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Wisen up Bears....its all very simple whats going on


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It was my hope that Ally would carry on to a point where he realised he can go no further and walk away , declining his remaining 12 months salary.

I can't explain this latest development without knowing more details , but I still do believe that and would be disappointed in him if he didn't.

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Other option would be to sack him with nw o compensation package. If his contract is 'water tight' AND has a 12 month notice period then someone in the Rangers legal department screweed up royally. Get lawyer pouring over his contract and look for a way to 'dismiss' him.

The board can sack him with 'cause' without the need for notice.

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The board can sack him with 'cause' without the need for notice.

That would likely result in a court case but what the hell, I say do it and see if he sues the club. If he does then the club shuold make full disclosure of every penny he ripped out of Rangers.

Holding the club to ransom over a 12 month 'notice period' is obscene.

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Ally deserves respect, even if he is a poor manager. He's Ally McCoist FFS.

Respect is 2 sided, if you cannot give respect, don't expect any in return.

Ally has shown little respect to the fans so it comes as no surprise that many fans show their feelings in the same way.

Respect is totally different from hatred and no Rangers fan hates Ally, the fans are annoyed by the total shit football coming from the manager's decisions.

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Except Ally hasn't asked for, demanded, or taken any 'pay off'. But, aye. Crack on. (tu)

No that's Ally all over, Plays his cards close to his chest, Ally knows now the board must get rid as he leaves in 12 months, I wonder how the press found out before such a big game about this?

Lost all respect for Ally, he sold us down the river with Green because he got 4 percent of the club in shares, Yet he stabbed Green in the back, Why did he get any shares in the first place?

Sadly Ally like the rest of them put himself and his bank balance before the fans or the club. This is why the club is in such a state financially as every cunt has their hand out for a pay off

As for a new manager? Forget McCall and McInnes another couple of donkeys, go get BILLY DAVIS.

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Respect is 2 sided, if you cannot give respect, don't expect any in return.

Ally has shown little respect to the fans so it comes as no surprise that many fans show their feelings in the same way.

Respect is totally different from hatred and no Rangers fan hates Ally, the fans are annoyed by the total shit football coming from the manager's decisions.

Ally only respects MONEY. Ironic that in his first season he was detested by the fans - looks like history repeating itself.

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TIN HAT ON.ally offers to resign giving the required 12 months notice forgetting all the negative shit regarding him and pay off and it all being about ally. he takes us up to the spl an as I understand it that was his original remit he does that and the board say ok we will take your resignation. would not look to good for the board sacking a manager that has delivered on his given objectives.how many would be saying he deserved a shot at the spl for getting us there despite all the shite he has had to put up with. just asking the question as I do think he needs to go.

All well and good except the longer he stays the less likely it is we will even gain promotion even via the play offs.

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Ally only respects MONEY. Ironic that in his first season he was detested by the fans - looks like history repeating itself.

Don't get me wrong mate, I have zero respect for him left.

I don't (as yet) hate him, I hate his management skills (or lack of them)

My Club comes first, nothing else.

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Ally has a total brass neck, he is a millionaire who unless he goes mad, will never run out of money. It is totally shameful that he is holding out for every penny when others who earn a pittance compared to him have been sacked and are getting nothing. I do not know how he manages to look at himself in the mirror every morning. His conduct sickens me.

He is acting like some of the MPs who were caught fiddling their expenses, the most of them just laughed it off and continued with their crooked careers. I do hope that Ally doesn't think that all will be forgiven in a year or two be cause as far as I am concerned, it will not.

Ally you are not a Rangers man. Ally you are an Ally man...

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What club wants a manager who is working his notice? How do you plan for the future in a situation like that? You can't. McCoist knows that.

McCoist also knows the club cannot afford to sack him and they cannot afford to put him on gardening leave either.

In my mind it looks for all the world like McCoist is a greedy, selfish bastard trying to ensure he gets his money and when you compare that to a non-Rangers man like PLG who waived his right to a pay off, it brings McCoists actions clearly into focus.

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It it's hard but it is no good getting personal or sentimental about this issue. We have to be business-like for a change in dealing with it.

The manager is the most important person at a football club bar none. If Ally has offered his resignation and it is now public knowledge he is a lame duck manager. We need to get rid of him and fast, we will tread water until we do.

Nail on head.

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With Ally its always all about Ally.

His backs to the wall, he knows the board want him out and hes now doing what he does best...trying to look after himself and get as much money as he can screw out 'The Spivs' as he can..

Only one side leaked the story to the Mhedia and it was McCoist, for his benefit

He knew fine well tonight was a tough game with the fans ready to turn on him so he has turned it round, timing is everything.

Hes offered his resignation he hasnt resigned, already the mhedia spin has the man in the street saying McCoist wants to go to go but the board wont let him.....no he has offered to resign on HIS TERMS with 12 months wages in his already bulging back pocket.

By offering his resignation he has said I'm now prepared to work my 12 month notice and continue to be employed and paid for a year. He knows fine well that the board know the minute the players know he is leaving he has to be removed from the dressing room for the good of the team. So we all remember how Rangers crumbled after Smith said he was leaving after NIAR or hwo the Man U players performed when Ferguson said he was leaving the first time.

Ally 'the spiv' has used all his mhedia contacts today to do what hes best at after scoring goals, looking after himself and screwing as much as he can from his employers.

