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* The Generic Laugh at celtc Thread *


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37 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

You could ask why some managers go and watch the opposition games ?

To scout the opposition obviously. (Before you say that's what you do as if it is a good reason, the difference is it actually means something when the manager does it and it means sweet fuck all when a fan does it as we have no impact)

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23 minutes ago, GMac said:

We don't produce documentaries about them

We don't take out adverts in Swiss newspapers about them

We don't write books about them

We don't spend thousands on banners about them

We don't crowdfund court reporters to report on them

We don't submit freedom of information requests to GCC to find out if they requested to put banners on lamposts


We laugh at them hence the title of the thread

We don't shit on our seats

We know what a pineapple looks like

We know that Roman Catholics are not all Romans

I could go on but it would be longer than this thread


We don't harbour peado's 


we shower 


and we are not confused about our nationality 

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9 minutes ago, In Dungeons Deep said:

To scout the opposition obviously. (Before you say that's what you do as if it is a good reason, the difference is it actually makes a difference when the manager does it and it means sweet fuck all when a fan does it as they make no difference)

So you obviously don't care about our rivals, Fair enough, you can view things through blue glasses, that's your choice but I like too see what we're up against, how can we compare how good we are if we don't know how good the opposition is ?

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11 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

So you obviously don't care about our rivals, Fair enough, you can view things through blue glasses, that's your choice but I like too see what we're up against, how can we compare how good we are if we don't know how good the opposition is ?

No actually, I don't give a flying fuck about them. So what your saying is, you enjoy watching celtic batter teams and seeing their fans celebrate yes? You enjoy commentators drowning them with praise and bigging them up? We can compare how good we are when we play them and what the points show on the league table, it's the managers job to watch them play not ours.

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6 minutes ago, BF2 said:

"Come oan boiz grow a set." Was howling at that bit :lol::lol: 

Was howling at the whole thing tbh, when he just said "Leicester" and left it at that I genuinely burst out loud laughing

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1 hour ago, GMac said:

We don't produce documentaries about them

We don't take out adverts in Swiss newspapers about them

We don't write books about them

We don't spend thousands on banners about them

We don't crowdfund court reporters to report on them

We don't submit freedom of information requests to GCC to find out if they requested to put banners on lamposts


We laugh at them hence the title of the thread

We don't shit on our seats

We know what a pineapple looks like

We know that Roman Catholics are not all Romans

I could go on but it would be longer than this thread



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8 hours ago, GMac said:

We don't produce documentaries about them

We don't take out adverts in Swiss newspapers about them

We don't write books about them

We don't spend thousands on banners about them

We don't crowdfund court reporters to report on them

We don't submit freedom of information requests to GCC to find out if they requested to put banners on lamposts


We laugh at them hence the title of the thread

We don't shit on our seats

We know what a pineapple looks like

We know that Roman Catholics are not all Romans

I could go on but it would be longer than this thread


Well played sir :)

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Supposed celt*c fan? He admits it! This is how they treat their own.

POLICE are investigating a so-called Celt*c fan who said gassing was “too good” for the club’s Israeli midfielder Nir Bitton.

Student Daniel Yahia also described Bitton as “a filthy Zionist rat” and claimed: “Zionists are subhuman.”

His outburst emerged as Celt*c prepare to take on Israeli side Hapoel Be’er Sheva in next week’s play-off for a place in the Champions League group stage.

Yahia studies history and politics at Edinburgh University.

Many Celt*c supporters back the Palestinian cause but his rant will horrify decent, foul smelling fans.

He wrote on Facebook: “Sick of seeing Celt*c fans creaming themselves over Nir Bitton.

“We are a club open to all, but by ‘all’ we mean humans. Zionists are subhuman and Nir Bitton is a filthy Zionist rat.”

One of Yahia’s friends, who called himself Podge Mullan, then suggested that Bitton should be “gassed”.

Yahia replied: “Be too good for him mate.

“Expose him to the worst torture the Israeli Defence Force uses on young Palestinian kids, see how much of a man he is then. Scumbag.”

Yahia has spouted hate about Bitton before. He tweeted on July 21: “Would Hamas be interested in taking Bitton off our hands?”

His latest comments were deleted, but not before they had been shared on social media and several complaints had been made to police.

Holocaust survivor Agnes Grunwald-Spier MBE, who escaped the Nazis as a baby in Hungary, said Yahia’s comments had been sent to her on social media and “can only be described as hate speech”.

The Record understands Yahia is not a Celt*c season ticket holder but the club are aware of his comments and monitoring the situation.

Police said they had been told of the rant and inquiries were ongoing.

A spokeswoman for Edinburgh University said: “The university takes matters of this nature extremely seriously and will take action whenever appropriate.”

Questioned about his outburst by Edinburgh student newspaper The Tab, Yahia said he had targeted Bitton because he was a Zionist, not because of his nationality or religion. He added: “Though my words were intemperate and perhaps a little much, they were not racist.”

