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Everything posted by Bakbear

  1. Thanks for this. An interesting and informative post. It goes to reinforce my point that people from one generation struggle to manage people from a different generation. it seems like an age old problem Probably made worse as there is more often the possibility of four generations in the workplace these days with the retirement age being pushed out. You may be correct that to assume the next generation is somehow lazy, is a tired trope but I don’t think it changes that there is a real difficulty there. My post did not cast judgement on the rights or wrongs of generational clashes but acknowledged that they exist and and can be difficult for all involved. It takes a skilled man manager to find ways around it and it’s not one size fits all. I imagine the Jock Wallace approach would be unsuccessful in the current generation but then maybe he had the ability to adapt or maybe he was of his time.
  2. Except there are actual studies demonstrating this. Each generation have unique characteristics that have pluses and minuses. Someone from one generational period will often struggle to adapt in managing people in a different one.
  3. Without being too harsh when have you ever say and listened to a player interview and thought “wow that’s deep”. players are coached in these interviews to say how thankful they are, how excited they are to get going, how they are focused on the next game, how they have to keep working hard …. Repeat ad nauseam…. I don’t bother with player interviews anymore. Vacuous scripted dullness
  4. I am not saying I agree with Rangers decision to charge 25 grand for media access. However the reality is we don’t need them to have access. Fuck them. To those saying no one is asking hard questions now.,,,,They ask fucking woeful questions in press conferences. Some of the pish they ask is embarrassing and certainly isn’t insightful or challenging. Gerrard in particular will not tolerate pish from journos or fan media. He has spent his life in the spotlight. If they ask a tough question he will answer truthfully when he wants and he will shut down the line of questioning when it suits him. He is streets ahead of these amateurs. The apparent coordinated negative stories are, in my opinion, both unsurprising and unimaginative. SMS are dying. They have been asked to pay for access and instead they are just going into overdrive on the “if we can’t find a story we will invent one” tactic. I repeat. Fuck them.
  5. There has become an almost “official” view of Rangers haters that we robbed the hospitals of much needed inland revenue, cheated our way to titles, ran up unmanageable debt and then liquidated and died in 2012. Maybe take this one at a time. HMRC pursued Rangers much much harder than they pursued any other club for the use of EBTs. Why? EBTs which were declared by our tax advisors to be a legitimate tax avoidance strategy. Not tax evasion. Tax avoidance. HMRC either did not pursue others or settled with them for a fraction of their original claim. But with Rangers it was relentless and demands in full. Why the different treatment? Lloyds debt was unsustainable? £18 million quid was unsustainable ? If anyone believes that £18 million quid of loan facility for a football club of our size was unsustainable then I just don’t know where to start! That number had been up at £60 million during advocaats era, if I recall correctly, and had been coming down year on year under the McLeish and second Smith era David Murray certainly wasn’t blameless. Murray gave us some great times but it was always about what was best for him, it was never about what was best for Rangers. I believe there is much more to the story of how he came to sell to Whyte for a pound. Indeed I think there is so much to the entire saga that we have no clue about, that a public enquiry and full report on the entire affair from the time Dr Death joined celtic until the time Dave King stepped down as chairman is absolutely warranted. Warts and all. Full exposure. Liars and thieves included
  6. I will have to take your word for that. My (albeit distant) recollection is we were in less than 20 million of debt before we were pursued (maliciously?) for the big tax case. The bank wanted their cash (suspiciously?) there was no quarter given despite many other business paying pennies on the pound. After Whyte came in and really started fucking everything up and withheld funds in relation to the wee tax case, and sold our future to ticketus that’s when shit got real but everything leading us into that mess is questionable the events leading up to the liquidation of Rangers PLC will haunt me for the rest of my days. Despite the club coming out the other side.
  7. No. Listen to everyone’s version of events and distill from the various stories what the actual truth is. Or better still conduct a public enquiry and take all testimony from all the lying liars in the whole cabal and get to to the truth.
