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Rst Selling Strips In Ibrox Primary School

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Some on here are blinded by the word 'official' when it comes to buying merchandise.

Speaking on the subject of official merchandise at the AGM Dave King stated that due to the gagging order imposed by sports direct he was unable to go into any detail but he did manage to say "" The relationship with sports direct continues to impact on Rangers, but as long as we, all of us stand united, we will succeed in ultimately securing more mutually beneficial partnerships in the future".

That wasn't a call to go out and buy official merchandise.

Anyone still not convinced that our club is being anything other than ripped off by sports direct really has to take their head out of the sand.


Blinded? Thats rich coming from a sheep like you. Blinded because we dont want to buy tops that have nothing to do with Rangers, look like cheap shite and have no guarantees of profiting the Club?

I have not seen a single poster supporting Ashley. I have seen no one deny the retail deal is shite. All of you lot seem to have this wild fantasy where everyone loves and backs Ashley and youre struggling for justice, load of pish.

My heads not in the sand, but id rather it be buried in sand than buried up the RSTs arse, or any other lying group.

Its sad to think theres going to be a generation of fans in a few years who are brought up to believe this shite that people post about folk backing Ashley and the rest. Which is why we as a support will never be the same due to the division caused by these groups.

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:lol: I was wondering wtf you were on about in the first part of your post there :D

I disagree, you're quote was "no Rangers fan reads JJ" this is false. If you had said "no real Rangers fan gets their information" from JJ, I wouldn't have said a word, as you would be right :P

Me too. (tu)

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He also said that the deal was one he could live with. And as for being ripped off, the same applies to the bootleggers.

Going on what he said at the AGM what I believe he meant was despite being ripped off by them it won't kill us.

If your referring to the RST merchandise, if they invest all of the profits in Rangers as they say they will then I can't see who they are ripping off.

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:lol: I was wondering wtf you were on about in the first part of your post there :D

I disagree, you're quote was "no Rangers fan reads JJ" this is false. If you had said "no real Rangers fan gets their information" from JJ, I wouldn't have said a word, as you would be right :P

Didn't realise you were such a pedant :)

So you agree with my point - people like JJ, 3 names, the hearts fan and other haters aren't taken seriously anymore. We've moved past that thankfully. I think the removal of McMurdo from supplying similar info has helped with that regard.


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Didn't realise you were such a pedant :)

So you agree with my point - people like JJ, 3 names, the hearts fan and other haters aren't taken seriously anymore. We've moved past that thankfully. I think the removal of McMurdo from supplying similar info has helped with that regard.


I don't think they were ever really taken seriously.

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If your referring to the RST merchandise, if they invest all of the profits in Rangers as they say they will then I can't see who they are ripping off.

are we sure that ALL the profits are going to go to the club

a tenner a t-shirt production cost seems fucking shysterlike if you ask me

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Blinded? Thats rich coming from a sheep like you. Blinded because we dont want to buy tops that have nothing to do with Rangers, look like cheap shite and have no guarantees of profiting the Club?

I have not seen a single poster supporting Ashley. I have seen no one deny the retail deal is shite. All of you lot seem to have this wild fantasy where everyone loves and backs Ashley and youre struggling for justice, load of pish.

My heads not in the sand, but id rather it be buried in sand than buried up the RSTs arse, or any other lying group.

Its sad to think theres going to be a generation of fans in a few years who are brought up to believe this shite that people post about folk backing Ashley and the rest. Which is why we as a support will never be the same due to the division caused by these groups.

Sheep, all of you lot? I'm not part of any group but I do pay attention to what's been going on at Rangers over the last few years.

I have never called our or looked upon fellow bears as scum whether they were shopping in sports direct or protesting against dodgy regimes.

Unlike some on here I don't have an agenda against fan groups so I'm able to look at things without immediately condemning them.

What I find sad is there are people who dislike large sections of our own support because they are affiliated to certain fan groups.

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I don't think they were ever really taken seriously.

Not by me - but it appeared that Mike's tanks had a bit of a following for a bit. Plus some of the anti-King stuff they have purported matches what a small subset of our support believed for a time though I agree that number is now almost negligible.


