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42 minutes ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

What a thread!!! It reaches a level where one Rangers fan describes fellow Rangers fans as scum. How is that acceptable?? 

We have a massive fan base that will contain Nationalists, Commys, BNP leanings, liberals, gay, straight, fuck even a sprinkling of catholocism ( i really hope thats small though) so inevitabely there is going to be a broad range of views and opinions. Ive had many run ins with various posters in the B&F forum. It's got heated and sometimes personal and even though i scratch my head in disbelief at some opinions I respect their right to have them. 

The day i even begin to think a fellow bear is scum is the day i chuck following Rangers. We have more than enough all around us without this internal pish! 

Sadly, it's not surprising though, the very same poster you referred to once posted that an AK47 should be used on Bears on a SOS march.

I remember it well, i had relatives on said march.

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11 minutes ago, Siam69 said:

Sadly, it's not surprising though, the very same poster you referred to once posted that an AK47 should be used on Bears on a SOS march.

I remember it well, it had relatives on said march.

Ffs - how is that acceptable? That cannot be seen as a valid opinion. 

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Just now, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

Ffs - how is that acceptable? That cannot be seen as a valid opinion. 

It's disgusting mate, though as this thread sadly proves, hardly surprising. 

The whole thread from the actual blog, posting of the thread, comments on it, to where it has now ended up at on twitter, is an utter embarrassment, and everything that is wrong with some in our support.

Thank fuck I don't do twitter. 

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28 minutes ago, Siam69 said:

Sadly, it's not surprising though, the very same poster you referred to once posted that an AK47 should be used on Bears on a SOS march.

I remember it well, i had relatives on said march.

Ah that old lie again.

As I challenged you before; show me the quote and I will happily apologize.

Or if you can't then stop spreading lies.

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3 hours ago, The Beast said:

Ah that old lie again.

As I challenged you before; show me the quote and I will happily apologize.

Or if you can't then stop spreading lies.

No, it's not a lie at all, I remember it well, as I had relatives on said march.  Maybe it was part of your Plan for 'cleansing'. 

You either don't remember, possibly due to the amount of disgusting stuff you post about Bears, this thread an example, or you're lying.

Either way, you posted it. Gogzy deleted it. 

You're consumed by hatred. 

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1 minute ago, Siam69 said:

No, it's not a lie at all, I remember it well, as I had relatives on said thread. Maybe it was part of your Plan for 'cleansing'. 

You either don't remember, possibly due to the amount of disgusting stuff you post about Bears, this thread an example, or you're lying.

Either way, you posted it. Gogzy deleted it. 

You're consumed by hatred. 

You're just a liar.

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2 minutes ago, Real Ranger said:

Reads like you know it's not beyond you to have made such a comment, it's just that you can't remember saying it.

That's not what I said or how I intended it to come across.


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Tarriers spread lies to damage our club but they also sign up to Rangers forums to shit stir and divide our support,lets not give them what they want and debate the way forward for our club without turning it into a Judean People's Front/People's Front Of Judea scenario.

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1 hour ago, gsa said:

I asked in another thread and nobody really seemed to have an answer? What is the problem with follow follow? Why do they have a dislike for RM? 


Forum jealousy, I remember at one time you could not mention VB on there it was Asterix out, I think it's trying to change now as it lost so many members to here with it's over moderation and some subjects getting closed down without any discussion allowed in them.  

It's still a good forum with a lot of good bears but they have to toe the party line a bit too much.  

Forums change a lot over time FF was at one time very loosely moderated and it was better but they got in a bit of trouble with some of the postings.


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7 minutes ago, The Beast said:

That's not what I said or how I intended it to come across.


I know you have a history of calling  Rangers supporters vermin and on this thread alone you called Rangers supporters scum and described them as worse than taigs. Maybe not how you intended it to come across?


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8 minutes ago, Smile said:

I will answer that it's a play on words that Mark Dingwall said about Rangers First.

Is it? Wow! 

Well as his self appointed spokesman what's your view on him call other Rangers fans "worse than taigs" and "scum"? Please dont say it's a play on words by Phil McGobblegiver 

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19 minutes ago, Real Ranger said:

I know you have a history of calling  Rangers supporters vermin and on this thread alone you called Rangers supporters scum and described them as worse than taigs. Maybe not how you intended it to come across?


Indeed, i have no need to make anything up, which I didn't. 

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31 minutes ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

Is it? Wow! 

Well as his self appointed spokesman what's your view on him call other Rangers fans "worse than taigs" and "scum"? Please dont say it's a play on words by Phil McGobblegiver 

Maybe he feels they are I certainly felt Rangers supporters who saw our struggle to survive as a business opportunity and profit of us as no better than Taigs or Scum.  

Sorry if this is not the Answer you want.

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1 minute ago, Smile said:

Maybe he feels they are I certainly felt Rangers supporters who saw our struggle to survive as a business opportunity and profit of us as no better than Taigs or Scum.  

Sorry if this is not the Answer you want.

Its not. Maybe The Beast should answer for himself ?

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Must say I never knew any of these bloggers out there until I came across them in here. Don't really do them. Now wether taig or Bear, we seem to be warned off all of them, or accused of coming out with something from one of their sites, but all the while, the protagonists are able to quote them add verbatim from memory. I don't miss the irony.

On the Bear side, apart from the VB, whom I may add also get slated in here from a select few, the other one I thought was "safe" is left peg, but now he stands accused of being a taig. There is also another one who gets rubbished from time to time, is some cunt with a quill.

On the taig side there appears to be a plethora of them, but what I don't get is how the fuck do these accusing Bears know all this? Wasting their time seeking them out or for whatever reason, then coming on here with all sorts of innuendo and allegations against any Bear who posts an opinion that is remotely akin, which in reality it isn't. Condeming any on the list of shame just triggers each and everyone. Reasoned debate becomes hostage to the cry of taig.

It also appears to matter not wether a blogger's article is factually based or not, or indeed just a personal opinion, or a fact based premise, as the truth matters little in the petty point scoring exercise to serve an agenda of discrediting Bears.

We now have the usual innuendo levelled at the OP, for having the audacity to post from a Bear blog. Serious crime. Needs to be shot at dawn. Yet the same accusers can quote chapter and verse from every taig site. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

When one analysis the postures taken, it all appears to all stem back to who is a king lover and who is not, irrespective of the subject matter and no matter how some try very badly to guise it to the contrary..

V published his list of the shameless and a very accurate account imho. Negativity levelled against anyone or org on than list will face the wrath of the usual suspects. Not with any evidentially based or logical retort, but simply with the venom and tactility of the viper. Everyone a taig who doesn't get with the agenda. Strangely enough, with the same taig like behaviour they accuse everyone else of and possesing the debating skills of a gnat. Why waste time debating when you can throw out one liner accusations and innuendo?!

To conclude, any fan who doesn't do the internet and specifically fan forums, will never have heard of any of these bloggers, or any of the divisive shite that goes on. Only in here are bloggers made so relevant by those who cry taig at every turn and used to try to discredit decent Bears who actually do care more about the Club than a regime. Apart from the very few, we are all anonymous, but the accusers appear to be clairvoyant in knowing everyone better than themselves. Lies they cry, taigs they cry, but the only ones lying are themselves. They fool no one and are deluded enough to think that if they lie often enough, it makes their feral cries the truth. Now I just can't help thinking what particular tribe that little human deficiency originates from. 

Free speech is great, but it works both ways. A concept alien to the few.

Such is life on a fans forum.

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