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Ally still has some money to spend.

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Rangers manager Ally McCoist has been told he has money left in his player budget as he looks to tie up a deal for Marius Zaliukas.

The former Hearts centre-back is on trial with Rangers while McCoist has also declared an interest in Scotland international midfielder Don Cowie, who is set to leave Cardiff.

And the Rangers boss admitted he was "really keen" to sign the Lithuanian.

McCoist told Sky Sports News: "Marius has come up after being released by Leeds United and trained with us and we are going to have a chat.

"Obviously we'll have a look at the budget, I think there's still a few quid knocking about in that budget and that will be put to the test in the next week or so."

McCoist, who has added Darren McGregor, Kenny Miller and Kris Boyd to his squad ahead of their Scottish Championship title bid, added: "It's our job to strengthen as much as we can.

"We have still got a bit in the budget and we want to do that because it's vitally important that the team get back to the top flight."

Let's guess who will be first to make a disparaging remark about Ally's ability to spend wisely.....


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Am i the only one wondering where all this money is coming from ?

Yes :P

we had a wagebill, and the wage bill has to be kept at roughly the same level( according to reports) We have got a few of the high earners off the books, and brought in others who ( reports say) are on cheaper wages. If we can move on another one or two ( shiels and Peralta) then we could use that money to even further our squad. :D

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Just because we have cash doesn't mean we have to spend it. What happened to financial prudence and being careful?

We're signing free transfers on relatively low wages , we're hardly spun king millions of pounds we don't have.

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