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Helicopter Sunday celebrations


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I was at home, listening on the radio, until 5 minutes to go, had given up. Went out the back for a smoke, left my son listening to the games on the radio. I heard an almighty roar from his room. Went running back indoors. Met him in the kitchen, running out to tell me that Motherwell had equalised. Switched on the radio in the kitchen, there were now 3 radios on in the house, Herself was trying to keep us quiet, reminding us that it was a Sunday. Then McDonald scored again! We both roared loudly and danced out into the back garden singing, and shouting. I've never celebrated like that with my son before, or since. We were high fivingĀ  each other, hugging each other, laughing, singing. The neighbours were wondering what was going on, I heard someone say that Rangers must've won the league.

Within the hour, my sons mates were here asking him to go into town with them. They all had their Rangers strips on, and one of them had a car. They went driving round Stornoway town centre, tooting the horn, and celebrating with loads of their mates, all out celebrating another Rangers win. It was one of the best days being a Rangers fan, without actually being at the game. ??

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Driving to shops with my boy when motherwell scored and did a quick about turn and was heading home when they scored again so went directly to the pub. Told the boy to walk home and tell his mum, and theĀ car stayed there a couple of days. One of the greatest daysĀ ofĀ my life.

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13 hours ago, Ryju84 said:

This is a "Diana Dead" / "Twin Towers Attack" kinda day for all Rangers fans.

Where were you when. . .

watched most of the game in the club.had to leave with about 20mins to go .the mrs was working and I had to be back to look after my baby daughterĀ 

Sat in the chair and flicked between the games .saw McDonald score .phoned my mates in the club to let them know.was off the phone about a minute .bang McDonald score againĀ 


ended up at a party .with my daughter at a neighbour's who was an old school jambo (had a very soft spot for us )got back home just in time to get me and the wean to bed before the Rottweiler finished her workĀ 

amazing dayĀ 

tell my 13yr old about that day all the time .makes my 7yr old Rangers daft son madĀ 

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13 hours ago, Yellowbelly said:

One of the funniest moments ever after game Big Marvin with his head out the sunroof of an old Toyota been driven to get to his church trying to get through the crowds and the more he tries to move, the car gets even more hemmed by us all going crazy when one old boy says ,Dirty bastard,off to church an Heā€™s no got washed or changed.Pure magic ??????

I was watching at my local, place was still going mental after Motherwell first goal no one in place knew they had scored another untill well after. But got chucked out after the game at some point as I was under age and they realised my dad had been giving me vodka to put in my can of juice. Ended up heading along the road to the pub they all drink in to wind them up, on the way Big Marv drive past me and my mate and stops for a couple of mins to hear the songs. His church was in Kirkcaldy which is just next to the village I live in.

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Watched it at home with my dad as a 16 year old. Flicking between the channels in the hope of a Motherwell goal. Will never forget my Dad going mental when it went in, was running around screaming smacking the walls with handsĀ :lol:

When the 2nd goal went in was bedlam. My mum was in with her pal seeing what was going on. What a feeling.

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1 hour ago, rfc_watp said:

Watched it at home with my dad as a 16 year old. Flicking between the channels in the hope of a Motherwell goal. Will never forget my Dad going mental when it went in, was running around screaming smacking the walls with handsĀ :lol:

When the 2nd goal went in was bedlam. My mum was in with her pal seeing what was going on. What a feeling.

My other half went out for the day....she wanted to be nowhere near if the worst came to the worst.

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18 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Take me back , take me back

One of the best days in my Rangers supporting life

A day that beggars will never get , no matter how many they win in a row .

Mind blowing " It will never get any better than this " I said to my bruv and nephew

It just won't in our lifetimes

I'd argue that stopping them doing 9 or 10IAR would beat itĀ 

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11 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

I'd argue that stopping them doing 9 or 10IAR would beat itĀ 

You probably wouldn't need to argue thereĀ 

It could be.

It just depends on how and where .For many ,it will be relief though.

Whereas 2005 was orgasmic in the extreme for every bearĀ 

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4 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

You probably wouldn't need to argue thereĀ 

It could be.

It just depends on how and where .For many ,it will be relief though.

Whereas 2005 was orgasmic in the extreme for every bearĀ 

Last day of the season in similar fashion.Ā 

Probably die happily at that point. That'd be it peaked for me

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1 hour ago, Helicopter Sundae said:

That radio commentary is one of the best ever.



Always worth a likeĀ 

This video makes my hair stand on end and brings a tear to the glass eyeĀ 

The young bears ,just can not grasp how unbelievable a day it wasĀ 

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I was working that day, in between jobs listening to the radio,when McDonald scored I was in a taigs house fixing his heating, he was shouting and bawling!!...I couldnā€™t take the smile off my face...finished work as quickly as I could, went to the Rangers club in Grangemouth, what a party....we all went through to Ibrox to see the team with the trophy!! What a day!!!

although 55 will be better IMO

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Old memory not what it used to be but seem to remember McNee doing the tv commentary on our game and with a couple of minutes to go says something like " well Rangers now need a miracle" . No sooner had he uttered this and the Rangers end erupted at the news of Motherwells first goal.

Never to be forgotten day.

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I remember it well..i was in bed after a nightshift and the missus woke me up saying Rangers just won the league..im like who..huh..what..your fuckin kiddin me and i ran into the living room and saw the bears going mad on tv...gear on work phoned..wont be in tonight..pub

What a night!

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Was in an absolutely jammed Rumours in Barrhead obviously just a show ofĀ  defiance when a wee lad sitting with his feet on the edge of a table with earphones on right at back of theĀ pub started shouting & table went over with pints going everywhere. Everyone looked at him trying to figure what the hell he was doing. TV screen then switched over to their game to show 1st goal cue place going mental. Wee lad shouted again & everyone thoughtĀ it was full time, TV changes again then it was bedlam/madness/craziness.

On drive down to Ibrox never seen so many people giving us thumbs up and smiling. That's when I realised we really are a huge silent majority.

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I can remember big Marv in the paper on the run up with his message "believe" ...well it must of hit a nerve with me because that Sunday I played Sunday league and scored 2, went from football to the bookies and stuck a fiver on the Rangers/ motherwell double it was 20/1 ..... I can't remember much of the games ...I cant even mind if i watched or we listened to the radio but me and my bro went mental when macdonald scored that overhead kick .... needless to say I was back in the bookies within about 20 mins after and collected Ā£105Ā  and we got absolutely writ off!Ā 

I can only echo above and say it was an amazing day considering we weren't at the game.

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