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Steve Simonsen forced off of Twitter.

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so called fucking fans. if anyone saw the tweets they should report these cunts to the proper authorities. absolutely sickening.

i know simonsen made a mistake. who the fuck doesn't? it was a big mistake yes but it could have happened to anyone. I'm sure he feels bad about it. He seems like a really cool guy who enjoyed being here at rangers (even though he has only started 2 games) and now these fucking idiots go an do this. gives us a bad name and they shouldn't be allowed to have anything to do with our club. if thats the way they want to act then they can fuck off to parkhead and support that mhob of assholes.

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Absolute disgrace.

There's giving out criticism, then there is just plain wrong.

Threatening his family, his wife (a woman) and his child is absolutely disgusting.

They should be named and shamed, the bastards.

:lol: :lol: THAT made me choke on my coffee.....ta. Best laugh in ages. :lol:doh

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Rangers goalie to quit Twitter following "mindless abuse"

RANGERS number two goalkeeper Steven Simonsen said he is being forced to quit Twitter after his family were the subject of "mindless abuse" online.

The goalie said his 11-year-old son was the target of vile tweets from "idiots" following Saturday's Scottish Cup defeat.

Simonsen, who replaced an injured Cammy Bell for the semi-final clash against Dundee United, made a mistake which saw his side go 3-1 down.

Yesterday he said was quitting the social network later today after his family were targeted.

In a series of tweets, he told followers: "I've taken the unfortunate decision that as of 5pm tomorrow this account will be deleted, I won't accept mindless abuse of my family and son.

"I understand this spoils things for the thousands of genuine fans & followers out there, but I will not accept the idiots who resort to abusing someone's family and particularly children.

"Thank you to everyone I've interacted with over the years!! Met some wonderful people!"

He added: "My son comes on twitter to follow his heroes including his dad and ends up having idiots abusing him.

"He's 11 years old.

"His first ever trip to Ibrox to watch his dad ends up with him receiving abuse because I included him in a tweet. I'm sorry but I'm not tolerating it!"

Some of Simonsen's 15,400 followers, including Rangers fans, replied with messages of support for the reserve goalie.

Supporters also took to online forums to condemn the abuse.

Simonsen stepped up after Cammy Bell suffered an injury during training rendering him unfit for Saturday's clash.

Earlier in the week Simonsen tweeted his excitement ahead of the game and said: "Feel so sorry for Cammy, it's rotten luck, but I will step up. I want this so much, for me, for my teammates, my kids, and The Rangers Family!"

Meanwhile, Rangers Football Club have today announced a new shirt sponsorship deal with online casino company 32Red.

The firm, who have previously sponsored English Premiership sides Aston Villa and Swansea, will sponsor Rangers for the next three seasons starting from July 2014.

Rangers chief executive, Graham Wallace, said: "We are in the process of rebuilding Rangers Football Club and alliances with blue chip companies such as 32Red will assist us on our journey back to the top of Scottish football.

"We would like to thank our current shirt sponsor Blackthorn and Tennent Caledonian Breweries for their ongoing support of the club during a very difficult period."

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Asked about the abuse received and the perils of social media, McCoist said: "It makes me feel he shouldn’t have been on it in the first place.

"I’m maybe an old dinosaur. I’m seeing more negatives than positives from players on Twitter at the moment. I’ve said before we have to be guarded about what we do and what we say.

"Of course it was an error and he’s [simonsen] the first one to admit that. He also had the best save I’ve seen this season up at Forfar.

"You take the good with the bad. On these social network sites you run the risk of taking abuse from a certain type of individual."

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Seems to be that's what you get from some of our fans these days. The abuse is never too far away and it doesn't take much for it appear. If you're a Rangers player or ex-player you have to be really careful about what you say and do now. Slightest mistake or opinion not shared by the volatile ones and you're for it.

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Seems to be that's what you get from some of our fans these days. The abuse is never too far away and it doesn't take much for it appear. If you're a Rangers player or ex-player you have to be really careful about what you say and do now. Slightest mistake or opinion not shared by the volatile ones and you're for it.

I agree but don't forget that anyone can call themselves a Rangers fan, saying it is down to our own is not always correct.

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I agree but don't forget that anyone can call themselves a Rangers fan, saying it is down to our own is not always correct.

Absolutely. You can see it in the stadium sometimes as well though, in terms of how people behave towards each other. It's not often, but it's more than it used to be.

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If you live your every minute in the public eye then you have to expect this sort of thing to happen.

Society is ot made up of robots who all behave the same courteous and polite way.

In any case, he got done for drunk driving and that in itself if inexcusable. He also looked dodgy all day Saturday.

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If you live your every minute in the public eye then you have to expect this sort of thing to happen.

Society is ot made up of robots who all behave the same courteous and polite way.

In any case, he got done for drunk driving and that in itself if inexcusable. He also looked dodgy all day Saturday.

It's actually quite easy not to be cuntish like this and you don't have to be robotic.

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Disagree if you will, but I feel for him a bit.

He clearly knows he fucked up, but of all the players on Saturday, he's the only one I thought looked genuinely gutted.

That may be due to the fact he knows if he doesn't perform, he doesn't play - a few others could do with that sort of kick up the arse

I don't think he's good enough, and am looking forward to Bell coming back, but while I agree one brilliant save doesn't make a goalkeeper, one awful mistake doesn't ruin one either.

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At times like this, the oxygen thiefs who have made the tweets in question should be names, shamed, and publicly disowned by the club and fans.

And if a few good kickings were to somehow come their way, all the better.

I know every club has a scum element,(some more than others, granted) but that should be no excuse for allowing this kind of thing to happen.

I hope Simo and his family dont allow this to blacken his probably short time at Rangers and realise that the vast majority of real fans abhor these lowlife cunts.

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