Yahia also claimed that “gassed” was Belfast slang for being sacked, although he admitted the context made the word “inappropriate”.

The Tab reported that Yahia had been elected as a National Union of Students delegate but had not taken up the post. The NUS said he had never represented them and called his comments “utterly contemptible”.


Bitton was criticised in 2014 for posting a Hebrew prayer for the Israeli Defence Force on Instagram during an offensive in Gaza which claimed at least 240 Palestinian lives.

The prayer calls for the enemies of the force to be “struck down”. It was quickly deleted from Bitton’s page.

Bitton’s agent did not respond to a request for comment yesterday. Yahia could not be contacted.


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2 minutes ago, bombaybadboy08 said:

Oh and Helen Flanagan pictured with the IRA sympathiser Paul the Tim, I wonder if she knows he supports terrorism?



He is the sterotypical tim!! Fat, receeding hairline, eyes so close they're nearly touching, draped in green and grey,i'll bet he was one of the ones that caused the hygiene letter, he looks a right skiddy bum! Reeking of BO! Honestly man the cunt looks like the white Harvey Price! And Helen keep ur weans away fae the tattiedome because we all know how that one panned out.

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2 minutes ago, Sonnybear1972 said:

He is the sterotypical tim!! Fat, receeding hairline, eyes so close they're nearly touching, draped in green and grey,i'll bet he was one of the ones that caused the hygiene letter, he looks a right skiddy bum! Reeking of BO! Honestly man the cunt looks like the white Harvey Price! And Helen keep ur weans away fae the tattiedome because we all know how that one panned out.

How this guy is trusted around players and their wives/girlfriends I'll never know.

There was a big thread on FF about him paying homage to the IRA cunts that died at the petrol station in Gibraltar when the tims were over.

Gets away with it as he's apparently a few runways short of an airport.

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31 minutes ago, bombaybadboy08 said:

Supposed celt*c fan? He admits it! This is how they treat their own.

POLICE are investigating a so-called Celt*c fan who said gassing was “too good” for the club’s Israeli midfielder Nir Bitton.

Student Daniel Yahia also described Bitton as “a filthy Zionist rat” and claimed: “Zionists are subhuman.”

His outburst emerged as Celt*c prepare to take on Israeli side Hapoel Be’er Sheva in next week’s play-off for a place in the Champions League group stage.

Yahia studies history and politics at Edinburgh University.

Many Celt*c supporters back the Palestinian cause but his rant will horrify decent, foul smelling fans.

He wrote on Facebook: “Sick of seeing Celt*c fans creaming themselves over Nir Bitton.

“We are a club open to all, but by ‘all’ we mean humans. Zionists are subhuman and Nir Bitton is a filthy Zionist rat.”

One of Yahia’s friends, who called himself Podge Mullan, then suggested that Bitton should be “gassed”.

Yahia replied: “Be too good for him mate.

“Expose him to the worst torture the Israeli Defence Force uses on young Palestinian kids, see how much of a man he is then. Scumbag.”

Yahia has spouted hate about Bitton before. He tweeted on July 21: “Would Hamas be interested in taking Bitton off our hands?”

His latest comments were deleted, but not before they had been shared on social media and several complaints had been made to police.

Holocaust survivor Agnes Grunwald-Spier MBE, who escaped the Nazis as a baby in Hungary, said Yahia’s comments had been sent to her on social media and “can only be described as hate speech”.

The Record understands Yahia is not a Celt*c season ticket holder but the club are aware of his comments and monitoring the situation.

Police said they had been told of the rant and inquiries were ongoing.

A spokeswoman for Edinburgh University said: “The university takes matters of this nature extremely seriously and will take action whenever appropriate.”

Questioned about his outburst by Edinburgh student newspaper The Tab, Yahia said he had targeted Bitton because he was a Zionist, not because of his nationality or religion. He added: “Though my words were intemperate and perhaps a little much, they were not racist.”

Yahia also claimed that “gassed” was Belfast slang for being sacked, although he admitted the context made the word “inappropriate”.

The Tab reported that Yahia had been elected as a National Union of Students delegate but had not taken up the post. The NUS said he had never represented them and called his comments “utterly contemptible”.


Bitton was criticised in 2014 for posting a Hebrew prayer for the Israeli Defence Force on Instagram during an offensive in Gaza which claimed at least 240 Palestinian lives.

The prayer calls for the enemies of the force to be “struck down”. It was quickly deleted from Bitton’s page.

Bitton’s agent did not respond to a request for comment yesterday. Yahia could not be contacted.


lying cunt,I haver never heard the word gassed used to mean a sacking  over here...as they say from cradle to grave

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36 minutes ago, bombaybadboy08 said:

Oh and Helen Flanagan pictured with the IRA sympathiser Paul the Tim, I wonder if she knows he supports terrorism?



She's a nice looking lassie but thicker than two planks of wood , she will no doubt be easily manipulated by their way of life 

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