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Gary Ralston: Hat-trick of whines from former Rangers stars leaves sour taste
GARY reckons Richard Foster, Ian Black and Kris Boyd would be better served looking at their own failures rather than lashing out at Ibrox chairman Dave King.
Richard Foster, Kris Boyd and Ian Black have all hit out at Dave King

DAVE KING is not the only guy with a Rangers connection to have encountered difficulties with self-assessment.

Kris Boyd, Richard Foster and now Ian Black have had a pop at the Ibrox chairman for comments they reckon are offensive and risible.

There have been many of those in recent years from the top of the marble staircase so let’s have a quiz. Did King say:

A) “I won’t leave before the Champions League music’s playing at Ibrox again.”

B) “I will show you an email where we are invited to go to the Dallas Cowboys.”

C) “You won’t always like what you hear from me but you’ll definitely get the truth.”

D) “I’d be surprised if a manager coming in would want to hire players who failed miserably last season.”

The answer is, of course D, as in damn right, given there has been so much manure spread around Ibrox in recent years they should be growing strawberries forWimbledon in the six-yard box.

Charles Green (A, B and C) oversaw the production of much of it but the whiff of hype and hubris from the Blue Room was only matched last season by the stench of failure on the pitch.

Foster is upset Rangers didn’t send him a letter which is a bit rich as he struggled to deliver anything of note from the right wing.

Richard’s a decent fella but his admissions of verbal bust-ups last season with Gers fans suggest a skin stretched thinner than Anne Robinson’s latest facelift.

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Dave King (right) with fellow director and investor Paul Murray at Ibrox

He did little to suggest he had the mental strength to cope with playing for Rangers at a reduced level and must be the only male in history to actively court a Dear John correspondence.

Black told Sky Sports yesterday he would have settled for a phone call instead, thanking him for his service because “we achieved two promotions”.

Aberdeen fans helped take the Human League back into the top 10 last year but they’re hardly demanding entry for Peter Pawlett in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame.

Black has worked as a painter and decorator in the past and he’s guilty of whitewashing over a wage of six grand a week against part-timers on sixty quid.

Boyd’s comments were more measured as he criticised King’s strategy since taking control and claimed, with some justification, a new manager should have been brought in sooner.

However, he also smarted at being singled out for criticism from above and it wasn’t the first time in 2015 he has failed to hit the target. Boyd’s ire should have been aimed at the failure of the coaching staff to implement a playing system on which he could have prospered.

It was painful to watch him used as a targetman last season, his waist thickening by the month, flicking on aimless long balls 30 yards from goal.

Players too precious for their own good would do well to ponder on a phone call that came through on the mobile of yours truly a couple of Sundays ago from Stuart McCall.

He had just been told he would not be given the Rangers job full-time but wanted to tell the public it had been a privilege to have been in the position and to wish Mark Warburton all the best.

McCall didn’t get a letter from King either but at least his reaction was first class.

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If I don't do my job then I lose my job. These so called players haven't done theirs so didn't deserve to keep their job. Under performing embarrassment to the jersey. To think that of some of the greats I watched with the light blue jersey and these jokers will have their name next to them. Ian Black was a slap in the face of a signing if ever there was one, fucking £8k a week. Everything that was wrong with the club was summed up in that signing alone. Anyway onwards and upwards - WATP!

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Very good article.

Such was the lack of any real leadership over the last 2 or 3 years, it's evident that these guys just assumed that they would be getting new contracts....even up to the day before their current one expired. Why none of them thought about actually asking DK/PM is baffling

I've read a few comments from fans who, probably with the best intentions, think that the club have acted hastily or didn't act properly. Sorry, (no offence guys) but that's the kind of sentimental guff that got us saddled with a huge squad we didn't need & couldn't really afford. To avoid paying these duds off, we honoured their contracts and slammed the door shut the minute they were no longer employed. Harsh, yes....but that's business....that's what would happen in any other walk of life if you'd failed miserably. We really should have been playing hard-ball with them at the very beginning.

Yes, I thank them for having the courage to join us in the lower leagues.....but come on....they weren't exactly experiencing any real hardship, nor were they exceeding expectations.

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Stuart McCall was and is a Rangers legend. At the club as a player and manager he showed the desire and attitude of the winner that he is. He also showed the class associated with being a Ranger.

Ian Black was never Rangers class in any sense of the word, like many players last year.

