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No Wonder We Are Screwed


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Summer football is a very good idea. No points for 0-0, would change the whole thinking with the away team having to score to get anything out of the game, this would lead to more exciting attacking play in Scotland and may create a TV audience for us.

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Scottish football will die a death if we continue the strategy of "hanging on to England's shirttails".

As things stand it's only a matter of time before Scotland's football leagues become comparable with Ireland and Wales. The money in England's game see's the top-flights whipping-boy paid similar money from TV, to, what Rangers see in turnover in a successful European year, this has been the case for a number of years and it's now fair to say that English Championship players and the costs attached are getting beyond us.

In this country we shamelessly rip off the Premierships name and logo regularly, one can only assume in a desperate bid to hoodwink countries and players into believing that Aberdeen are Arsenal and St Mirren - Newcastle. This strategy perhaps has a reasoning behind it but making the rules up as we go, maintaining a failing status-quo, rewarding failure and failing to secure the best TV/sponsorship deals, does not.

As we lack the population, the competitive league, the ingenuity to have a revolution and the marketing to punt it to the world,...we sit,....waiting,....waiting on a fantasy European league or English invite that unlike a telegram from the Queen, won't eventually arrive.

If the last few years has taught us as fans anything, it's that even our establishment is not untouchable with such a set-up combined with the reality that world football is interested in the betterment of the big boys, and we're not one in their eyes. We narrowly avoided going to the wall and we got 4th rate players at 1st-rate prices to lead us to ultimate failure last season. This cannot go on and Warburton's appointment as manager signals that, it may take our fans some getting used to that we're looking for value not the best but alas this is the reality. One cannot rest easy however as if recent history has taught us anything it's that the money will grow elsewhere while it continues to decline in real terms here.

What's the solution? well it's not the status-quo and thinking happy thoughts like the SPFL has been doing with the help of large parts within the Scottish media. There needs to be a willingness from the Old Firm to work with everyone else as it's difficult to imagine solutions if they are opposed to the stranglehold of finance, success and footballing power.

Some suggestions to revive our games fortunes;

  • The future is online, every device is online - so why not snub Sky/BT who short-change us on the tv-deal and instead have an online sports channel showing our games? Perhaps we could tie up with Netflix, perhaps it could be pay per view or with a season ticket, a global audience can access it, it's viewing numbers would depend on our online advertising and salesmanship. Advert revenue would be ours, sponsorship deals would be on a global audience basis. We could even sell the games to tv stations across the globe at will because we're not tied to a BT/Sky deal. Why continue to deal with organisations which are surely killing us by-proxy with the money and interest they have in England.
  • Tie-up with countries like the US, China, Russia & India, where we see Xnumber of their players come to our leagues and Xnumber of our players go to theirs, with 20 players of each country in our leagues you'd have to imagine those countries would be more interested in watching our games, if we could even get a 1% share of viewers we'd be laughing.
  • League rules preventing the purchase of players from outside our own league set-up, thus keeping the money from our game in our game.
  • Youth graduates, every year youths graduate from the Youth System, Xnumber of them have to be in your first team squad the season of graduating.
  • All pro-youth players must be able to fluently speak a foreign language by the age 16-18 and pass a test confirming that ability, British players don't go abroad and I suggest it's because the English speaking nations 'don't do other languages', if we want to sell our crops for the best prices we'll need to be able to sell them to more than England.
  • Ticket prices to go to games cheaper than staying in the house and watching it on TV - this will encourage fans to fill the ground instead of staying it where it's warm and they can have a carry-out with their pals over.
  • Summer football - playing football in the Winter in Scotland is a nonsense, consistently it see's games rearranged, the players don't like it, the fans don't like it. Change it to a February to October season or something similar. This would allow our European entrants to be at the top of their game come the qualifying rounds which increasingly catch us out. It would also see our games be of more interest in England (for example) as we'll be the only league to watch for a couple of months. Further to that our best weather would see more fans out for a few months, the Christmas pinch avoided and the kids school holiday treat could mean the family section.
  • A clear pyramid should be established from grass-roots at the bottom to the SPFL teams at the top, schools football, coaching schools, amateur teams, pro youth, Junior etc etc all in their. A child that wants to play football should have the opportunity and a system that will improve them, encourage their interest and will spot them for progression.
  • Players produced by the system should have it within their contract that at the tail-end of their career they return to the league to play, coach, etc OR pay a fee - thus seeing a continuation of knowledge/experience or thank you-payments for the education/opportunity.
  • + many many more, the point is we all have idea's, there is scope for a continually fresh approach, there's more than one way to play the game.
Many good points, but als, too many vested from the leeches running our game, far lless they do not have a brain cell between them to be innovative. Sadly, it would never happen.