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are we sure that ALL the profits are going to go to the club

a tenner a t-shirt production cost seems fucking shysterlike if you ask me

I don't know what the costs involved in producing merchandise are but half of what you pay goes to the club via a share issue. That's the claim anyway and being free from agendas against the RST I have no reason to believe they're lying.

How much is an official Rangers top?

How much profit are SD making on each official top and what is our share of the profit?

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Sheep, all of you lot? I'm not part of any group but I do pay attention to what's been going on at Rangers over the last few years.

I have never called our or looked upon fellow bears as scum whether they were shopping in sports direct or protesting against dodgy regimes.

Unlike some on here I don't have an agenda against fan groups so I'm able to look at things without immediately condemning them.

What I find sad is there are people who dislike large sections of our own support because they are affiliated to certain fan groups.

What I find sad is that there are fan groups intent on causing disharmony amongst the fanbase. I honestly wish that they would all just ride off into the sunset.

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Not by me - but it appeared that Mike's tanks had a bit of a following for a bit. Plus some of the anti-King stuff they have purported matches what a small subset of our support believed for a time though I agree that number is now almost negligible.


Most of the following of JJ and the gobblegiver came from the posters who Took every King word as golden.

They were always posting on here about the various articles these two cretins were writing. Funny thing is they couldn't see giving his sites hits was money in the bank for him.

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I don't know what the costs involved in producing merchandise are but half of what you pay goes to the club via a share issue. That's the claim anyway and being free from agendas against the RST I have no reason to believe they're lying.

How much is an official Rangers top?

How much profit are SD making on each official top and what is our share of the profit?

seeing as your last part has nothing to do with my original post, i'll disregard it as a deflection attempt

now, onto your part about no reason to believe they are lying? what makes you believe them, especially as they have provided no cost details, no production details, no accounts, absolutely nothing, all the did was show up on matchday with alternative gear, flogged it for 20 quid and tell you a tenner is pure profit and that the tenner is going to share issues whenever they happen

no mention of interest on the raised money either, whos account it rests in, if they are paying their taxes etc

fair enough you dont like the current retail deal, but blindly following in behind the RST tenner profit train without asking question is the type of belief that got us fucked by others in the first place

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What I find sad is that there are fan groups intent on causing disharmony amongst the fanbase. I honestly wish that they would all just ride off into the sunset.

I'm mixed on that one, when I read some of the comments in here I sometimes think we would be better off without with them but on the other hand Ii've been impressed by some of the statements they've released in attacking dodgy regimes, defending our fans and club when lies were being spread by others and not forgetting the sterling work they do in raising funds for Erskine etc.

It's not just the fan groups where we have seen disharmony although to be fair most of them seem to be signing from the same hymn sheet. We have bears slagging bears for being members of FF and vice versa. Would we be better off with having no forums either?

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Most of the following of JJ and the gobblegiver came from the posters who Took every King word as golden.

They were always posting on here about the various articles these two cretins were writing. Funny thing is they couldn't see giving his sites hits was money in the bank for him.

I generally refuse to click on one of their sites as that's all they are after - that and to wind-up our support. It's funny though all their lies have done is set up their own fans into thinking they are in a better position than they are. Next season will be a big shock to them :)


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Good post. Interesting too.

Who are exceptions and why? Surely proving wrong the doubters and cynics is the best way to prove beyond doubt all is above board.

I believe most cynics just want a simplistic breakdown. For instance for a 20 quid top, how much does it cost to get to the point of sale. Then what % of profit goes into the fund and what else goes where.

The ethical argument abot alternative top or not isn't as relevant to me as the integrity of money not being misappropriated.

On a day where more monies were presented to the academy - why isn't the fund invested now via some channel so the club benefits immediately rather than however many months or years away that a share option is. Or is the acquisition of larger shares too significant.

I'm no accountant but if you can answer some of these points I'd genuinely be most appreciative.

The exceptions are people who are not interested in the truth. I have no problem with doubters and cynics but there are some that will criticise no matter what we do. The example you gave is quite easy. We sell tee-shirts for £20. We purchase them at different prices but it averages out at £8.41 for 200 tops. We have no other costs related to this. We don't charge for petrol for people to take them from A to B to C and back again, we pay that from our own pockets. We also have to pay for a let for the school but the RST covers that from membership fees. So, on that basis, it's actually £11.59 that will go into the separate bank account we are keeping for merchandise to put into the share issue.

