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Players struggling to deal with the pressure


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It's why we need to sign some players who have experienced playing regularly in front of bigger, more demanding crowds than the likes of McLean or Moult that we keep getting linked to. So many players have been stars at a smaller team and then move to us and suddenly look timid and too scared to try anything. Look at MOH a big star at StJ but worse than useless when asked to make the step up.

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14 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

they cant handle it . Go a goal behind at Ibrox and the bottle crashes - its happened time and time again. 

Players bereft of quality can't handle it.

I said over a month ago, based on performances, there are only two players of quality in that squad and both are young with serious potential in McCrorie and John. The rest are varying degress of mediocrity, who for most also lack the mentality. The team is full of very average shrinking violets.

Many of those players out there today have now played under three managers and watching them again, only confirmed my thinking. Not hard to work out the common denominator. Whilst MW and Pedro brought these players in, they were limited in budget to bring in quality and also some of their signings were indeed dross, but you do get what you pay for.

With such mediocrity comes inconsistency and the last 2 and a bit seasons have confirmed exactly that.

No matter the manager, even with Pep G at the helm, with this squad there is no winning anything, just continual disappointment. 

I'm sick to fuck of hearing we're better than that, because the results show for over two seasons that we are simply not and that is between three managers now. Denial of what is obvious is from top to bottom is what holds our club back and the systemic problems we have includes us as we accept it.

The systemic dysfunctional flaw that eminates from our board is replicated on the park. From the keeper to the strikers. A keeper who has great technical shot stopping ability and little else, to the point of embarassment, far less the lack of a spine,, is hailed by some as the best keeper in Scotland. Then the enigma that is our defender who cant defend at RB, in whom someone on this forum only last week hailed him as the best RB in the land. It is by no coincidence that these two players alone have played under three managers in a squad who are abject failures. I could go on right through this squad, but there is no need as our performances and results for over two seasons now tell all. Yet there are a significant number who continue in their denial and have that we are better that. I can only but conclude that there must be a raging crack epidemic amongst our support.

IMO, appointing a new manager in the current context of having no money to bring in the required quality is a complete waste of time as this squad have little more to give such is the lack of the individual and collective ability. All this rhetoric of,  well a new manager will improve them, is utter fantasy as is this securing second slot. It is the dream of losers in denial, but doesn't Dinky Dave love these types?!

Sadly our problems run far deeper than managers and players and that big fat elephant in the room that most are blind to, is the root cause of or predicament and until that is removed, this club does not move forward.

Hopefully we are witnessing the beginning of the end of this board, as it will be a watershed moment when they leave the building. Hopefully today's result is the tipping point for the support to take action, as never have I seen a support of a club of our stature be so blinded and sullied and so tolerant of leaders who have held us in so much contempt and litterally shafted us and made the name of this club a mockery.

No Surrender, well that's as long as it's not directed at this board!

The smelling of coffee moment has artived.





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What pressure? Pressure to win 3 games in a row. It is nothing to do with pressure. They are shite and that's it. Sticking with McCrorie who is a potential for the future and not playing Cardosso and Alves is fucking stupid something doesn't seem right with that for me as both are not even in the squad. Danny Wilson thinks he is fucking beckenbauer. Miller thinks he is unstoppable. The biggest mistake Murty has done so far was bringing him back and making him captain. Morelos looks so short of confidence. Midfield are spineless, gutless and don't have an ounce of quality between them. When we went 1 down they were knocking about if we were 2 or 3 up, no urgency and thats them supposedly playing for the manager. Then the lack of movement from the bench was a disgrace and showed that Murty is well out his depth. How Hodson gets a game at left back I will never know. Every time he plays there he is shocking. Just say a lot for the u21/19 left back when we can't being them in for 1 game. Not a fucking backbone between them. 

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Hit and hope football, cross balls all day long that were getting dealt with very easily. Another thing though was that we had, on a few occasions, three players finding themselves around the six yard box, but the player outside the box take long range shots over the bar. This was easily the worst performance yet, and I thought the Kilmarnock game was poor.