I would go for the revolution. Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish associations are an irrelevence, sprialing downwards towards extinction. The Welsh of course are the odd ball, but they have teams in the top tiers of the English leagues and look how they have prospered and with relative success.

Ours is actually the worst example of them all as they actually think they are important and doing a great job. Then there is our leagues. What a fuckin shambles. To call it a menu of mediocraty would be a gross overstatement and bordering on fraud. Then there is the gross overpricing to watch dross. There are people doing jail time for lesser crimes. The many blazers who run our game certainly don't get paid for their performance. We pay them for failure and they are without any accountability. As I said, this nanny state of ours is the worst example. The glory days are well gone and will never return, no matter how much tinkering. We are just too small with no sustainable income and a menu that would have dogs throwing up.

The whole game lives of us and the scum, sorry but a sustainable business it is not and it actually holds us back.

Either team will never be accepted down south whilst there is an SFA, so.......

For the revolution, as we are all part of the UK, then why not disband the lot of them and have one UK Association and one league system. I can see this as the only route for giving us hope. Now the turkeys won't vote for xmas, so it would be up to the clubs and fans to apply the pressure. Shame those corrupt non value adding leeching bastards, demonise them and remove them, because that is the some total of their worth.

Just because it has always been this way, it is no excuse to remain the same. That thinking sounded the death knell for the shipyards and the like. Scotland is an industrial desert as a consequence. The Scottish game is on the same path.

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If you want to help Scottish football, maybe you should cancel your Sky subscriptions and stop subsidising the English leagues.

Like it or not, with two different countries sharing a single TV broadcast, this makes them a direct competitor and you are funding the opposition.

Just saying.

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If you want to help Scottish football, maybe you should cancel your Sky subscriptions and stop subsidising the English leagues.

Like it or not, with two different countries sharing a single TV broadcast, this makes them a direct competitor and you are funding the opposition.

Just saying.

Exactly, in sharing a single broadcast. England have 10 times the population, so it will never change. We are tokenism and an irrelevance and the gap is getting much wider with their new deal.

Subscriptions from our small nation makes little difference, otherwise Scottish fooball would get a better deal from them. However Sky is not the problem our association and our set up are.

Direct action needed on the SFA. They are a corrupt, self serving buch of incompetents, leeching off our game. Remove them. Put SOS to good use and go for these bastards and let us not also forget what they have done to us!

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We'll have enough problems getting to where we were never mind worrying about getting to where the teams in the EPL are !

No one's worrying about it, just responding to a poster.

Nothing wrong with the long game, a bit of innovation and strategy to get to where you want to be. Don't need much energy and resouces, just tenacity and clever tactics.

We will be the first to bitch en mass on getting pumped out of the no mark Europa qualifiers to some no mark team from some no mark country.

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sadly the boat has sailed as to how we can earn high tv revenues for Scottish games, many who blame Sky for paying us a pittance dont understand how the system operates. We are now entering an era where EPL revenue is going to grow while ours will more than likely reduce in size.

Revenues will be earned globally and no matter our glorious history global markets will have no interest in the Scottish Football.

Walk about Asia and all the pubs are advertising English Football. they are glory hunters and only want to watch the top teams with their global superstars, Scottish football is not even on the radar.

We can only escape this with a Euro league and unless we have a fabulously wealthy owner we will struggle to fund entry to that league

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No one's worrying about it, just responding to a poster.

Nothing wrong with the long game, a bit of innovation and strategy to get to where you want to be. Don't need much energy and resouces, just tenacity and clever tactics.

We will be the first to bitch en mass on getting pumped out of the no mark Europa qualifiers to some no mark team from some no mark country.

The long term strategy is important to me. I cant see the current Rangers board being able to fund this

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People have been saying it won't last for years and unfortunately I'm yet to see any evidence of the bubble bursting.

Indeed, it hasn't even taken off yet as its only just getting started globally. Keep in mind revenue has increased dramatically during a major recession.

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Scottish football will die a death if we continue the strategy of "hanging on to England's shirttails".

As things stand it's only a matter of time before Scotland's football leagues become comparable with Ireland and Wales. The money in England's game see's the top-flights whipping-boy paid similar money from TV, to, what Rangers see in turnover in a successful European year, this has been the case for a number of years and it's now fair to say that English Championship players and the costs attached are getting beyond us.