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Glad to see Ally McCoist's team ripped apart and his players out on their arse. Warburton will be able to do much of the work this summer and next summer the rest of the wasters are out on their arse too.

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The caption reads "Fellow director and investor Paul Murray". How much has Paul Murray invested?

And if the most robust defence of Dave King is that at least he hasn't yet spouted as much shite as Charles Green, that's not too convincing.

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The caption reads "Fellow director and investor Paul Murray". How much has Paul Murray invested?

And if the most robust defence of Dave King is that at least he hasn't yet spouted as much shite as Charles Green, that's not too convincing.

Fuck off with your agenda seriously

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I have no agenda, I'm questioning the strangely sycophantic tone Ralston is showing towards King and Murray.

And I won't fuck off for you, neither seriously nor jovially.

Did the big picture distract you from the words? The first line;

DAVE KING is not the only guy with a Rangers connection to have encountered difficulties with self-assessment

He mentions DK one other time when referencing what he said, where you see this sycophantic tone I don't know.

I'm sure you, and your clear agenda, will be more comfortable back in the boardroom section. (tu)

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Stuart McCall was and is a Rangers legend. At the club as a player and manager he should the desire and attitude of the winner that he is. He also showed the class associated with being a Ranger.

Ian Black was never Rangers class in any sense of the word, like many players last year.

Spot on. McCall is a genuine class act. Black is indicative of the overpaid trash McCoist brought to the club.

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Did the big picture distract you from the words? The first line;He mentions DK one other time when referencing what he said, where you see this sycophantic tone I don't know.

I'm sure you, and your clear agenda, will be more comfortable back in the boardroom section. (tu)

He defended Dave King by quoting Charles Green. Relevance?

And he calls Paul Murray an investor when he is manifestly no such thing.

Clear enough for you? Would a thumbs up emoticon be helpful?

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The caption reads "Fellow director and investor Paul Murray". How much has Paul Murray invested?

And if the most robust defence of Dave King is that at least he hasn't yet spouted as much shite as Charles Green, that's not too convincing.

Is that really all you took from that article? fuck off to the boardroom section with this pish.

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I have no agenda, I'm questioning the strangely sycophantic tone Ralston is showing towards King and Murray.

And I won't fuck off for you, neither seriously nor jovially.

If you read that article as a Rangers fan and the thing that concerned you most was the sycophancy as you see it shown towards King and Murray rather than the what those three imposters who masqueraded as Rangers players last season had to say then you may have to stay away from the Boardroom section for a while.

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He defended Dave King by quoting Charles Green. Relevance?

And he calls Paul Murray an investor when he is manifestly no such thing.

Clear enough for you? Would a thumbs up emoticon be helpful?

So clear you're transparent.
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If you read that article as a Rangers fan and the thing that concerned you most was the sycophancy as you see it shown towards King and Murray rather than the what those three imposters who masqueraded as Rangers players last season had to say then you may have to stay away from the Boardroom section for a while.

3 overpaid failures whine about being (rightly ) binned by Rangers. Does the courageous journalist criticise or even mention the incompetent clown who bought them all? No, he quotes Charles Green instead.

Very much typical Scottish football lazy journalism.

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I know times have changed,but back in the day when stuart mcall was srutting his stuff in champions league for us in marsielle in 1993,he would have been earning less than black struggling agains stirling albion in 2012,one tries his best and fails the other just fails and the non trier winges,shows just what an easy place our club has been to make a few quid in recent years

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The caption reads "Fellow director and investor Paul Murray". How much has Paul Murray invested?

And if the most robust defence of Dave King is that at least he hasn't yet spouted as much shite as Charles Green, that's not too convincing.

So, you're saying you don't think either is a captain of industry...?


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Stuart McCall was and is a Rangers legend. At the club as a player and manager he showed the desire and attitude of the winner that he is. He also showed the class associated with being a Ranger.

Ironically by playing the fat useless lump of lard Boyd he probably contributed to his own downfall

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I know times have changed,but back in the day when stuart mcall was srutting his stuff in champions league for us in marsielle in 1993,he would have been earning less than black struggling agains stirling albion in 2012,one tries his best and fails the other just fails and the non trier winges,shows just what an easy place our club has been to make a few quid in recent years

I'd have thought the players of McCalls playing time at ibrox would have been far higher than what Black and co were getting these days?

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