  8. Wanker or not I want to hear what he has to say. I think he is suggesting that HMRC blocked the CVA maliciously. Given that the crown prosecuted Duff and Phelps and Green maliciously it is not a big leap that the whole affair was a malicious attack by a Government on one it’s own oldest institutions. I want to hear about McCoist fighting at Hampden, I want to know what corruption was at play. Fuck it I want a full independent public enquiry into the whole affair. Then I want every rat bastard responsible jailed and the cabal that still runs the game tarred and feathered out their jobs.
  9. It’s on Gerrard but a blind man can see our players lack the mentality needed. We get good performances when it doesn’t really matter but put us in a pressure situation and we choke. I know this will be lambasted due to our league form last year but it’s plain as day there is a mentality problem
  10. Tell me again how there is not a mentality problem with this team. Malmö went dow to 10 men and our players thought it would be easy and fucked it.
  11. Good. I hope all 4 are pinned to the wall and our players go out and prove them wrong tomorrow night.
  12. I am sure I will take some flak for this, as others have, but it is very hard to ignore that now there are fans back in the grounds, certain players are looking nervous and lacking in confidence. Correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation but bad players don’t become good overnight and vice versa. I really hope that it’s just early season rustiness and we will work it out but I am genuinely concerned about the levels of performance we are seeing from last seasons key players. Gerrard called in the Rangers support to get behind the team for Euro game. I hope that wall of noise provokes a positive reaction from the players rather than the opposite. Edit; Didn’t read the long thread discussing exactly this. Probably should have posted there.
  13. It’s obvious that Hagi is injured and Gerrard doesn’t trust the rest like he said he does.
  14. Cannae see the Swedish Journos being too happy about the way they've just been rag dolled. I thought our Journos were bad but fuck me …. Terrible questions.
  15. 1. Win the league. 2. make money off Europe 3. Keep the manager and coaching staff if we can become a profit making enterprise, or even a break even enterprise, then I will be a much happier man for the future of our club. I don’t care what anyone says, as long as we are relying on the good will of a few owners to finance the club I won’t feel comfortable. We have to reach the promised land of self sustenance.
  16. I don’t really care what team we put out, I hope that we absolutely destroy them. we have to be careful against complacency but there is no doubt that if we play to the best of our ability we should be giving teams like this a hiding.
  17. As good a place as any to paste this Rangers’ plan for the papers is pure hubris The club wants reporters to pay for access, but should remember it has not always been so mighty July 26 2021, The Times This has been an exceptional sporting summer: The British Lions’ pulsating victory in South Africa. Adam Peaty heading for gold in Tokyo. Novak Djokovic claiming a record-equalling 20th Grand Slam at Wimbledon. Collin Morikawa winning the Open golf championship on his debut. I would like to add the start of the football season in Scotland. Except there is a sour taste to it. Last season brought one of the most remarkable resurrections in the history of the Scottish game. Rangers, a club mired for years in financial scandal, insolvency, and a humiliating demotion to the third division, completed their return to the heights of the premiership by winning the title — their first in ten years. Under a brilliant manager, Steven Gerrard, they have turned their fortunes around. That comeback was reported, daily and in detail, on the back pages of every Scottish newspaper. Not any more. Rangers are proposing that coverage should be paid for. Not a pound or so, but big money. Newspapers will be asked for £25,000 for the privilege of reporting team news. That would allow one reporter and one photographer to attend matches and pre-match press conferences, and buy five exclusive interviews and a sit-down briefing with the manager. For £10,000 they would have access to the club, and one “exclusive” story. The media would be expected to pay for news — a concept that runs counter to the whole concept of freedom of the press. The response from newspapers can best be described as “cool”. One hopes the proposal will be thrown out with much the same disdain as the “super league” put forward by European clubs who ignored the interests of their fans in the interest of profit. It is an arrogant policy. It assumes that such is the power of a club that has forced itself to the head of the premiership, newspapers will be prepared to join an exclusive club within which information will be shared. That information, of course, will be controlled by Rangers. One has to assume that the privileged briefings and interviews will