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Corky True Legend

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Posts posted by Corky True Legend

  1. 5 hours ago, The Dude said:

    You're asking me if there's a difference in what way? Morally? In terms of the UEFA rule book? If it's the rules then yes. I'm not sure there's would breach article 14 (although it would depend on the specifics, so singing something specifically anti-British or using a derogatory term for protestants then it would, if it was a starry plough then it probably wouldnt).

    Genuinely not trying to be difficult here, I don't understand in what way you want me to quantify if there's a difference between them

    "We're the bhoys in emerald green, fuck King Billy and the Queen". Is that anti British enough for you?  Of course you cannot bite the hand that feeds you. With the money that mob have accumulated over the past 7 years in Europe and through inflated transfer fees, there is plenty in their war chest for more than a couple of brown enveloes. Lawwell may not have influence directly but money talks. As regards your assertion that they have been heavily fined, the average pa is only £23,500, hardly breaking the bank.

  2. On 29/07/2019 at 07:53, saintbob1969 said:

    Thats rubbish, are we saying any one who fought for Churchill in WW II agreed with Gallipolli or that everyone who eats spaghetti is Italian. Anyone who supports Labour is, in effect, supporting workers and equality, full stop.

    Bollocks. In case you didn't realise, Gallipolli was i  WWI.

  3. 3 hours ago, cushynumber said:

    all footballers now appear to have developed that surly persona. Ultimately i think they only want to engage with fans when they feel like it and when things are going great. They like praise.

    Anything else and its back in the shell

    Maybe they've been taking lessons from Marco Negri.

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