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When a good team looses a goal they keep calm, stay patient keep their shape, believe that if they have been pummelling the other team for a full half the goal will eventually come. First things first get a goal back and take it from there, don't get desperate lose your shape and lose another goal.


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2 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

Players bereft of quality can't handle it.

I said over a month ago, based on performances, there are only two players of quality in that squad and both are young with serious potential in McCrorie and John. The rest are varying degress of mediocrity, who for most also lack the mentality. The team is full of very average shrinking violets.

Many of those players out there today have now played under three managers and watching them again, only confirmed my thinking. Not hard to work out the common denominator. Whilst MW and Pedro brought these players in, they were limited in budget to bring in quality and also some of their signings were indeed dross, but you do get what you pay for.

With such mediocrity comes inconsistency and the last 2 and a bit seasons have confirmed exactly that.

No matter the manager, even with Pep G at the helm, with this squad there is no winning anything, just continual disappointment. 

I'm sick to fuck of hearing we're better than that, because the results show for over two seasons that we are simply not and that is between three managers now. Denial of what is obvious is from top to bottom is what holds our club back and the systemic problems we have includes us as we accept it.

The systemic dysfunctional flaw that eminates from our board is replicated on the park. From the keeper to the strikers. A keeper who has great technical shot stopping ability and little else, to the point of embarassment, far less the lack of a spine,, is hailed by some as the best keeper in Scotland. Then the enigma that is our defender who cant defend at RB, in whom someone on this forum only last week hailed him as the best RB in the land. It is by no coincidence that these two players alone have played under three managers in a squad who are abject failures. I could go on right through this squad, but there is no need as our performances and results for over two seasons now tell all. Yet there are a significant number who continue in their denial and have that we are better that. I can only but conclude that there must be a raging crack epidemic amongst our support.

IMO, appointing a new manager in the current context of having no money to bring in the required quality is a complete waste of time as this squad have little more to give such is the lack of the individual and collective ability. All this rhetoric of,  well a new manager will improve them, is utter fantasy as is this securing second slot. It is the dream of losers in denial, but doesn't Dinky Dave love these types?!

Sadly our problems run far deeper than managers and players and that big fat elephant in the room that most are blind to, is the root cause of or predicament and until that is removed, this club does not move forward.

Hopefully we are witnessing the beginning of the end of this board, as it will be a watershed moment when they leave the building. Hopefully today's result is the tipping point for the support to take action, as never have I seen a support of a club of our stature be so blinded and sullied and so tolerant of leaders who have held us in so much contempt and litterally shafted us and made the name of this club a mockery.

No Surrender, well that's as long as it's not directed at this board!

The smelling of coffee moment has artived.





disagree with your part about no matter the manager. Get a top quality manager and that would sort the vast majority of issues. Good coaches improve players mate

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7 minutes ago, james_85 said:

What pressure? Pressure to win 3 games in a row. It is nothing to do with pressure. They are shite and that's it. Sticking with McCrorie who is a potential for the future and not playing Cardosso and Alves is fucking stupid something doesn't seem right with that for me as both are not even in the squad. Danny Wilson thinks he is fucking beckenbauer. Miller thinks he is unstoppable. The biggest mistake Murty has done so far was bringing him back and making him captain. Morelos looks so short of confidence. Midfield are spineless, gutless and don't have an ounce of quality between them. When we went 1 down they were knocking about if we were 2 or 3 up, no urgency and thats them supposedly playing for the manager. Then the lack of movement from the bench was a disgrace and showed that Murty is well out his depth. How Hodson gets a game at left back I will never know. Every time he plays there he is shocking. Just say a lot for the u21/19 left back when we can't being them in for 1 game. Not a fucking backbone between them. 

Pressure of dealing with the expectations at home

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1 hour ago, cushynumber said:

they cant handle it . Go a goal behind at Ibrox and the bottle crashes - its happened time and time again. 

Never seen a Rangers team with such fragile confidence. 