be entirely at the behest of the club’s executives. Independent scrutiny will go out of the window. This is not only about making money, it is about the power to manage news and ensure that it is positive. For a club that has only just emerged from the mire, this is hubris of a high degree. Rangers may be enjoying a one-year high, but who is to say it will be maintained? A manager departs, say, the wins drop away, suspicions grow that the bosses are withholding investment in good players. Who is there to probe for the truth, when every reporter is inside the bubble? The club seems unaware of all this. It argues that as television pays high fees for coverage, so should newspapers. But there is a crucial difference. Coverage of live games on TV is a boost to ratings, which have a commercial value. Newspapers are giving readers an insight into where the club stands. When, for instance, yesterday’s friendly against Real Madrid is reported, there will be no question-and-answer with the manager, no discussion about tactics or team choices. Any comments will have to be gleaned from Rangers TV, controlled by the club itself. What is depressing is to note the complete lack of comment from the Scottish Professional Football League — the body that governs the national men’s association football league. Its own rules say there must be media access, but it has, so far as I can see, said nothing about all this. If Rangers have their way and some news organisations accept their terms, this will be the thin end of an almighty wedge, with celtic possibly willing to join in, and then the other powerful clubs signing on. The club argues that in the era of social media, fans and their organisations have a far wider reach than newspapers. Better by far to restrict access to supporters — that way favourable coverage can be guaranteed. The fans agree. They have a low opinion of the press, which reports bad news as well as the good. That can change, however, and if an independent voice is excluded, who will represent the interests of fans when they demand answers to what has gone wrong? A good example is the Europa League incident in which the Czech player Ondrej Kudela was accused of racially abusing the Rangers player Glen Kamara. A disputed episode that required good, objective reporting, it would have been, under Rangers’ new terms, confined to a club-controlled statement, with no investigation of the circumstances, or the rebuttal from Kudela. One-sided news is no news at all. Football is entertainment as well as spectacle. No self-respecting theatre, concert hall or pop venue would consider charging critics for access. Pretty soon the notices would dry up and the audiences dwindle. In England, where clubs would quite fancy charging newspapers, the argument has got nowhere. Nor should it in Scotland. Rangers would do well to remember an ancient virtue called humility. It is less than ten years since the club was downgraded to the third division, where it lost 1–0 to Stirling Albion, then the bottom club in the country. Success is never guaranteed; a downward spiral can occur in the blink of an eye. Best perhaps to remember that old adage about pride coming before a fall.
  18. I am not arguing but I would also point out that there are always going to be a broad spectrum of people that support any club. It’s not exactly that they need “weeded out” of our support. it’s more that our society as a whole needs elevated. Society has degenerates so our support, along with all others will have degenerates. Society has folk that cannae handle their bevvy so our support will have those folk too. Christ society even has bigots so inevitably all football clubs will ha e an element of bigoted supporters. My issue is that people look at the behaviour of society yesterday and attribute it to “Rangers fans” .... its bollocks. It’s oversimplification of the situation for the purpose of pushing an agenda.
  19. I rejoined Twitter to see some of the celebration videos. Immediately saw the likes of Ross Greer polarising and simplifying complex issues for political purposes. Deleted Twitter again. social media is a cancer on society. Pricks will be pricks but social media endeavours to tar everyone with the same brush to their own agendas. It is actual chimpanzee mentality. Our brains have not evolved to deal with social media Anyway. Back in my analogue world again and fucking happier for it.
  20. It’s pretty terrifying the way this is all playing out to be honest. Not just in Scotland either. This global censoring of speech and feigning offence at words is something an awful lot like fascism. I long for the days when the fuckwit that came out with that tweet would have got a leathering for his trouble and no more said about it. back when we could call them fenian bastards and they would call us dirty orange bastards and all was well in the world. There used to be jokes about “political correctness gone mad” back in the day. Nowadays it’s actually beyond satire and into totalitarian states
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