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    lefkada reacted to Ger_onimo in Jakey Tims abusing Alfie at hotel   
    It’s mental. I live in England so there’s not a huge amount of us or them, but literally any time I hear a Glasgow accent I can tell just by looking at them if it’s one of them. My Mrs can’t believe it, I’ve never got one wrong. 😂
  2. Like
    lefkada reacted to Colin Traive in Jakey Tims abusing Alfie at hotel   
    To be fair, she got closer to him than most of the celtic back four.
    Maybe she could get a place in their back four.
    In fact, given the size of her, she could BE their back four.
  3. Like
    lefkada reacted to They Gnu in Jakey Tims abusing Alfie at hotel   
    Hartson sat at the next table to me in a Cardiff restaurant, just ignored the mong all night.
  4. Like
    lefkada reacted to julescotia in Nikica Jelavic - Video   
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    lefkada reacted to siddiqi_drinker in Grezda - where is he?   
    he's so fast even the cameras can't catch him.
    Some of the comments about him remind me of the comments about Alfredo when he joined, time to give the guy a chance 
  6. Like
    lefkada reacted to Tiger Shaw in The Ibrox complex up for sale.   
    Will be sold to the highest bidder, unlike the land around peado Park that was basically giving to the tarriers for penny’s and at a guess free hospitality for some rancid council members. 
  7. Like
    lefkada reacted to ShanksRFC in The Ibrox complex up for sale.   
    Wonder if we will get it offered to us at a reduced rate by GCC like the bheasts do over on the East? I think not..
  8. Like
    lefkada reacted to Junior Soprano in The Ibrox complex up for sale.   
    How will the children cope with not being able to play and train on those fucking lethal 1G pitches.
    I hope we are pursuing the purchase for this and showing Glasgow Life and GCC the kind of deals that were made with the scum.
  9. Like
    lefkada reacted to denya in Good read about Morelos   
    Majority of football players here grow up in humble places. It is maybe little exagerrated story but good that a newspaper there write about him. He is definitely not on back pages of newspapers here though, this is very exagerrated and selling fruit is very normal everyplace here, I have family that live in Cordoba near Cereté and it is not 4th most poor area of Colombia this I am very sure but most people here live in humble lives. They could write articles of every player from here just the same. But hope he scores the goals for Rangers to get the 55!
  10. Like
    lefkada reacted to BridgeIsBlue in Good read about Morelos   
    Not loved a player like him since Dado Prso 
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    lefkada reacted to wullyRFC in Left Back Position   
    Barisic should be near the sqaud untill he shaves his hair either
  13. Like
    lefkada reacted to eejay the dj in The latest from Tom Irish   
    It really is time to stop posting his twitter comments on here 
    The cunt isn't going to change 
  14. Like
    lefkada reacted to 72barca in Is there a waiting list for STs next year?   
    Who wouldn't want to guarantee a seat to watch the famous go for 56?
  15. Like
    lefkada reacted to Inigo in The latest from Tom Irish   
    There's that obvious reluctance.
    There's also the fact that an article that's been prompted by the Beaton threat disparagingly mentions 'conspiracy theories' only once... and it's in regards to Rangers fans. It's a small thing, but it helps create an undertone. And it adds to the feeling that whenever sellic go over the line both clubs are criticised, but whenever we go over the line only we are, and that usually when both are, we get the slightly harsher time of it.
    Pity because I get where he's going and he makes some good observations, he just goes at it from obviously skewed standpoint.
  16. Like
    lefkada reacted to Colin Traive in The House of Cards   
    Most of us knew it would happen but, personally, I thought it would take our first trophy to push them over the edge. But no, a single goal victory in a single match has done the trick.
    The seeds were sewn in the summer when complacency and arrogance led them to think that a  squad actually weaker than the previous season (Dembele, Roberts out, Morgan in) would still be too strong for everyone else. Some of their support began to fidget but Big Peter and St Brenda had never failed them, right?
    Defeats to Killie and Hibs increased the jitters as our European heroics indicated a steel and determination absent for so long. The fidgeting got worse as they announced a bonus of 2.3m for Big Peter yet couldn’t shake off Rangers or Killie in the league they had come to see as their own.
    Their friends in the media stayed loyal, hounding Morelos at every turn and bigging up journeymen like Christie and Edouard as if they were world beaters. And of course, the loyal suppression of THAT story continued for the most part as the verdicts were reported but our courageous journalists steadfastly refused to join the dots.
    Then it happened. St Brenda’s first defeat at the thirteenth hurdle. Their fourth defeat of the season matching the total of the previous two seasons combined. And the manner of the defeat was even more telling than the scoreline. Totally dominated and clueless.
    They are creatures of habit and, true to form, they turned on the officials and the SFA (an organisation more loyal, valuable and reliable to them than a bloody guide dog to a blind man) in a major deflection operation. The rules which state that, if the referee saw an incident and chose not to act, then no further sanctions can be applied, surely couldn’t apply here.
    “‘Mon tae fuck” they howled.
    The house of cards begins to shudder.
    Then Rangers ramp up the pressure by strengthening further with Defoe, Davis, Jones and Kamara on their way. Shit, this is serious.
    And so the head of the supporters group (Mr “not enough Protestants on the Titanic“ himself) writes to the erstwhile allies at Hampden, effectively calling them cheats for following the rules. And, in what is clearly an orchestrated manoeuvre, the club follow it up with a demand for transparency. The club which has made an art form of secrecy and cover up now pushing for “transparency”. Utterly priceless.
    Their world is collapsing in on them and they are in blind panic.
    And of course, there hangs over them, THAT story. It hasn’t gone away and they may yet regret the stupidity of turning on the SFA who will hold the fate of that poisonous club in their hands.
    It is the perfect storm and it has been a long time coming. Their lack of class and dignity is exposed for all to see and it is not pretty. The house of cards is hanging by a thread and an act of defiance or bravery by either the SFA or a serious journalist (Mark Daly?) will surely bring the whole rancid slum crashing to the ground.
    I am thoroughly enjoying the show so far and would encourage all Bears to pull up a chair with, dare I suggest, a bowl of jelly and ice cream?

  17. Like
    lefkada reacted to ianferguson in No further punishment for Morelos   
    Dermott Gallagher is no friend of Rangers but said NO red cards , Christie and Ralston both guilty of simulation,no physios involved for any of the incidents. If tims had been leading Ralston would still be rolling around but was a quick heeler when a goal down.
  18. Like
    lefkada reacted to julescotia in Rangers Vs celtic - Video   
  19. Like
    lefkada reacted to miracle in Paedo Harbouring Bheast FC   
    In fairness they were silent for 90 minutes afterwards...
  20. Like
    lefkada reacted to sandyinroyalblue in Not a green and grey top in sight   
    I remember on the radio years ago they had a topic going about the most unusual place you had seen a Scottish football shirt and a Bear texted in and said he once seen a Cel**c top in a washing machine
  21. Like
    lefkada reacted to Billy1984 in Jack's Goal from another angle   
    That roar 😮
  22. Like
    lefkada reacted to shotstopper in Sportscene again   
    Will watch it tomorrow on I-player, as I usually do, so I can fast forward the shite that they spout.
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    lefkada reacted to G.E.C. in "Someone to put Scott Brown in his place"   
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    lefkada reacted to wully in SLO on Twitter - tickets for Saturday   
    Should further cut the tarriers allocation then.
  25. Like
    lefkada reacted to stevemac in Alfredo dropped an Old Firm bombshell   
    unsettling a player before a crucial game against our big rivals? Well I never.
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