In this country we shamelessly rip off the Premierships name and logo regularly, one can only assume in a desperate bid to hoodwink countries and players into believing that Aberdeen are Arsenal and St Mirren - Newcastle. This strategy perhaps has a reasoning behind it but making the rules up as we go, maintaining a failing status-quo, rewarding failure and failing to secure the best TV/sponsorship deals, does not.

As we lack the population, the competitive league, the ingenuity to have a revolution and the marketing to punt it to the world,...we sit,....waiting,....waiting on a fantasy European league or English invite that unlike a telegram from the Queen, won't eventually arrive.

If the last few years has taught us as fans anything, it's that even our establishment is not untouchable with such a set-up combined with the reality that world football is interested in the betterment of the big boys, and we're not one in their eyes. We narrowly avoided going to the wall and we got 4th rate players at 1st-rate prices to lead us to ultimate failure last season. This cannot go on and Warburton's appointment as manager signals that, it may take our fans some getting used to that we're looking for value not the best but alas this is the reality. One cannot rest easy however as if recent history has taught us anything it's that the money will grow elsewhere while it continues to decline in real terms here.

What's the solution? well it's not the status-quo and thinking happy thoughts like the SPFL has been doing with the help of large parts within the Scottish media. There needs to be a willingness from the Old Firm to work with everyone else as it's difficult to imagine solutions if they are opposed to the stranglehold of finance, success and footballing power.

Some suggestions to revive our games fortunes;

  • The future is online, every device is online - so why not snub Sky/BT who short-change us on the tv-deal and instead have an online sports channel showing our games? Perhaps we could tie up with Netflix, perhaps it could be pay per view or with a season ticket, a global audience can access it, it's viewing numbers would depend on our online advertising and salesmanship. Advert revenue would be ours, sponsorship deals would be on a global audience basis. We could even sell the games to tv stations across the globe at will because we're not tied to a BT/Sky deal. Why continue to deal with organisations which are surely killing us by-proxy with the money and interest they have in England.
  • Tie-up with countries like the US, China, Russia & India, where we see Xnumber of their players come to our leagues and Xnumber of our players go to theirs, with 20 players of each country in our leagues you'd have to imagine those countries would be more interested in watching our games, if we could even get a 1% share of viewers we'd be laughing.
  • League rules preventing the purchase of players from outside our own league set-up, thus keeping the money from our game in our game.
  • Youth graduates, every year youths graduate from the Youth System, Xnumber of them have to be in your first team squad the season of graduating.
  • All pro-youth players must be able to fluently speak a foreign language by the age 16-18 and pass a test confirming that ability, British players don't go abroad and I suggest it's because the English speaking nations 'don't do other languages', if we want to sell our crops for the best prices we'll need to be able to sell them to more than England.
  • Ticket prices to go to games cheaper than staying in the house and watching it on TV - this will encourage fans to fill the ground instead of staying it where it's warm and they can have a carry-out with their pals over.
  • Summer football - playing football in the Winter in Scotland is a nonsense, consistently it see's games rearranged, the players don't like it, the fans don't like it. Change it to a February to October season or something similar. This would allow our European entrants to be at the top of their game come the qualifying rounds which increasingly catch us out. It would also see our games be of more interest in England (for example) as we'll be the only league to watch for a couple of months. Further to that our best weather would see more fans out for a few months, the Christmas pinch avoided and the kids school holiday treat could mean the family section.
  • A clear pyramid should be established from grass-roots at the bottom to the SPFL teams at the top, schools football, coaching schools, amateur teams, pro youth, Junior etc etc all in their. A child that wants to play football should have the opportunity and a system that will improve them, encourage their interest and will spot them for progression.
  • Players produced by the system should have it within their contract that at the tail-end of their career they return to the league to play, coach, etc OR pay a fee - thus seeing a continuation of knowledge/experience or thank you-payments for the education/opportunity.
  • + many many more, the point is we all have idea's, there is scope for a continually fresh approach, there's more than one way to play the game.

Brilliant post. Maybe some difficulties with some of it, but little bit of imaginative thinking and a collective will goes a long way. Interest in any kind of European Football is huge in China and players and managers that go there are paid huge sums. You are right about everything being on-line and the BT/Sky model is unsustainable and the riches it creates will undermine its integrity, its foundations as hugely overpaid footballers sit around not playing, losing their skills and their competitive edge.

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People have been saying it won't last for years and unfortunately I'm yet to see any evidence of the bubble bursting.

I used to think it would burst but there's no chance it will, in fact if anything it will prosper ! There's 53 million down there and 5 and a quarter here ! Nae cunt cares what we do, awe we've got is tourism, trees, rain, junkies and too many asylum seekers for the size of the country and unfortunately run by they crackpots the snp. Deal wae it !

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