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Ross-Gazza genius

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Everything posted by Ross-Gazza genius

  1. We are already using loans but we're going to throw a war chest at Fdb.........eh no!
  2. Not sure what offers he's had but if he was then maybe it wasn't money at that club that was the issue. It would be at ours though. Personally I didn't think much of his ajax team that drew and beat Ceptic when Delila was in charge, then his stint at Inter wasn't great. IF we were going to flaunt a blank cheque book to someone Frank wouldn't be my choice.
  3. Things weren't great from after the old firm game last season!! He filled the squad with quantity and no quality, struggled to make his tactics work and was amateurish in his approach to games. I remember a Brentford fan pre warning us of his major flaws when he signed and he was spot on with it.
  4. Rdb mentioned budget as 1 of things Fdb would have to consider! That alone rules us out. With them both having history at our club they probably don't want to be so harsh and say no chance but in my eyes this will never happen. Can see them ending up at a West Ham or similar.
  5. KEEP: Foderingham, Alnwick, Hodson, Hill, Wilson, Wallace, Rossiter, Windass, Crooks, Mckay, Miller, Dodoo. SELL/FREE: Tavernier, Kiernan, Senderos, Halliday, Holt, Forrester, Kranjcar, O'halloran, Waghorn, Garner. Toral and Hyndman back to their clubs. Only kept Crooks/Rossiter and Dodoo coz I haven't seen enough to give a proper verdict
  6. Never stated it was his wife! Only picked up on what others had mentioned in the other thread. So his reaction is out of order yet the unprovoked abuse while sitting with a partner/wife/parents or nobody is ok? Have you sat in the middle of 10/50/100/1000s of fans abusing you? Would you know how it feels or what the vibe was like? IF SAID INCIDENT IS TRUE then it's shambolic, pathetic, lacks respect and nothing more than neanderthal behaviour. Regardless of whether he picks up a wage or not when he's technically off duty he shouldn't be set upon by anyone. In our working life's it wouldn't happen and there's is no different.
  7. There's a time and a place for giving our players stick, if they are stripped and in the squad then fair enough but if he's sitting in the stands with his partner then show some fucking respect and leave the guy alone. I understand it's tough for folk to bite their lip when they are frustrated and angry about certain things but abusing someone while sitting with his partner doesn't make you a die hard Rangers fan it just paints us in a bad light. I like most wouldn't be sad to see the back of him but there's a line we shouldn't cross. We're better than this!!!
  8. Regardless who the manager is next season, Kenny Miller should be here for many years in some capacity! Exceptional model professionals like him won't come along too often and we can't afford to let guys like him leave in our state.
  9. Overreaction my arse!! I was willing to give Mark the full season but enoughs enough. We've been embarrassed twice now at Tynecastle and at the piggery, throw into that all the other games we've faltered in and the games we've scraped by in....it's just not good enough. We can all say he's limited with the poor backing he's had but he's continuously shopped in an over inflated market that we can't afford. I'm almost certain the £2 million he's spent on Garner we could've got a better option abroad and cheaper. Our manager is tactically inept and no amount of patience will solve that. Maybe open your eyes and wake up before you start telling others they are overreacting.
  10. Everton have a player in Tom Davies who is only 19 and has played almost every minute of their last 3/4 games at a much higher standard than ourselves......what's your thoughts on that Warburton? It's the same shite that comes out his mouth all the time! Well guess what Mark, every Rangers fan has learned that you're not the manager to take us further so maybe look at your own geography and fuck off back to London.
