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Are you Brian Cassells? Ticket For Sunday

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A Rangers fan is desperately trying to track down a fellow supporter - after mistakenly receiving their ticket for Sunday's Scottish Cup meeting with Celtic.

Glasgow man David McLaren has followed his team for many years but, due to family commitments, has been unable to attend matches recently and is not currently a season ticket holder.

So, he was shocked to open a letter earlier this week containing one of the sought-after briefs for the crunch Old Firm fixture.

David said: "My wife called to say a recorded delivery item had arrived for me. I wasn't expecting anything, so I opened it up and it was a ticket for Sunday's match, from Ibrox, which came completely out of the blue.

"I had not applied for one, and it had the name of a man called Brian Cassells on it, so I knew I had to do something."

After getting in touch with the club and being told there was no record of his query, the good samaritan took it upon himself to find the ticket's rightful owner, turning to social media to begin his quest.

"I went on to Facebook to try and find him, and there was a few men of with the name Brian Cassells out there name out there - some being in Canada, but that is not to say it was not their ticket," he explained.

"I messaged those that I could reach, to ask them to get in touch if they applied and to say it was a genuine request, but unfortunately have not had a reply as of yet."

For many people, this turn of events would present an opportunity too good to miss - either go along to one of the biggest football fixtures of the season, or make some money by selling the ticket on to one of the many eager to be there.

And David could have easily taken the latter option, after an appeal on his own Facebook page led to offers flooding in - some as high as £200.

But, being no stranger to paying above the odds to see his idols in action himself, that thought never crossed his mind, as his "conscience would not allow him" to take advantage of someone else's misfortune.

He added: "The year Rangers made it to the Uefa Cup final, I paid £90 for a £15 ticket for the encounter in Florence because I wanted to see the match and I would have paid anything to get there, but I would not sell a ticket above face value to a Rangers supporter.

"I want this guy, who has probably been to most matches this season and applied and paid in good faith, to be sitting there."

But, for all of his efforts, what will happen if kick-off time approaches on Sunday and the elusive Brian has still not been traced?

While that is not the ending David is hoping for, he said, one thing is for sure, the ticket will go to a deserving person.

"I have a friend who runs a supporters club in California, and people are travelling over without tickets, so I would rather they had it than the seat sitting empty.

"Someone who has made the effort to back the team should have it, but want is that Brian Cassells sees this and comes forward to claim what is his."


Guy's a hero for doing the right thing :clap:

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