In terms of why not put it into the Youth Development Company (and we have one of the biggest agencies for Lotto, the commission from which goes back to the Club). First of all, the main aim of our organisation is to purchase shares on behalf of the fans. Secondly, we have advertised it that profits will go to the Club in the form of a share purchase so we can't go back on that. I'm happy to answer any question.

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The exceptions are people who are not interested in the truth. I have no problem with doubters and cynics but there are some that will criticise no matter what we do. The example you gave is quite easy. We sell tee-shirts for £20. We purchase them at different prices but it averages out at £8.41 for 200 tops. We have no other costs related to this. We don't charge for petrol for people to take them from A to B to C and back again, we pay that from our own pockets. We also have to pay for a let for the school but the RST covers that from membership fees. So, on that basis, it's actually £11.59 that will go into the separate bank account we are keeping for merchandise to put into the share issue.

In terms of why not put it into the Youth Development Company (and we have one of the biggest agencies for Lotto, the commission from which goes back to the Club). First of all, the main aim of our organisation is to purchase shares on behalf of the fans. Secondly, we have advertised it that profits will go to the Club in the form of a share purchase so we can't go back on that. I'm happy to answer any question.

A simple question is the shares to be bought for the fans or for your membership base.

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I generally refuse to click on one of their sites as that's all they are after - that and to wind-up our support. It's funny though all their lies have done is set up their own fans into thinking they are in a better position than they are. Next season will be a big shock to them :)


The scum supporters are so busy hating us their board have managed to use it as a sleight of hand to under invest

in their own team.

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seeing as your last part has nothing to do with my original post, i'll disregard it as a deflection attempt

now, onto your part about no reason to believe they are lying? what makes you believe them, especially as they have provided no cost details, no production details, no accounts, absolutely nothing, all the did was show up on matchday with alternative gear, flogged it for 20 quid and tell you a tenner is pure profit and that the tenner is going to share issues whenever they happen

no mention of interest on the raised money either, whos account it rests in, if they are paying their taxes etc

fair enough you dont like the current retail deal, but blindly following in behind the RST tenner profit train without asking question is the type of belief that got us fucked by others in the first place

I hope thesins answer satisfies you and others desire to have breakdown of costs.

I've been a member of RM for a couple of years now but it didn't take long for me to realise that there are people in here who have a clear agenda against the RST for reasons I've yet to hear.

Can you give me any reason why I should assume they are lying to us?

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I hope thesins answer satisfies you and others desire to have breakdown of costs.

I've been a member of RM for a couple of years now but it didn't take long for me to realise that there are people in here who have a clear agenda against the RST for reasons I've yet to hear.

Can you give me any reason why I should assume they are lying to us?

because they havent provided a breakdown of costs or anything, for an organisation that were part of a group that continually nit picked at any sort of a deal, set up or financial move by the club in the last 3 years, for them to simply show up, sell for a score and say a tenner is profit is laughable

can i ask, what have the RST done to earn your unwavering support? the RST have, lets just say, a chequered past with regards to their priorities when it comes to rangers or self benefit,

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Well only our members get to vote on how the shares are used.

Have i got this right you take the money for the fake gear, promise it will be invested eventually, they give you their money you give them useless tat that represents nothing, you say half of that's to buy shares that are not currently available and once they do that they will have no say in what happens regarding the shares.

If they invested directly in the club they would be able to invest the same money which would buy double the shares and they would actually be shareholders with a voice.

You are either very good salesman or your brand appeals to the idiot non thinker in our support.

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because they havent provided a breakdown of costs or anything, for an organisation that were part of a group that continually nit picked at any sort of a deal, set up or financial move by the club in the last 3 years, for them to simply show up, sell for a score and say a tenner is profit is laughable

can i ask, what have the RST done to earn your unwavering support? the RST have, lets just say, a chequered past with regards to their priorities when it comes to rangers or self benefit,

As a group we raised £250K to buy shares at the IPO and a further £100K at the rights issue. That money went directly to the Club, albeit to the wrong people.

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