acting as if nothing has happened...A bit like Bawsburst does ;)

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Not bothered by how he comes across in interviews, but no Rangers director should be talking about throwing someone down the stairs. Our standards have to be set higher than this imo.

Bullshit. I hope his next statement says he'd stick a bullet up the wee pricks arse.

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I think on this occasion Mr.Easedale should receive no flak from anyone.

Yes there has got to be some decorum shown when representing Rangers.

On this occasion we should make an exception.

But let's face it,who wouldn't like to throw whyte down the marble staircase?

I can only imagine what Jock Wallace would have done to him.

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