  11. What an absolute shambolic performance!!!!! Every fucking game Tavernier,Kiernan and Halliday are mince, by far our weakest players in the squad. I know how much of a bomb scare Senderos is but he must be better than that fucking retard Kiernan!! If we don't have another defensive midfielder then play 442 or play a system that doesn't rely on 1, coz Halliday is no more than a backup for left back/mid. Tavernier isn't good enough at all! His main job is to defend and if you can't do that then please take your bum chums and fuck off coz you're playing for the famous Glasgow Rangers and we don't deserve half arsed performances. We lack ability all over the park and this is down to Warburton filling the squad and wage bill with quantity and not the quality we needed, he's had some money and wasted it and nobody can disagree with that, is it as much as we hoped..... NO but Warburton is still trying to shop in an over inflated English market that we quite simply can't afford. KING/WARBURTON DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND GET YOUR JACKET AND FUCK OFF
  12. In this day and age it's all about money and the young man would be silly not to accept that. What if he rejects a big move and stays but never fulfills his potential then he's missed out on making all that money which could've been made a massive difference to his family's life. If he does go I hope he chooses Arsenal as he would have more chance of coming through than at Chelsea.
  13. Keeping them here for that long will be impossible. Look at Pogba, as soon as he realised he was good enough he left Man Utd to get 1st team football and now he's 23 he's already regarded as top class. If we could keep them until they were 20/21 and sell them for a hefty amount with a sell on clause then that is a success.
  14. I understand what you're saying but in some cases young players are going to move whether we like it or not, especially those tipped to go to the top. There's still enough good young talent for us to make Auchenhowie worth it, 1 player doesn't change that. Gilmour obviously isn't ready for 1st team football so those saying we should give him a chance needs to understand that, we can't counter the fact that he wants to leave by throwing him into a 1st team game at a packed ibrox with folk screaming he's shite every time he doe's something wrong just to keep him. I would love the young man to stay as there's no guarantee that moving to Chelsea now will make him the finished article, loads of young talent already there and in the same boat. However the lure of training with hazard, pedro or fabregas is more appealing than training with forrester,Holt or windass.
  15. Bellerin left Barcelona for arsenal and is now regarded as 1 of the best right backs around at the moment, Pogba and Man Utd saga and also Real Madrid lost Eto'o who ended up at their biggest rivals. Obviously this won't happen as often at a bigger club but it does happen. Shutting Auchenhowie would be a ridiculous idea in my eyes, just because we are losing 1 highly tipped wonderkid doesn't mean we are always going to lose our best talent. If Gilmour is going to be the next best thing then we can't stand in his way but we can still produce quality youngster's who will want to stay. It's not as if there is 2 levels of players at youth(world class/ shite), very good youth players will still come through but the class may leave.
  16. Both nasty tackles and correct decision in my eyes.
  17. Is it not a superstitious thing? Or trying to copy Suarez!
  18. Chelsea want £10/15 million for asmir begovic, is Wes at the same standard as him......no chance, if I had a choice between both I'd take Asmir. I think he's had a good season so far and definitely improved, but he's only been tested at a poor standard and doesn't have the experience of Europe or international level. If it came down to selling him I'd push for £5 million but I think realistically it would be around £3 million.
  19. I think Windass was out with a double hernia at the time we signed them but crooks was fit and playing.
  20. For me the length of his contract is going to make it difficult to claim a large fee. If we get offered around the £5 million mark I'd take it but make sure there's a sell on clause and maybe ask to loan him back until the end of the season. If he does go this window there is no chance we'll see any of the money as it will be put towards the summer targets.
  21. I agree with what your saying but it's hard to play hard ball when he's only got 18 months left on his contract.
  22. I can't complain with what you've said coz with most managers we've had there comes a time when you can't wait to see the back of them. We unfortunately don't have the money to invest in a top manager so we may need to go for someone who has a bit of history with the club, looking at who has the experience and thick skin of maybe dealing with our demands I feel big Eck would fit that bill. I honestly don't know what manager we could pull in that would be able to deal with our demands in this current situation.
  23. I was referring to the season where he only spent about £3 million. I know it's harder times now but I'd much rather have mcleish in charge than Warburton. Warburtons signings as a whole have been poor and his reluctance to scour the full market is costing us more. I have no doubt we could've got a better striker than garner for the money we spent if he looked abroad.
  24. Who also managed at a time when Scottish football was far better than it is now.
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