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***** Official Scum vs Rangers Match Thread *****

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5 minutes ago, ElBufalo20 said:

It wouldn’t be the worst thing to do. Are they really going to get many extra subscribers this weekend for the one game?

They might though in the long run if they do put it on free to view.


4 minutes ago, esquire8 said:

They 4 games are the only reason Sky give the SPFL money. They won't piss away a quarter of their investment because nippy says so.

They are still getting their money. Folk have already subscribed, so that money is in the bank. Like ElBudalo said above, they could give it away free and it would not cost them much directly.

It would set a bit of expectations that they might do it for the next game though, if that is under similar circumstances. If this was the case, people might not re-new their subscriptions and at this point it would cost them.

I will be surprised if they do show it free, but I dont think it is impossible.

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6 minutes ago, esquire8 said:

They 4 games are the only reason Sky give the SPFL money. They won't piss away a quarter of their investment because nippy says so.

It’s not really. They’ve plenty of subscribers who subscribe for the English market.

The majority of Sky subscribers don’t get it for a couple of Scottish games.

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Just now, Broxi said:

I don't think he will play and I'm not suggesting that he does but has Zungu started training with the squad yet?

Is he even in the country yet? There has been no unveiling of him on the club's website welcoming him to the club like most new signings.

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It isn’t getting postponed now lol. Every player will be back in their teams bubble so I’d be very surprised if there was any more positives. 

It isn’t getting postponed on the basis of cunts going to others houses. That’s been happening since the start of lockdown, regardless of football or not. 

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Just now, bluenoz said:

Is he even in the country yet? There has been no unveiling of him on the club's website welcoming him to the club like most new signings.

Yeah mate I'm sure I saw that he posted a picture of Central Station on his instagram story a few days ago so he's in Glasgow I'm sure

Just now, GersInCanada said:

Just a guess but I would imagine he is self isolating for 14 days.

Yeah assumed so :tu: Still not sure what the isolating rules are for players who are being regularly tested

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22 minutes ago, KingKirk said:

Bro I was meant to be watching it in the Bristol. Instead of that we are having 4 people in my house ffs am not hosting a street party.


Aye I know and I understand.

Its not about just one party (or gathering), there will be thousands going on across the county.

1 party would have almost no impact in the grand scheme of things, but you add the impact of them all, and it will mean allot of deaths.

I understand why you want to do it, I want the same thing!

I just think that people should really try to limit gatherings just now as the hospitals are reaching breaking point.

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8 hours ago, ChampionsAgain said:

I’ve not spoke to 1 person that isn’t flaunting the rules for this 😂😂

Says a lot about the company you keep.  People getting together is simply daft and dangerous and if you don't accept that so are you. 

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Just now, tomger said:

Says the media and government who are not to be trusted.

I dont get this point to be honest.

Are you suggesting the virus is a hoax? If so then your point makes sense. Its ridiculous but makes sense.

I dont trust the government, I think both the Torries and SNP have done fucking terrible. I dont need the government to tell me that gathering with folk is going to cause the virus to spread and and cause more deaths, that is just obvious common sense. 

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Just now, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I dont get this point to be honest.

Are you suggesting the virus is a hoax? If so then your point makes sense. Its ridiculous but makes sense.

I dont trust the government, I think both the Torries and SNP have done fucking terrible. I dont need the government to tell me that gathering with folk is going to cause the virus to spread and and cause more deaths, that is just obvious common sense. 

Do you feel this about all gatherings or just the ones the government aren't allowing?

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4 minutes ago, Jeffrey said:

Do you feel this about all gatherings or just the ones the government aren't allowing?

Essential gatherings are okay. Things like Hospital Wards etc.

I wouldnt go on a protest march, I think the government should ban them during the pandemic.

Schools, personally I think there should be another look at closing them in the short term and doing distanced learning, but I can see the argument for them staying open and being classed as essential.

Workplaces, in general, if folk can work from home, they should. I dont think the country can afford to completely shut down the economy, so if we cannot afford to send everyone home on furlough, then I can see why we have to keep them open.

Churches, I would close them all, but that was my position even before COVID, so I may be a bit biased on this one. 

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6 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I dont get this point to be honest.

Are you suggesting the virus is a hoax? If so then your point makes sense. Its ridiculous but makes sense.

I dont trust the government, I think both the Torries and SNP have done fucking terrible. I dont need the government to tell me that gathering with folk is going to cause the virus to spread and and cause more deaths, that is just obvious common sense. 

The power of the media is unbelievable. They showed two fat cunts in OZ fighting over bog roll. The next day you couldn't buy any. That's how powerful the media is. I believe there is a coronavirus around (which there has been since humans have been around) But it's laughable we should hide and not interact with people we love for a virus which kills people who would die from a cold anyway. So no I don't believe it's a total hoax but I do believe there is an agenda to control and reduce world population through vaccinations. Two classic war tactics are to divide and conquer, and out of chaos come order. There is plenty of that around now and unless people rise up then life will never be the same again. People say we are a free country but I believe everything we see,read, and watch is controlled. 

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7 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Essential gatherings are okay. Things like Hospital Wards etc.

I wouldnt go on a protest march, I think the government should ban them during the pandemic.

Schools, personally I think there should be another look at closing them in the short term and doing distanced learning, but I can see the argument for them staying open and being classed as essential.

Workplaces, in general, if folk can work from home, they should. I dont think the country can afford to completely shut down the economy, so if we cannot afford to send everyone home on furlough, then I can see why we have to keep them open.

Churches, I would close them all, but that was my position even before COVID, so I may be a bit biased on this one. 


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5 minutes ago, tomger said:

The power of the media is unbelievable. They showed two fat cunts in OZ fighting over bog roll. The next day you couldn't buy any. That's how powerful the media is. I believe there is a coronavirus around (which there has been since humans have been around) But it's laughable we should hide and not interact with people we love for a virus which kills people who would die from a cold anyway. So no I don't believe it's a total hoax but I do believe there is an agenda to control and reduce world population through vaccinations. Two classic war tactics are to divide and conquer, and out of chaos come order. There is plenty of that around now and unless people rise up then life will never be the same again. People say we are a free country but I believe everything we see,read, and watch is controlled. 

Okay, you are one of the conspiracy nutcases.

I think the % of you out there is hopefully small enough to not make a big difference.

Im more looking at the larger proportion of normal folk who know what they are doing is not helping, but are not really willing to give up the little luxuries to combat the issue. 

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