Pedro tried to boot them up the arse & they didnt respond. Murty seems to be about the softer side of Management & again today they failed to respond.

I am now thinking they are just very ordinaty players no better than mid table.

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1 hour ago, bluedylan said:

We bought absolute dross

I remember a lot on here were creaming themselves at how good a transfer window it had been 8 players in and it wasn't even July.....the sensible posters rightly remained cautious apart from alves and Jack we had no idea about the quality of player we were bringing in!!!

Today was another example that it's all well signing quantity it's quality we need.

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43 minutes ago, KingKirk said:

2 wins out of 7 at Ibrox in the league

Terrible. Should have signed these chancers on 800 a week with 5 grand win bonuses. Wonder how the pressure would have affected them then? Most of them dont give a fuck about Rangers. Some will be disappointed like we are but a number wont.

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11 minutes ago, KingKirk said:

disagree with your part about no matter the manager. Get a top quality manager and that would sort the vast majority of issues. Good coaches improve players mate

Good coaches improve players with ability. This squad are fucking kert horses, that any decent manager wouldn't touch with a shitty stick.

And as for better managers, we can't even afford an average one. If some think that McInness will solve our problems and improve this medicrity they are sadly deluded. Not that he is a bad bloke. By all means bring him on , if we have the compensation and watch us us continue to fail. As I said, this is not a manager problem, this is a serious funding and lack of ambition problem.

Losing to Hamilton at home. There is no improving players that deliver that, but it's not for the first time we have been as bad and indeed much worse.

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2 hours ago, KingKirk said:

It's that simple 13points dropped at Ibrox this season.

What pressure? The problem is we haven’t been provided with the budget to allow us to put together a squad to compete with our rival as well as seeing off the smaller clubs easily.. 


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Do we have a sports psychologist on the staff? Been wondering that for a while as the inability to win 3 in a row kept repeating. There are a bunch of little things that anyone half decent in that role would be able to identify and work on. From things like Fod not being as comfortable in front of the Broomloan during Old Firm games to working with players who struggle with the step up in expectation (Dorrans?). Someone like that should be a full-time employee I feel, not just for now but long term. 

Look at the British Cycling team, consistently the best in the world and they still used one as part of maintaining that and getting those extra few % in performance was down to the mental side the psychologist worked on. 

(If we do have someone in that role they clearly need fired.)

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8 minutes ago, hammer93 said:

I'm not saying they have been good but they were the only 2 that we knew anything about

Yeah i know, but just my opinion on them 2.

Don't see why Jack is a favourite in amongst our fans, he has been poor.

Alves has been a major letdown so far, was hoping for so much more from him.

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They have had the least pressure applied by any Rangers team in my lifetime.

A board that are happy to compete for 2nd every season. A board that when the chips were down and we needed to move up a level we hire a fucking no mark who cost us the season before it started and put us back another year and another couple of transfer windows where were going to have to get rid of more dead wood ala MW. 

I imagine results like these are no longer a shock to us or the rest of Scotland.

Unless we get rid of the board and this fucking acceptance of what and who we are at this moment in time, there are going to be records broken every season for the worse.

Too many stealing a wage. 


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We have a lot of poor players and some absolute woeful players like Hodson,Windass,Dalcio,Cardosa.

We are not able to compete consistently in this league despite outspending every other team and having by far the second biggest wage budget. It is like the early eighties again with the only difference that the opposition is far inferior now compared to that era.

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Pressure, nah it’s worse than that.

Quickly becoming just a football club because of the board and shit players who don’t get that we expect a win every game, home or away, nothing less. They should give everything as a team and for each other. Unless things change at boardroom level imo we fucked. Whoever the new manager is has an absolute mountain of a challenge.

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48 minutes ago, AlCapone said:

What pressure? The problem is we haven’t been provided with the budget to allow us to put together a squad to compete with our rival as well as seeing off the smaller clubs easily.. 


What pressure ! the pressure to play in front of 50,000 fans and the expectations

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