Only the Gullible or those with a brown brogued agenda cant see this.

Sir Alex Ferguson never told anyone he was leaving and when he did it was after they had won the league...

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good rant though...

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That would likely result in a court case but what the hell, I say do it and see if he sues the club. If he does then the club shuold make full disclosure of every penny he ripped out of Rangers.

Holding the club to ransom over a 12 month 'notice period' is obscene.

If he breaks his notice period and breaches his contract there is just as much likelihood of it ending up in court. I'm sure the board wouldn't miss a chance to claw some cash back to pay for the next big executive payoff.

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Sir Alex Ferguson never told anyone he was leaving and when he did it was after they had won the league...

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good rant though...

In future try and not let the truth get in the way of making you look like a cock.

SAF told the world in 2001 that he was retiring at the end of season 2001/02, he has since said it was one of his biggest mistakes, read the link and educate yourself. That's why when he actually left he gave little notice, he knows teams down their tools once they know a manager is leaving.


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Sir Alex Ferguson never told anyone he was leaving and when he did it was after they had won the league...

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good rant though...

He did say the first time.

2001, but don't let..... You know the rest.....

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This whole thing should shine a light on the real integrity of PLG, ok, his time with us didn't work out, but complete respect to the guy - that is someone who is completely in touch with his morality.

Spot on.

He knew he couldn't turn it around and change was needed.

He didn't want or need to take a pay off and he had zilch ties with the club.

That's a dignified man in my book.

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Spot on.

He knew he couldn't turn it around and change was needed.

He didn't want or need to take a pay off and he had zilch ties with the club.

That's a dignified man in my book.

He also had no contractual obligation to provide a notice period if he intended to walk. Let's not forget though Le Guen never walked he was punted by 'mutual consent'.

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Hindsight is always 20/20 vision. Green should have appointed a more experienced manager when he took over the club, however, he needed Ally to sell STs and fill Ibrox which is why Ally got a sweetener of 4% of shares.

Now why don't the board offer Ally shares in place of his pay-off.

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Kind of funny to see you warm up to a guy that got shares for 1p (4% of the club) from his then business associate, Charles Green.

I warmed to him long before Green came to the club, at a time when boardrooms and shares weren't an issue for supporters, perhaps if you had followed his career and attended games like Kiev, Leeds, Aberdeen, celtic and many more where he gave everything for the jersey and scored more goals than any other player in the history of the club you might have warmed to him as well.

He is never a manager and should have been replaced long ago but he will always be a club legend for me.

I'm sure if the billionaire MA is serious about taking over Rangers he could find the funds to sack him.

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As I see it - and I accept it may not be a correct view.

He has put the Board on notice that he has tendered his resignation in accordance with the terms of his contract.

But it is not a resignation with immediate effect ie he has not cleared his desk and left and until that happens he will be performing the job of Manger of Rangers.

The Board has not said it wants him to go with immediate effect or at a date earlier than the notice period under his contract. But........

Ally must know perfectly well that:

  • results and performances are well short of what was required
  • the likelihood of his meeting the objective for the season - winning the Championship - is now remote. Extremely remote. He will have failed.
  • the probability of the squad of players he manages winning promotion via the play offs is low. The reason being the players are demonstrating they do not have the bottle for important games. And neither does the manager. They are collectively on course for failure. Massive failure with massive consequences for Rangers. They will not be legends at Ibrox. They risk becoming known as 'the failures'.
  • Large numbers of Supporters appear to have lost faith in the manager and team - and as a result are adding to the empty seats at Ibrox. Which is financially harmful for the Club and which in turn means more cuts and redundancies and a collective shrinking of Rangers. His performances and stance risk alienating even more Supporters.
  • If he hangs on for the full term of his resignation period he will increasingly be seen (rightly or wrongly) as engaging in the same sort of spivvery that we have seen from others who have pocketed six figure sums of money to pack their bags. People who - even at CEO level - were on much less salary than Ally, even allowing for his voluntary wage cut.
  • Failure to win promotion could consign Rangers to a number of seasons in the Championship while a youth-centerd rebuilding takes place after a clearout of the failures. And with it the prospect of not just a number of short years before Rangers became competitive again against the other lot - but potentially 10 or more.

In short an extended period of hanging on would see his reputation become ever more progressively shredded with an equivalent increase in personal stress that would go with failure on the scale mentioned above.

So a way out may be to have signalled to the Board that he is going (which he has done). That gives the Board (what's left of it since there is no replacement CEO and no FD) to sound out potential replacements and have them vetted for approval by the major shareholders because it is now so senstive at Rangers that any faction that did not approve of a replacement would consign the replacement to a quick failure just like the CEOs we have burned through in the last 3 years. The appointment would become even more of a poisoned chalice. Once they have found someone who stands some chance of being supported by the various influential factions who decide on these things Ally and the Board could perhaps elect to waive any right to require a full resignation term to apply and Ally goes when the new manager is appointed. At least it would not leave the club managerless and risk resulting in a short term panic appointment that might end up throwing things out of the frying pan and into the fire and make things even worse (if that were possible). It could therefore just be a matter of timing an agreed end date when a new Manager is selected.

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I have always believed players do more than the manager, Ally deserves blame but the players aren't getting enough, they're the ones who finalize the product.

Apparently Rangers started against QOTS with players that had a combined 142 international caps. It can only be a lack of effort as the experience is certainly there.

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